- 名meristem;meristematic tissue

Following locus T ( FT ) gene as a " florigen ", one of the flowering-time genes , can activate floral meristem feature genes and induce flowering .
PI was expressed in the floral meristem and stage 2 flower of pAP1 : IPT4 transgenic plants , and the PI mRNA level increased along with subsequently flower development .
These two growth processes involve different meristems .
High Molecular Weight DNA Preparation from Nuclei or Chromosomes of Root Meristem of Wheat
Root meristematic cells and pericyclic cells first divided .
GAs can promote cell division , accelerate germination .
Meristem culture of Oriental Hybrid Lily through its scales was studied in MS medium with different external hormone treatments .
LEAFY is an important regulator of floral meristems genes in higher plants .
TCP family is a transcription factor family which particularly exists in plant genome . It mostly works in meristem and has great relationship with cell differentiation and cell growth .
Arabidopsis LAS , a member of the GRAS family , has an important role in the initiation of axillary meristems .
Chromosome number and morphology in meristematic cells of root tips from seedling of phragmites communis were studies .
Three-dimensional structures of meristematic cells of Allium cepa were studied using fre - eze-fracture method under the scanning electron microscope .
Plantlet regenerations were developed from global embryo , heart-shaped embryo , torpedo-shaped embryo and cotyledon embryo , in which the V-shaped vessel vascular bundles and shoot tip meristem and root tip meristem were observed .
Exogenous DNA was injected into the intercalary meristem at stages from elongating of apical cones to differentiation of floret apex of winter wheat . In this generation ( H_0 ), the plants of acceptors appeared the characters of donors .
Studies on Petunia hybrida Transformed with Flower_meristem_identity Gene AP1
SNB is expressed in all the examined tissues , but most strongly in the newly emerging spikelet meristems .
We previously reported that SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) regulates the transition of spikelet meristems into floral meristems in rice .
These results indicate that the initiation of senescence process in pumpkin stain 185 plants is closely related to the death of cells in apical meristem and mesophyll .
The RNA and DNA contents determined were maximum at distances between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm from the tip of the root , whereas the relative content of nucleic acid in the tissue was maximum at the meristem of the root .
The changes of the nucleolus during cell cycle in Triticum aestivum were studied by Bernhard staining method .
The SHORT-ROOT ( SHR ) gene , first cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana , is a key regulator not only in root radial patterning but also in root meristem maintenance .
In the process of shoot-tip meristem culture of the maize in vitro , phenols produced by the culture shoot tips were apparently related to the genotype of the maize , and they would be intensified by lower ( or higher ) pH value of the medium .
With the binoculars and stereoscopic microscope , the meristem of shoot-tips containing growing cone and 1,2,3 or 4 leaf primordia separately were grafted on etiolated rootstocks to obtain shoot-tip grafted plantlets . And the pathogen of Citrus Yellow Shoot was determined by PCR technique .
Plant apical meristem is changing from the endogenous metabolic pathways to external phenotype of this transition . And the MADS-box genes have important roles in it .
There were no F-W complexes but normal proplastids in laticifer at the initial stage of its development .
We speculated that a WUS-type atypical HD protein might also be involved in the specification and maintenance of the root apical meristem ( RAM ) stem cells of rice .
The functions of Arabidopsis thaliana floral meristem identity genes and floral organ identity genes have been well studied , and some environmental factors such as light and temperature were implicated in floral development modulation .
Scanning electron microscope and paraffin section observation showed that the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) of the CAPC lines enlarged and projected with increased cell number . 4 .
The apical meristems were excised from the seedlings of 40 ~ 60 hours and cultured on the MSB medium without / with hormone or active charcoal .
Here , we report the identification of the SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) gene controlling the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem and the floral organ development .