
  • 网络key management personnel
  1. 该计划应该包括所有关键管理人员,他们每个人都将被要求在个人财务状况允许的范围内进行有意义的投资。

    This should include all key executives - each of whom will be required to make a meaningful investment within the context of their personal financial circumstances .

  2. 理由是我国会计准则把企业或其母公司的关键管理人员视为企业的关联方,而经理人股票期权多数情况下是授予给企业关键管理人员的,可以看作一项关联方交易。

    The reason is that the accounting standard in China regards the top managers as the affiliated person of enterprise and Executive Stock Option is granted to top managers usually .

  3. 二是建立预算管理体制,落实关键管理人员的责任,明确各部门、人员的预算管理职责,提高关键岗位人员的胜任能力。

    Secondly , establish Budget Management System , implement the responsibility of key management person , clarify the responsibilities of departmental staffs , and heighten the competence of key positions .

  4. 这种热情是招聘流程中的关键要素,管理人员找的是真正对公司,对产品,对苹果的整体风格和使命充满热忱的员工。

    That enthusiasm is a key element of the hiring process & management looks for people who are really passionate about the company , its products , and its overall style and mission .

  5. 在薪酬激励研究中根据公司现状设计了关键绩效指标;管理人员持有公司的虚拟股票是对鑫远激励机制的创新。

    In the study on income incentive , it designs the key performance indicators based on the current situation of the company .

  6. 企业领导班子作出的决策,关键要通过中层管理人员去推动、去落实、去实践。

    Corporate leadership to make decision-making , the key to middle managers to promote the adoption , to implementation , to practice .

  7. 人力资源是决定企业兴衰成败的关键因素,企业管理人员是企业人力资源中最重要的部分。

    Human Resources are the most important part of Enterprise Resources , and management staff is the key of Enterprise Human Resources .