
fēn zǐ miǎn yì xué
  • molecular immunology
  1. 人类血小板分子免疫学研究进展

    Progress of Studies on Molecular Immunology of Human Pletelets & Editorial

  2. 鱼类免疫学,尤其是分子免疫学研究不多,尚处于起始阶段。

    Until now not much was studied in fish immunology especially in molecular immunology .

  3. 因此,B细胞活化相关基因的研究一直是分子免疫学的研究热点之一。

    Therefore , to find novel B cell activation-associated gene is one of hot study fields in immunology .

  4. HCV慢性感染的分子免疫学机制研究进展

    The molecular immune mechanisms of HCV persist infection

  5. 与Graves眼病有关的眼肌自身抗原抗体的分子免疫学研究

    Molecular Immunological Studied of Eye Muscle Autoantigens and Antibodies Related to Graves ' Ophthalmopathy

  6. Th细胞识别的表位可能在3949肽段,B细胞识别的表位可能主要在1318残基或其附近,为分子免疫学的深入研究提供了线索。

    But of the C-terminal sequence is of polymorphism I the epitope recognized by Th cells may be at 39 - 49 , and by B cells at or adjacent to 13 - 18 .

  7. 该文主要讨论HCV慢性感染的分子免疫学机制,包括由于基因突变导致的免疫逃避及HCV蛋白影响机体免疫功能的机制。

    Here we discussed the molecular immune mechanisms of HCV persistence , including the immune evasion strategies evolved by this virus and the roles of HCV proteins in modulation of immune system .

  8. CPGDNA作为一种新型的免疫佐剂是目前分子免疫学研究的热点之一。CPGDNA是含有CpG基序(CpGmotifs)的细菌DNA、质粒DNA和寡核苷酸(ODN)的统称。

    Recent studies showed that CpG DNA , such as bacterial DNA , plasmid DNA and oligodeoxynucleotides ( ODN ) which all contain unmethylated CpG motifs , could be used for novel vaccine adjuvant to enhance the humoral and cellular immune responses .

  9. 目的探讨肝郁证、脾虚证的分子免疫学机制及二者的相互关系。

    [ Objective ] To investigate molecular immunology mechanism of liver - qi stagnation syndrome ?

  10. 家蚕分子免疫学方面的最新研究已经初步勾勒出其先天免疫的轮廓。

    Recent accomplishments in molecular immunology have revealed just a preliminary outline for silkworm innate immunity .

  11. 细胞与分子免疫学杂志

    Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology

  12. 分子免疫学是预防医学和预防兽医学等相关学科的博士研究生的专业基础课。

    Molecular immunology is the foundation course of doctoral professionals who work on preventive medicine , prevention veterinary science and other related disciplines .

  13. 随着肿瘤分子免疫学与分子生物学研究的进展,治疗性肿瘤疫苗的研究成为肿瘤治疗研究的主要发展方向。

    With the development of molecular immunology and molecular biology of tumor antigens , tumor vaccine therapy becomes the leading area in tumor treatment research .

  14. 近年来免疫生物学,分子免疫学的发展对肠道粘膜免疫功能的了解有了巨大的进步。

    A great progress in our understanding of the functions of gut-associated lymphoid tissue was achieved because of the advances in immuno-biology and molecular immunology .

  15. 随着分子免疫学、分子病毒学和分子生物学等相关技术的发展,如何利用基因工程技术生产基因工程疫苗来预防和控制该病成为一项迫在眉睫的问题。

    With the development of immunology , virology and molecular biology , how to prevent and control the disease with genetic engineering vaccine become urgent question .

  16. 对警报素的进一步的研究将有助于深入的了解宿主与寄生虫的相互关系,为防预与感染相关的免疫病理性疾病奠定了分子免疫学基础。

    Further studies of this class of alarmins may facilitate in-depth understanding of the host-parasite interaction and aid in development of counter-measures for the control of infection-associated immunopathology .

