
lín chuánɡ ɡuān chá
  • clinical observation
  1. 青霉素V口服治疗中轻度感染的临床观察

    Clinical observation of oral penicillin V in treating mild to moderate infections

  2. 脊髓损伤患者下肢胫神经H反射和F波的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of H-reflex and F-wave of Tibal Nerve in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

  3. IC产品创新当务之急米非司酮用于紧急避孕137例临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Mifepristone in Emergent Contraception with 137 Cases Analysis

  4. 直肠Ca男性患者手术病人麻醉后插尿管的临床观察

    Clinic Observation of the Rectal Cancer Patient Choosing to Put the Urine Tube after Anesthesia

  5. 217例HBsAg携带者16年临床观察

    A 16-Year Clinical Observation on 217 Chronic HBsAg Carriers

  6. 倍频YAG激光治疗早期翼状胬肉的临床观察

    Double frequency YAG laser for pterygium

  7. 尿激酶联合雷公藤多甙片治疗IgA肾病的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Urokinase Combined with Tripterygium Wilfordii Polyglycoside For IgA Nephropathy

  8. 静注5-Fu引起静脉炎临床观察

    Clinical observation of phlebitis caused by intravenous injection of 5-fluorouracil

  9. 飞行人员发作性疾病临床观察与CT、EEG和AEEG的比较

    A Comparative Study of Seizures in Pilots by CT , EEG and AEEG with Clinical Observations

  10. 微剂量肝素治疗急性白血病前DIC临床观察

    Research of micro-dose heparin therapy for acute leukemia with pre-diffuse intravascular coagulation

  11. 瘿气灵治疗Graves病的临床观察与免疫机理探讨

    The Clinic Observe of Ying-Qi-Ling Affecting to Graves Disease and Tend to Discuss Its Immunity Mechanism

  12. 异体肢体移植应用FK506免疫抑制治疗的临床观察

    Clinical application of FK506 in human extremity allograft

  13. LAK细胞和IL-2联合应用膀胱灌注预防肿瘤复发的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Bladder Irrigation with LAK Cell and IL-2 for Preventing Postoperative Recurrence of Bladder Cancer

  14. 应用Seldinger技术放置心包引流管的临床观察

    Clinical observation of Seldinger technique in pericardial catheter drainage

  15. 康复运动对冠心病PTCA术后再狭窄影响的实验研究和临床观察

    The experimental research and clinical observation on the coronary artery restenosis post PTCA in patients with CHD following rehabilitation exercise

  16. LFP方案双途径化疗治疗胃肠道肿瘤的临床观察

    Clinical Study of Two Routes Chemotherapy with LFP Regimen for Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancer

  17. 对照组:入院后不做ICP监测,依据临床观察的意识及生命体征变化,进行治疗。

    As for control group , its therapy , not including ICP monitoring , was administered according to clinical observation on the conditions of consciousness and vital signs .

  18. 半导体激光和Gluma脱敏剂联合治疗重症牙本质过敏临床观察

    Clinical observation of semiconductor laser with gluma desensitizer on severe dentin hypersensitivity

  19. 初步临床观察表明,急性肝损伤时该酶明显升高,肝外梗阻、心肌梗塞等非肝病患者血清SDH一般不增高。

    Via clinical observation , it showed that serum SDH activity increased significantly at hepatic diseases , and hardly changed at non hepatic disease cases such as obstructive jaundice , myocardial infraction , etc.

  20. 目的:探讨超声生物显微镜(UBM)对钝锉伤性低眼压的临床观察及手术治疗效果的价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value in clinical observance and operation of low-tension eyes after contusion using Ultrasound biomicroscopy ( UBM ) .

  21. 应用U-100激光腔内碎石术治疗输尿管及膀胱结石的临床观察

    Clinical Value of Ureteroscope U-100 Laser Lithotripsy on Treatment of Ureter and Bladder Stones

  22. Lennox-Gastaut综合征临床观察

    Clinical Study of Lennox Gastaut Syndrome

  23. 青光眼滤过性手术联合丝裂霉素C19例临床观察

    A Clinical Investigation on Glaucoma Filtering Operation Combined with Mitomycin in 19 Cases

  24. 通过检测成人ALL患者6-巯基嘌呤(6-mercatopurine,6-MP)维持治疗中TPMT活性和基因型,临床观察药物毒性并调整药物剂量,分析该检测对6-MP化疗个体化的临床意义。

    Then to assess TPMT phenotype and genotype in 20 adult ALL who were given maintenance treatment with mercaptopurine ( 6-MP ) and evaluate their clinical management for individualizing 6-MP chemotherapy .

  25. 全反式维甲酸并中医药治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病68例临床观察全反式维甲酸对SHI-1细胞株糖基转移酶表达的影响

    Observation on Rate of Remission in 68 Cases of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Treated with All - trans - retinoic Acid Concerted with TCM Therapy Study on Influence of All-trans-retinoic acid on Expression of Different Glycosyltransferase Gene Families in SHI-1 Cells

  26. 冠状动脉内超声溶栓治疗急性前壁心肌梗死的临床观察

    Clinical observation of coronary ultrasound thrombolysis in acute anterior myocardial infarction

  27. 去骨瓣减压在手术中的应用研究去骨瓣减压术治疗急性大面积脑梗死临床观察

    Clinical application of decompressive craniectomy Decompressive Surgery for Massive Hemispheric Infarction

  28. 国产氟康唑胶囊剂治疗深部真菌感染的多中心临床观察

    A multiple center clinical trial on fluconazole for deep-seated fungal in-fections

  29. 可冲洗气管导管预防呼吸机相关肺炎的临床观察

    Clinical observation of preventive effect of endotracheal tube on ventilator-associated pneumonia

  30. 郄俞配穴法治疗急性痛症68例临床观察

    Treatment of 68 Cases of Acute Pain with Xi Shu Preseription