
yǔ rì
  • Rainy day;rain day
雨日 [yǔ rì]
  • [rain day] 一天降雨达0.1毫米以上(包括0.1毫米)的日子

雨日[yǔ rì]
  1. 年平均雨日为147d,雷暴日为96d;

    The mean annual rain day was 147d and thunderstorm day was 96d .

  2. 青海省近40年雨日、雨强气候变化特征

    Climate Variational Characteristics of Rain Day and Rain Intensity for the Last 40 Years in Qinghai Province

  3. 甘肃省近40a汛期无雨日数异常的气候特征分析

    Analysis on the characteristic of the rainless days anomaly in flood season in Gansu Province of China

  4. 佛山市干日、雨日持续日数概率的预报试验

    Forecast test for persistence probability of dry - day at Foshan

  5. 江苏省持续性雨日分布模式的研究

    The study of the rainy days distribution model in Jiangsu Province

  6. 一个故乡的雨日就如昨夜的一场梦一般。

    A rainy day in hometown is just like a dream of last night .

  7. 用降水量和无雨日数判别广州季节性干旱的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Seasonal Drought Events in Guangzhou with Precipitation and Day without Rain

  8. 但当雨日或无日照时,结果较差。

    But in rainy or non-sunshine days , the model doesn 't work well .

  9. 不同等级降雨雨日分布与雨量基本一致。

    The rainy day distribution of different grade rain measurement with the rainfall are basically consistent .

  10. 华南前汛期内雨量、雨日总体上呈现增长趋势并且具有明显的年际变化特征,存在准2年、3~5年、6~8年的振荡周期。

    Besides both of the rainfall and rainy days have main oscillation periods of quasi-2 year , quasi-3-5 and quasi-6-8 years .

  11. 广东雷暴、闪电的减少是气候变化的一个反映,它们与广东省雨日的气候变化比较一致。

    The decrease of thunderstorm reflects the climate change and is consistent with the climatological variation of rain days in the province .

  12. 辽东山区雨日分布特征及其对玉米产量的影响

    Some characteristics of wet days distributions and their effects on the yield of Maize in the mountainous region of East Liaoning Province

  13. 温度日较差对热值有正影响效应,且具有较低的变异系数,雨量与雨日的正效应起修饰作用。

    The daily temperature gap accounted the main effects on the caloric value of two rice varieties and with the minimum coefficient variation .

  14. 结果表明,平均年降水量和雨日的空间分布非常相似。

    The results show that the spatial distribution patterns of multi-yearly mean precipitation in Gansu is similar to that of the rain days .

  15. 种植感病品种、树势强旺、雨日多、雨量大为该病的流行因素。

    The epidemic factors of the disease are : planting the susceptible varieties , overgrowing the trees , raining more days and more rainfall .

  16. 低温累积量,<10℃的天数和<10℃的雨日是造成烂秧的主要因子。

    The main factors affecting the rotting seedlings were the accumulated low temperature , < 10 ℃ days and < 10 ℃ rain days .

  17. 降水量变化幅度较大,平均增加37.0%,雨日增加21.0%,蒸发量增加29.1%:但空气相对湿度和常风风速变化不大。

    The precipitation changed remarkably , increasing by 37.0 % ; the average rain days increased by 21.0 % ; the evaporation by 29.1 % .

  18. 选用降水、无雨日因子,参考作物生长与供水关系,拟用模糊数学方法评定旱情,结果令人满意。

    Assessment of drought has been made using precipitation and rainless day in reference to the relationship between crop growth and water supply by Fuzzy mathematics .

  19. 7~9月天气形势有利于人工增雨日的算例,对流云平均含水量为575万吨,平均降水效率11.4%;

    The cases in which the average water content of convective clouds is 5750 kiloton and the average precipitation efficiency is 11.4 % are favorable for rain enhancement .

  20. 全省年降水量和年雨日在1990年代均为低谷,而在21世纪初又都有上升趋势。

    The yearly rain days and precipitation in Gansu in 1990 ′ s are low values , but the both rise up in the beginning of 21 century .

  21. 降水量以及雨日台湾岛与海南岛分别是北部和中部山区最多,西部最少。

    The precipitation and the rainy days in these two islands are the most in the north and the central mountainous area , and the lest in the west .

  22. 用1961~1999年浙江省36站的资料,研究了浙江省年、季、月降水总量与雨日数的气候变化。

    Study is made of climatic variation of rainfall and rainy days on a yearly , monthly and daily basis in terms of 1961-1999 data from 36 stations in Zhejiang Province .

  23. 利用1960&2003年甘肃省59个测站逐日降水资料,研究了甘肃省四季和年降水量及雨日的气候变化特征。

    Using the day-by-day precipitation data at 59 stations in Gansu province from 1960 to 2003 , the climatic change characteristics of yearly precipitation and rain days in Gansu in four seasons are studied .

  24. 结果表明:气候条件影响广西地区龙眼产量的关键时期为晚秋梢生长期、花芽分化期和开花座果期,关键气候因子分别为气温、雨量、雨日和日照时数。

    The result indicates that key stages include the growth stage of late autumn treetop 、 bud differentiation stage and anthesis stage , and that key climate factors are temperature , precipitation , rainfall days and sunlight time .

  25. 利用青海省1961~2002年26个代表站逐日雨量资料和青海省东部地区10个站1981~2001年降水自记资料,分析近40年来青海省雨日、雨强气候变化。

    Based on the daily rainfall data of 26 stations in 1961-2002 and the precipitation data of 10 stations in 1981-2001 in eastern Qinghai province , the climatic variation characteristics of rain day and rain intensity are analyzed .

  26. 应用趋势分析法和聚类分析法等方法分析了海南岛全岛各站点1961~2004年雨量和雨日分布特征及其变化规律。

    This paper analyzes the annual precipitation and the rainy days distribution characteristic and their change rule during 1961 ~ 2004 in the various stations of Hainan Island by using tendency analytic method , gathered methods and so on .

  27. 分析表明,冬小麦白粉病发生程度的轻重,取决于当地小麦孕穗期前后的光照、降水量、雨日数和日平均相对湿度等气候因素。

    Analysis shows the seriousness of the powdery mildew of winter wheat in the Huaibei area , Anhui Province , depends on some climatic factors , such as sunshine-hour , precipitation , rainy day , and daily mean relative humidity , etc.

  28. 经逐步回归分析表明,月均温、月平均最高温、月平均最低温、月极端最高温、月极端最低温和月雨日数是影响瑞丽桔小实蝇种群月变动的主要气候因子。

    The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that monthly mean temperature , monthly mean maximum temperature , monthly mean minimum temperature , monthly extreme maximum temperature , monthly extreme minimum temperature , and monthly raining days were the major climatic factors influencing populations .

  29. 降雨强度分布的季节差异较大,干季以小强度降雨为主,而大雨基本集中在雨季,<25mm/d的中小型降雨占了全年总雨日的91%。

    The distributions of rainfall intensity were greatly different between two seasons , and the light rain was dominant in dry seasons and heavy or torrential rain was dominant in rainy seasons . Light and moderate rain ( < 25mm ) accounted for 91 % of annual rain days .