
  • 网络customer loyalty program;loyal customer scheme;loyalty scheme
  1. 目前我国大型超市在顾客忠诚计划运作方面存在的关键问题是缺乏战略思考、缺乏价值和缺乏管理。

    At present , the key problem in Chinas hyper markets lies in the lack of strategic thinking , lack of value and lack of management in terms of their customer loyalty programs .

  2. 零售企业顾客忠诚计划有效性的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty Plan

  3. 研究认为,顾客忠诚计划是利用顾客的感知价值,通过对顾客满意、顾客信任、转换成本三个中间变量的驱动,作用于顾客忠诚的。

    And to analysis the loyalty program acts on customer loyalty with the perceived value of customers , through three factors of customer satisfaction , customer confidence and switching cost .

  4. 因此,为获得、巩固、发展忠诚顾客的忠诚计划(LoyaltyPrograms,LPs)在很多行业(航空、旅馆业)取得了巨大的成功。

    So , Loyalty Programs ( LPs ) for getting , consolidating and developing loyal customer make enormous success in a lot of trade like aviation and lodging industries .

  5. 要建立顾客忠诚,必须实施顾客忠诚营销计划,提高顾客转换成本;同时提供附加服务,提高顾客感知服务质量。

    To establish customer loyalty , the commercial bank must carry out customer loyalty plan , increase customer shifting cost , improve customer perceived service quality by offering attached service .

  6. 这不仅有利于将来对顾客多忠诚展开系统深入的研究,也有助于营销实践者更清晰地甄别顾客,制定和实施有效的顾客忠诚计划。

    The conclusions are beneficial for academic researchers to research the multi-loyalty deeply and valuable for the practicers to identify the loyal customers and implement effective loyalty-programs .