
  • 网络tokyo station
  1. 我迷路了,无法找到东京站酒店(TokyoStationHotel),它是一处广受好评的奢华物业,在2012年经过了重新装修。

    I was lost . I couldn 't find the Tokyo Station Hotel - a well-reviewed luxury property that was renovated in 2012 .

  2. 好极了,嗯…我是东京站的。

    Perfect . Erm ... I 'm from the Tokyo Station .

  3. 那是一个阳光灿烂的冬日。45分钟之前,我和老友鲍勃·斯里瓦(BobSliwa)在人声鼎沸、层次繁多、纷乱繁忙的东京站登上了这列动车,目的地是海滨城市金泽。

    Three-quarters of an hour earlier , in the midst of a sunny winter 's day , I 'd boarded the train at the loud , insanely complex and many-leveled Tokyo main station , accompanied by my friend Bob Sliwa .

  4. 请问这是到东京站的路吗?

    But is this the right way to Tokyo station ?

  5. 东京站的霍莉·灵智速。

    Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo station .

  6. 东京站酒店会派人到火车站台接宾客到酒店。当然,这项服务仅提供给住店宾客,在那里住一晚的费用超过1000美元。

    The Tokyo Station Hotel goes so far as to meet guests at train platforms and escort them to the hotel - a service that comes only with staying at the hotel , of course , which can run over $ 1000 per night .

  7. 作者:蔡虹,《中国日报》东京记者站站长。

    The author is China Daily 's Tokyo bureau chief .

  8. 上海火车站与东京火车站列车接发能力比较分析

    Comparison of Trains Reception and Departure Capability of Shanghai Railway Station and Tokyo Station

  9. 在东京你要靠左站,在大阪你要靠右站,总之别人怎么做你也怎么做就行了。

    In The Tokyo you stand on the left . In Osaka you stand on the right . Follow what other people are doing .

  10. 周一晚上六点钟,数百万人赶赴郊区,东京主要的火车站仍然非常拥挤。

    At six pm on a Monday evening , Tokyo 's main train station is normally packed , as millions of commuters head to the suburbs .

  11. 摘要该文以的东京饭田桥站地铁车站为例,初步探讨了日本建筑师渡边诚的设计思想和设计方法。

    Taking the design of the Iidabashi subway station at Tokyo as an example , this paper discusses the design principles and the methods of Japanese architect Makata Sei Watanabe .

  12. 走出位于东京市千代田区的东京站(TokyoStation),我转回身去,抬头望向它那壮观的砖石外墙。

    I walked out of Tokyo Station , the big commuter hub in the city 's Chiyoda district , and turned to look up at its gorgeous brick facade .