
lín jiè zhuànɡ tài
  • critical state
  1. 将弗氏标数等于1的情况规定为流动的临界状态。

    The critical state of flow is defined as the condition for which the Froude number is equal to unity .

  2. 对临界状态模型推导了用于隐式计算格式的H矩阵的显式表达式。

    For critical state model , the author derives an explicit formula of matrix H , which is used in implicit computation scheme .

  3. 超临界状态CO2对岩石中烃类物质的萃取与分离

    Co_2 supercritical Extracton and separation of hydrocarbons

  4. 用Z值判别流态的临界状态摩阻值的分析

    Analysis of the Critical Value of Friction Loss in Flow Pattern Determination by Using Z Value

  5. 用CO浓度判别木垛燃烧从通风控制转为燃料控制的临界状态

    Judgement on Critical Burning State of Wood Crib from Ventilation-to Fuel - Controlled Regime by Concentration of Carbon Monoxide in Combustion Products

  6. 在临界状态下,EMP材料对钢表面产生微切削。

    At critical state , micro - cutting has been found on steel surface .

  7. 本论文从CO2的催化活化着手,研究在超临界状态下CO2和环氧烷烃的环加成反应。

    The present thesis originates from catalytic activation of CO2 , and studies the cycloaddition of CO2 with epoxides to produce corresponding cyclic carbonates under supercritical conditions .

  8. 本文研究了三种气体CO2、He、N2在超临界状态下通过多孔陶瓷膜的渗透。

    In our investigations , we studied the permeation of three supercritical fluids , CO2 , N2 , and He through porous ceramic membranes .

  9. 研究了空隙因子对木垛燃烧产物中CO浓度的影响,提出了一种通过燃烧产物中CO的浓度来判别木垛从通风控制燃烧转变为燃料控制燃烧的临界状态的新方法。

    Based on the carbon monoxide concentration in combustion products , this paper puts forward a new method which can judge the critical burning state of wood cribs from ventilation-to fuel-controlled regime .

  10. 使虚边缘质量有明显下降的主要因素有3个:光的色散、高频噪声和CCD光敏元处于临界状态所带来的问题。

    There are mainly 3 factors causing obvious decrease of the quality of virtual edge : chromatic dispersion , high-frequency noises ane problems caused by CCD pixels in critical state .

  11. 由于粘度、比热、介电常数、溶解能力都与密度有关,因此超临界状态下的CO2可通过调节压力来控制流体的物理和化学性质。

    Since the viscosity , specific heat and solvency are related to the density , the physical and chemical properties of SCF could be controlled through the change of the pressure .

  12. 研究表明,达到CTOD某临界状态所需吸收功与温度无关。

    The research shows that the needed absorbing energy to get to certain critical CTOD is independent of temperature .

  13. 但过去针对CO2泡沫压裂液的实验研究大多压力较低,CO2处于气体状态,而在实际压裂工艺中对CO2泡沫压裂液来说,CO2常处于超临界状态。

    Most of the experiments were finished at lower pressure , so that CO 2 was in the gas state . But , in the field , CO 2 is normally in the supercritical state .

  14. 采用Ishihara提出的临界状态线,计算初始状态参量。

    The initial state parameters are calculated with the critical state line established by Ishihara .

  15. 金属的临界状态通过三种方法分析得出,供应危机、供应制约的脆弱性(VSR)以及环境影响。

    Metal criticality is analysed in three ways - supply risk , vulnerability to supply restriction ( VSR ) and environmental implications .

  16. 分析了模型的动力学特性,认为产生1/f涨落的机制在于脑海马神经元处于自组织临界状态,即在混沌的边缘上进化。

    After analysing the dynamics of the model , we think the reason of 1 / f spectrum is that the hippocampal neurons are stated in self-organized criticality , in other words , evolve on the border of chaos .

  17. “最大的投资者喜欢在有流动性的地方交易,”巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的davidwoo表示,“一旦你到临界状态,就有自我维持的趋势。”

    " The biggest investors like to trade where there is liquidity , " says David woo at Barclays Capital . " Once you obtain critical mass , it has a tendency to feed off itself . "

  18. 利用Mathieu方程系数λ和η的本征值关系,得出了载流薄板磁弹性动力屈曲临界状态的判别方程。

    The criterion equation of the magnetic-elasticity kinetic problem was gotten by the eigenvalue relation of Mathieu equation 's coefficient λ and η .

