
  1. 最后,本文给出了一个关键顾客价值挖掘的案例,从实际应用角度提出了一个实现顾客价值的具体方案。

    Finally , a case about critical customer value mining is discussed , and design a practical scheme how to implement customer value .

  2. 以获取关键顾客价值和营销竞争力为基础分析战略营销管理框架对于企业应对复杂的竞争环境具有深远的影响。

    The influence of strategic marketing management framework obtaining key customer 's value and marketing competitiveness as foundation is far-reaching for the enterprise itself .

  3. 无论是在传统的市场环境还是现代的市场环境中,争取和维系顾客的关键在于为顾客创造价值。

    No matter in traditional environments or in modern environments , creating customer value is the key issue for enterprises to develop and keep customers .