
jiǎn liú jì
  • galvanometer;galvo
检流计[jiǎn liú jì]
  1. 两相TA配电网零序电流构造方法研究当检流计的读数为零时,电路处于零平衡位置。

    Study of Making Zero Sequence Current in Distribution Networks with Two Phases Current Transformers ; When the galvanometer reads zero the circuit is in the null-balance position .

  2. 讨论了电桥灵敏度S与桥臂的阻值以及检流计内阻Rg之间的关系,并且给出了在限定条件下S的极大值。

    The relationship between sensitivity of bridge and resistance of arm of bridge and inner resistance of galvanometer was studied . Under certain conditions , maximum of sensitivity of bridge was given .

  3. 利用经典电桥法对电缆绝缘故障点位置进行测定,采用高电压、高性能电子放大器代替检流计使测量范围延伸到高达10MΩ的绝缘故障测量。

    Use the classical bridge method to test the position of the insulated fault point , adopt high voltage and high performance electronic amplifier to substitute galvanometer extend the measuring range of the insulation resistance to 10M Ω .

  4. 提出了一种检测光束扫描性能的方法,并用于光机扫描,测量几种频率下,指令函数为三角波和锯齿波时,M3检流计式振镜扫描器的扫描函数。

    This article brought up a method of inspecting the property of the scanner , and applied the method to optic mechanic scanner , Scanning functions of M3 galvanometer scanner under the drive of triangle wave and saw tooth wave instruction functions of several frequencies were measured .

  5. 冲击法测磁时检流计回路的电振荡

    Electrical Oscillation in Ballistic Galvanometer Circuit During Measuring the Magnetic Properties

  6. 惠斯通电桥灵敏度与检流计内阻值关系的分析

    Relationship between Sensitivity of Wheatstone Bridge and Internal Resistance of Galvanometer

  7. 用检流计测量折射率

    Using t. melanogaster , C. The measurement of dielectric refractivity with galvanometer

  8. 检流计电流常数的不确定度分析

    Analysis of indefinite degree of electricity current gauge constant

  9. 灵敏检流计内阻测量的误差分析

    Error analysis about measuring internal resistance of sensitive galvanometer

  10. 高灵敏度检流计内阻的测量

    Inner resistance measurement of electric current detector with high-sensitivity

  11. 单桥中用指示器取代检流计的探讨

    The Substitution of Indicators for Current Detector in One - arm - bridge

  12. 用冲击检流计法测量了合金的静态磁化曲线和磁滞回线。

    The static magnetization curves and hysteresis loops were measured by the ballistic galvanometer .

  13. 等偏法测量检流计内阻的误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Inner Resistance of the Circuit Detector Measured by the Homo Deflection Method

  14. 检流计指示跳变现象的分析

    Phenomenon analysis of galvanometers indicator jump

  15. 本文系统分析了位置反馈检流计式笔描记录系统。

    The theoretical problems of the position feedback galvanometric recording system are systematically considered in this paper .

  16. 一种带放大电路的检流计

    A galvanometer with amplifying circuit

  17. 心理学家将参加实验的男女分别系在一台名为“心理检流计”的机器上。

    Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a " psycho-galvanometer " for tests .

  18. 指针及反射式检流计

    Pointer and reflecting galvanometer

  19. 介绍了用镜式检流计测量金属薄板电导率的四探针测量方法.这一方法是应用恒定电场理论;

    This paper introduces the four-probe method of measuring the conductivity of metal thin board using mirror galvanometer as measuring tool .

  20. 如用作电桥测量、温差电场、电磁感应及光电效应等实验中的检流计。

    It can be used as the current detector in the experiment of bridge measurement , thermoelectricity field , electromagnetic , photoemission .

  21. 本文是从理论推导和数值分析两方面讨论惠斯通电桥灵敏度与检流计内阻值的关系。

    This paper , based on theoretical deduction and numerical analysis , discusses the relationship between sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge and internal resistance of galvanometer .

  22. 估测远处热量来源的高温计;用检流计连接在线路上并且放射物集中在热电偶上。

    A pyrometer for estimating the temperature of distant sources of heat ; radiation is focussed on a thermojunction connected in circuit with a galvanometer .

  23. 交流电桥实验的改进在惠斯登电桥实验中,可用数字电压表代替AC5/1型检流计。

    IMPROVEMENT OF ALTERNATING & CURRENT BRIDGE EXPERIMENT In the Wheatstone bridge experiment , digital voltmeter can be used instead of the AC5 / 1 galvanometer .

  24. 测量误差最终又决定测量结果的有效数字和电位差计应匹配的标准电池及检流计。

    The available numbers of the battery electromotive force amd the selections of the standard battery amd the current detector were determined by the measured error .

  25. 灵敏检流计内阻测量实验是电磁学实验中一个比较复杂有相当难度的实验,难就难在如何提高测量精度。

    Surveying the internal resistance of a sensitive electric current meter is a rather difficult and complicated electromagnetic experiment which is hard to get a high precision .

  26. 根据电桥法测量电阻的基本思想,结合电子学理论,设计一种毋须检流计的新型欧姆表,并介绍它的使用。

    This paper introduces the designing and using of a new type Ohmmeter based on the way of bridge circuit according to the theory of electronics without galvanometer .

  27. 在深入研究分析电桥法原理的基础上,通过提高检流计灵敏度与提高电源电压两方面对传统电桥法进行改进,并研制了基于改进电桥法的成套设备。

    In this paper , an improved bridge method is presented through improving galvanometer sensitivity and power source voltage according to analyzing the principle of bridge method deeply .

  28. 用标准偏差法对半偏法和等偏法测量灵敏检流计内阻的误差进行了系统分析,指出了减小测量误差的措施。

    Systematic analysis is conducted for the error in detecting internal resistance of sensitive detector by standard method of deviation and isogonic method and measures to minimize errors are pointed out .

  29. 相比于常规的检流计镜扫描,声光偏转器可实现的扫描范围较小,导致双光子显微镜的扫描视场较小,因而限制了对更大神经元网络的研究。

    Compared with the conventional galvanometer scanner , the scanning range of AOD is smaller , which leads to a small field of view ( FOV ) of TPM and therefore limits its applications in large neuronal networks .

  30. 介绍了一种光束快速扫描方法,利用通用扫描公司生产的检流计式扫描振镜,构成二维扫描系统,获得了像素为32×32准均匀扫描点阵,扫描帧频可达10帧/s。

    A method of laser beam rapid scanning is introduced . Based on the galvanometer scanner produced by General Scanning Incorporation , a two dimension scanning system is realized with an even pixel array of 32 × 32,10 frames per second .