  17. 因此,将对激素-受体间作用的机理研究、对分子免疫学的发展及研究新的肽类诊断试剂或疫苗均可创造较好的条件。

    It is obvious that SMPS is a great help to promote the researches of hormone-receptor interaction and of molecular immunology and to develop some new diagnostic reagents and synthetic vaccines .

  18. 蛋白质抗原结构与免疫原性关系的研究推动了分子免疫学与结构免疫学的发展,而后者又迫切要求从分子水平更深入地认识复杂的免疫现象。

    The study of relationship between the antigen structure and its antigenicity makes progress in molecular immunology and structural immunology , and the latter needs understanding the complex immunological phenomena on the molecular level .

  19. HBV的基因变异对分子生物学和免疫学分析的敏感性提出了挑战。

    Genetic variability of HBV greatly challenges the sensitivity of immunologic and molecular based assays .

  20. 随着分子生物学、免疫学、基因工程技术的发展,各种DC疫苗和DC细胞的治疗应运而生,发展迅速。

    With the developments of molecular biology , immunology and genetic engineering , rapid progress has been made in DC vaccines and application of DC-based immunotherapy .

  21. 加里温克是美国俄亥俄州州立大学心理学、神经科学、分子病毒学、免疫学和医学遗传学教授,是《大脑与饮食(YourBrainonFood)》一书作者。

    Professor of psychology , neuroscience , and molecular virology , immunology , and medical genetics at The Ohio State University , Wenk is author of the book Your Brain on Food .

  22. 近年来,流式细胞计量术(flowCytometry,FCM)在细胞生物学、分子生物学、免疫学、血液学及肿瘤学等学科领域中已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Flow cytometry is becoming an important tool in basic and clinical medicine . For example , flow cytometry has been useful in cell biology , molecular biology , immunology , hematology , oncology widely .

  23. 虽然许多分子生物学和免疫学的证据都表明EBV与鼻咽癌的发生有关,但目前国内外所有的文献并没有完全肯定EBV就是鼻咽癌的病因。

    Although molecular biological and immunological evidence suggests that EBV is closely related to the development of NPC . In present literature , EBV as an etiological factor was not yet determined .

  24. 宫颈癌治疗性多肽疫苗的分子设计及免疫学功能研究

    Molecular design and immunologic effect of therapeutic peptide vaccine against cervical cancer

  25. 过去的几年里,随着分子生物学和免疫学的进展,肿瘤抗原的研究取得了很大进步;

    In recent years , with the development of molecular biology and immunology , the research on tumor antigen advanced quickly ;

  26. 随着分子生物学及免疫学的进展,生物治疗成为肿瘤治疗的第四种治疗模式。

    With the development and progression of molecular biology and immunology , biological therapy has become the fourth treatment modality of cancer treatment .

  27. 分子生物学和免疫学的发展为肝癌的基因治疗研究提供了新的理论依据和技术方法。

    The development of molecular biology and immunology of liver provided some new theoretical basis and technological methods to cancer gene therapy research .

  28. 随着分子生物学和免疫学的发展,肿瘤标记物在肺癌的诊治中正受到越来越大的关注,为探索特异的有效的肿瘤标记物,国内外已开展了大量的实验研究,尤其对于角蛋白家族。

    Now , early detection of lung cancer is the key , and more and more attentions are paid to tumor markers , especially keratins .

  29. 蛋白质分离纯化技术推动了对基因工程、分子生物学、免疫学和疾病诊断学等许多新兴学科的发展。

    Protein separation and purification technology plays an important role in promoting the development of genetic engineering , molecular biology , immunology , disease diagnostics , and many other emerging disciplines .

  30. 随着分子遗传学,免疫学,生物化学及分子生物学的迅速发展,人们对肿瘤发生发展过程中的细胞和分子水平的变化有了更深刻全面的认识。

    The rapid developments in the field of immunology , molecular genetics , biochemistry and molecular biology have greatly deepened our expertise concerning the process of tumor origination and progression at the cytological and molecular level .