  19. 它是由一个用户组织主持的,但是由于缺少厂商参与,WG未能达到临界状态。

    It is chaired by a user organization , but the WG has failed to achieve critical mass because of a lack of vendor participation .

  20. 本文首先分析了采用电压和功率描述电压临界状态的不足,提出了引入负荷阻抗角的三个参数来描述电压临界状态,即电压V、功率P和负荷阻抗角φ的三元分析法。

    The shortcoming of using voltage and power to describe the voltage critical state is analyzed and the load impedance angle is introduced for the critical point of voltage . The ternary analysis method of voltage V , power P and load impedance angle φ is established .

  21. 本文利用热爆炸的临界状态是其定态方程分岔点的定义,给出了热爆炸临界参数的一个变分原理。泛函J(ψ,φ)的极大值恰好是点火临界参数λi;

    A variational principle for the critical parameter A of thermal explosion is given by means of the definition of the critical state for thermal explosion being the point of bifurcation of the steady equation for thermal explosion .

  22. 模型中,完整状态时的桩土界面单元抗剪强度采用DUNCAN-CHANG模型计算,临界状态时的桩土界面单元承担的应力可采用传统的摩尔-库仑强度理论计算。

    In the model , shear intensity of elements in intact state can be calculated by Duncan-Chang model and which in critical state by Mohr-Coulomb theory .

  23. 在HCCI临界状态时,火花点火有助于提高燃烧稳定性,抑制失火和爆燃,降低循环波动;

    At the critical temperature , utilization of spark ignition was found to improve the stability of HCCI combustion , reduce misfire and knocking as well as cycle-by-cycle variation .

  24. 混沌理论检测微弱周期信号利用了Duffing系统的动力学行为特点,在系统处于混沌临界状态时向系统中加入微弱周期信号,使得系统相空间状态发生改变。

    The model makes use of dynamics behavior characteristics of Duffing system , which is in chaos critical state . We add weak periodic signal to such a system , changing the systematic phase space state .

  25. 基于试样中部变形的p-q-s空间临界状态面试验研究

    Critical state surface in p-q-s stress space based on deformation of middle part of specimens

  26. 为此该文建议一种可能的热力循环:LNG在超临界状态作为闭式Brayton循环的冷源,而以工业余热作为Brayton循环的热源,并对此循环进行了详细的热力分析。

    For this sake , a feasible closed Brayton cycle is proposed , in which the supercritical LNG is taken as its cold sink and an industrial waste heat as its heat source . A detailed thermodynamic analysis is given .

  27. 以市售栀子黄色素为原料,比较系统地探讨了超临界状态下萃取压力、温度、时间、CO2流量、夹带剂对栀子黄色素OD值比率的影响。

    Gardenia yellow pigment that was bought from the market was taken as experimental material in the paper . The influence of extracting pressure , temperature , time , CO 2 flow , modifier on the OD ratio of the gardenia yellow pigment was first studied systematically under supercritical condition .

  28. 从临界状态土力学出发,考虑K0固结引起的诱发各向异性,推导了K0固结条件下三轴压缩和三轴拉伸不排水强度的理论计算公式。

    Based on the researches of the other scholars and the critical state soil mechanics , theoretical formulas of the undrained strength under K0 compression and extension stress condition were derived with consideration of induced anisotropy .

  29. 采用Chavez提出的v-p平面的临界状态线,定义当前孔隙比与当前应力对应的临界孔隙比之差作为状态参量。

    With the critical state line in v-p plane developed by Chavez , the difference between the current void ratio and the critical state void ratio corresponding to the current stress is determined to be the state parameter .

  30. 利用Mathieu方程的稳定解区域与非稳定解区域的分界,即方程系数λ和η的本征值关系,得出了磁弹性问题失稳临界状态的判别方程。

    By discussing the eigenvalue relation of the coefficient λ and η in Mathieu equation , means determining the boundary lines between the steady and unsteady solution areas of Mathieu equation , the criterion equation of the problem is presented here .