
yǔ yàn
  • swift
雨燕 [yǔ yàn]
  • [swift] 外表很像燕子,具有很长而窄的翅膀,脚爪很弱,喙短但喙裂较宽,大部分时间在飞翔。当飞落时往往附着在垂直表面上,捕捉飞行中的昆虫为食

雨燕[yǔ yàn]
  1. NASA钱拉德和雨燕卫星*,欧洲天文中心的XMM-牛顿*以及德国的伦琴卫星*的观测,揭露出该物体自1995年到2007年间,持续发出强x射线。

    Data from Chandra , NASA 's Swift satellite , the European Space Agency 's XMM-Newton and the German ROSAT observatory revealed a bright source of X-rays that has remained steady during observation from 1995 to 2007 .

  2. 颐和园夜间照明对雨燕影响的试验研究

    Studies of the Influence of Lighting on Swift Behavior in Summer Palace

  3. 譬如在园中最为落寞的时间,一群雨燕便出来高歌,把天地都叫喊得苍凉;

    or at the loneliest time in the park , a flock of swallows comes out and sings , their desolate song filling the space between heaven and earth ;

  4. 雨燕;在旧的分类中,包含于佛法僧目之中。

    Swifts ; in former classifications included in the order Coraciiformes .

  5. 北京雨燕幼鸟羽毛生长发育研究初报

    A Preliminary Study on the Feather Growth of Nestling of Common Swift

  6. 亚洲东部的雨燕;筑造可食用的鸟巢。

    Swift of Eastern asia ; produces the edible bird 's nest .

  7. 尽管雨燕依靠洞穴遮蔽

    Though the swifts depend on the cave for shelter ,

  8. 北京雨燕是中国北方常见鸟类,作者于1985年4月至1988年8月对北京雨燕幼鸟羽毛发育进行了初步研究。

    Common Swift Apus apus pekinensis is Common birds in north of China .

  9. 在废弃的烟囱中筑巢的美洲雨燕。

    American swift that nests in e.g. unused chimneys .

  10. 昆明地区小白腰雨燕数量变动的研究

    Studies on quantitative change of the house swifts ( apus affinis subfurcatus ) in Kunming

  11. 中国最大的雨燕栖息地

    The biggest swift colony in China .

  12. 入口处聚满了雨燕

    The entrance isfull of swifts .

  13. 雨燕和燕子外表非常相似,其实分属不同目。

    The swifts and swallows are superficially similar to each other but are in fact of different orders .

  14. 产于东南亚和印度东部的鸟,不同于纯种雨燕,羽冠直立,在树上筑巢。

    Birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees .

  15. 藉由假日期间几乎在我们之上,狂热者对不安当中班期望一个褐雨燕结束。

    With the holiday period almost upon us , fans are wishing for a swift end to the unrest amongst the squad .

  16. 科学家最近发现了高山雨燕等候鸟能够在空中持续飞行200天。

    Scientists recently have found that migrating birds , such as the Alpine swift , can fly for 200 days without stopping .

  17. 同时他们也征集有关雨燕、燕子、大黄蜂、胡蜂后和雏菊花出现的消息。

    They have also asked for news of the arrival of swifts , swallows , bumble bees , queen wasps , and daisies .

  18. 但是,雨燕从2月末开始就入住赛耳彭,紫崖燕也在4月的最初几周开始生活于此。

    And yet the swallows had been in Selborne since the end of February , the martins since the early weeks of April .

  19. “雨燕”号发现这次爆发之后不久,两个研究小组利用地面望远镜争先恐后地进行观察,直到信号消失。

    Soon after the burst was detected by SWIFT , both groups scrambled to observe it before the signal faded away using ground-based telescopes .

  20. 燕子研究组成立于2003年,目的主要为研究本地的家燕与小白腰雨燕的生态,及推广有关它们的保育工作。

    The research group was established in2003 with the aim of investigating the ecology of Barn Swallow and House Swift in Hong Kong and promoting their conservation .

  21. 本文对北京珍稀保护动物&雨燕的光照特性、在颐和园的分布作了较为详细的研究;

    In this paper , behavior under lighting and distribution of Beijing swift which is a sort of famous and rare bird in Summer Palace are detailedly studied ;

  22. 人类的身边有着众多朝夕共处但并不显眼的生物,雨燕和紫崖燕只是其中一例。正是因为它们的存在,人类所熟知的事物和地方才拥有了全新的意义。

    The martins and swallows were but one example of the many life-forms co-existing so unobtrusively alongside humans , and for which familiar objects and places had entirely different meanings .

  23. 可我并没意识到就在我将流水的力量、雨燕的速度和石头的坚韧加入剑中的同时,她们的悲伤与死亡的绝望也被加了进去。

    I did not realize that as I bound the power of river , swifts and stone into the metal , I also filled the sword with sorrow and the despair of death .

  24. 燕窝是中国美食,某些品种独特的雨燕是用的唾液来筑巢的,鸟巢就用来当燕窝的原料。

    Bird 's nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine . A few species of swift , the cave swifts , are renowned for building the saliva nests used to produce the unique texture of this soup .