- 名critical state

The critical state of flow is defined as the condition for which the Froude number is equal to unity .
For critical state model , the author derives an explicit formula of matrix H , which is used in implicit computation scheme .
Co_2 supercritical Extracton and separation of hydrocarbons
Analysis of the Critical Value of Friction Loss in Flow Pattern Determination by Using Z Value
Judgement on Critical Burning State of Wood Crib from Ventilation-to Fuel - Controlled Regime by Concentration of Carbon Monoxide in Combustion Products
At critical state , micro - cutting has been found on steel surface .
The present thesis originates from catalytic activation of CO2 , and studies the cycloaddition of CO2 with epoxides to produce corresponding cyclic carbonates under supercritical conditions .
In our investigations , we studied the permeation of three supercritical fluids , CO2 , N2 , and He through porous ceramic membranes .
Based on the carbon monoxide concentration in combustion products , this paper puts forward a new method which can judge the critical burning state of wood cribs from ventilation-to fuel-controlled regime .
There are mainly 3 factors causing obvious decrease of the quality of virtual edge : chromatic dispersion , high-frequency noises ane problems caused by CCD pixels in critical state .
Since the viscosity , specific heat and solvency are related to the density , the physical and chemical properties of SCF could be controlled through the change of the pressure .
The research shows that the needed absorbing energy to get to certain critical CTOD is independent of temperature .
Most of the experiments were finished at lower pressure , so that CO 2 was in the gas state . But , in the field , CO 2 is normally in the supercritical state .
The initial state parameters are calculated with the critical state line established by Ishihara .
Metal criticality is analysed in three ways - supply risk , vulnerability to supply restriction ( VSR ) and environmental implications .
After analysing the dynamics of the model , we think the reason of 1 / f spectrum is that the hippocampal neurons are stated in self-organized criticality , in other words , evolve on the border of chaos .
" The biggest investors like to trade where there is liquidity , " says David woo at Barclays Capital . " Once you obtain critical mass , it has a tendency to feed off itself . "
The criterion equation of the magnetic-elasticity kinetic problem was gotten by the eigenvalue relation of Mathieu equation 's coefficient λ and η .
It is chaired by a user organization , but the WG has failed to achieve critical mass because of a lack of vendor participation .
The shortcoming of using voltage and power to describe the voltage critical state is analyzed and the load impedance angle is introduced for the critical point of voltage . The ternary analysis method of voltage V , power P and load impedance angle φ is established .
A variational principle for the critical parameter A of thermal explosion is given by means of the definition of the critical state for thermal explosion being the point of bifurcation of the steady equation for thermal explosion .
In the model , shear intensity of elements in intact state can be calculated by Duncan-Chang model and which in critical state by Mohr-Coulomb theory .
At the critical temperature , utilization of spark ignition was found to improve the stability of HCCI combustion , reduce misfire and knocking as well as cycle-by-cycle variation .
The model makes use of dynamics behavior characteristics of Duffing system , which is in chaos critical state . We add weak periodic signal to such a system , changing the systematic phase space state .
Critical state surface in p-q-s stress space based on deformation of middle part of specimens
For this sake , a feasible closed Brayton cycle is proposed , in which the supercritical LNG is taken as its cold sink and an industrial waste heat as its heat source . A detailed thermodynamic analysis is given .
Gardenia yellow pigment that was bought from the market was taken as experimental material in the paper . The influence of extracting pressure , temperature , time , CO 2 flow , modifier on the OD ratio of the gardenia yellow pigment was first studied systematically under supercritical condition .
Based on the researches of the other scholars and the critical state soil mechanics , theoretical formulas of the undrained strength under K0 compression and extension stress condition were derived with consideration of induced anisotropy .
With the critical state line in v-p plane developed by Chavez , the difference between the current void ratio and the critical state void ratio corresponding to the current stress is determined to be the state parameter .
By discussing the eigenvalue relation of the coefficient λ and η in Mathieu equation , means determining the boundary lines between the steady and unsteady solution areas of Mathieu equation , the criterion equation of the problem is presented here .