
  1. 小孩子们都喜欢去秋叶原,为了和别人交换数据。

    Kids want to go to Akihabara just to exchange data .

  2. 中国游客站在东京秋叶原区一家乐购思商场前。

    Tourists from China stand outside a Laox Co shop in the Akihabara district of Tokyo .

  3. 除了在秋叶原电子商业区出售几千日元模型和机器人的商店,其他商家的生意也很兴隆。

    The stores in Akihabara that sell models and robots costing several thousand yen are not the only ones that are doing well .

  4. 在东京霓虹闪耀的秋叶原电子一条街,商店应付这场无疑是年度最大的产品发布,都额外招募了人手。

    In Akihabara , Tokyo 's neon-lit electronics district , stores drafted in extra workers to cope with easily the biggest product launch of the year .

  5. 中国人涌至日本,游览东京迪士尼乐园、去东京秋叶原电器街购物、去日本阿尔卑斯国家公园滑雪。

    Chinese have flocked to Japan to visit Tokyo Disneyland , to shop in the city 's Akihabara gadget district and to ski in the Japanese Alps .

  6. 这是七年来日本死亡人数最多的恶性伤害事件,星期天智大将一辆租来的两公吨卡车驶入东京繁华的电器街秋叶原。

    In Japan 's deadliest crime for seven years , Kato drove a rented two-tonne truck Sunday into Akihabara , a crowded district regarded as an electronics and sub-culture hub .

  7. 在东京以电子产品闻名的秋叶原区,一名汽车零部件工人驾驶一辆租来的卡车撞向行人,之后用刀砍杀路人,致7人死亡。

    An auto parts worker hits pedestrians with a rental truck in Akihabara , a district in Tokyo known for electronics , then attacks passers-by with a knife , killing seven .

  8. 御宅族的一个分支是秋叶系,这里的男性经常待在东京的秋叶原,迷恋动画、偶像和游戏。

    A subset of otaku is the Akiba-kei , men who spend a lot of time in Akihabara in Tokyo and who are mainly obsessive about anime , idols and games .