
yǔ céng yún
  • nimbostratus
雨层云[yǔ céng yún]
  1. 雨层云降水过程的反应&动力模型的突变理论分析

    An analysis of catastrophe theory of a REACTION-DYNAMIC model for the rainfall process of nimbostratus

  2. 第二,每个数据的类别标签参考国家卫星气象中心的云分类产品结果,将实验数据划分为地表、混合像元、高层云或雨层云、卷层云、密卷云、积雨云以及层积云或高积云7类。

    Secondly , the research data , which use the cloud classification productions of National Satellite Meteorological Center as types ' labels , are divided into Land , Mixed cloud , Altostratus or Nimbostratus , Cirrostratus , Cirrus Spissatus , Cumulonimbus and Stratocumulus or Altocumulus .