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yǔ shuǐ
  • rain;rainwater;Rain Water;rainfall
雨水 [yǔ shuǐ]
  • (1) [rainwater;rain;rainfall]∶像雨一样落下来的水,这种水没有机会从土里面吸收可溶解的物质,因此十分的软

  • (2) [rain]∶下成雨的水

  • [Rain Water] 二十四节气之一,在2月18、19或20日

雨水[yǔ shuǐ]
  1. 实际上只有少量雨水渗进了土壤。

    Only a small amount of the rainwater actually infiltrates into the soil .

  2. 我拂去了墓碑顶上的雨水。

    I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone

  3. 雨水在窗上留下一层泥。

    The rain left a deposit of mud on the windows .

  4. 雨水使得帐篷中间开始下坠。

    The tent began to sag under the weight of the rain .

  5. 雨水从破窗户灌进屋内。

    Rain swept in through the broken windows .

  6. 他的灰色针织毛衫和长裤全都被雨水淋透了。

    His grey jersey and trousers were sodden with the rain .

  7. 雨水曾一度被认为可以滋养皮肤。

    Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion

  8. 这原本应当能够防止雨水把门的饰边弄翘的。

    It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim

  9. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

    Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap .

  10. 雨水冲走了火山坡面上的岩屑。

    Rainfall had dislodged debris from the slopes of the volcano

  11. 4年来就数今年8月雨水最多。

    This August has been the wettest for four years .

  12. 她进来时,雨水顺着她的衣服和头发往下流。

    She came in , rain streaming from her clothes and hair .

  13. 他仔细打量着被雨水冲刷的街道。

    He looked up and down the rain-swept street .

  14. 雨水顺着城堡的墙壁流下时会流入蓄水池。

    There were cisterns to catch rainwater as it ran off the castle walls

  15. 雨水冲走表层土壤会造成环境破坏。

    This causes environmental damage when the topsoil is washed away by the rains .

  16. 雨水只会慢慢地渗进来。

    Rain water will only percolate through slowly .

  17. 外面,松树上的雨水滴落在屋顶上,嗒嗒作响。

    Rain pattered gently outside , dripping on to the roof from the pines .

  18. 他安装了雨水檐沟和排水管。

    He installed rain gutters and downspouts .

  19. 雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。

    Rain had begun to streak the windowpanes

  20. 雨水渗入了沙地。

    Rain had soaked into the sand .

  21. 雨水引发保险丝烧熔,使得灯泡都不亮了。

    Rainwater had fused the bulbs .

  22. 他们开始迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。

    They fell into step , walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain

  23. 烈日下,被雨水冲刷过的香草闻起来既冲又香气扑鼻。

    In the hot sun the rain-washed herbs smelled sharp and spicy and sweet all at once .

  24. 山坡向风面的花园比背风面的雨水多。

    Gardens on the windward side of a hill receive more rain than those on the lee side .

  25. 她关上窗户防止雨水把书淋湿。

    She closed the window to protect the books from the rain .

  26. 雨水像瀑布般地从房顶上倾泻而下。

    Rainwater cascaded down the roof of the house .

  27. 路边的沟里积了些雨水。

    There is some rainwater in the ditch along the side of the road .

  28. 雨水渗入地下。

    Rain permeates through the ground .

  29. 当心别让这些货物被雨水淋湿了!

    Take care not to let these goods be rained on !

  30. 前一向雨水多。

    There was quite a lot of rain earlier on .