
  • 网络customer commitment
  1. 关系营销学家指出,顾客承诺是形成顾客忠诚心理状态背后深层次的心理动因,代表着关系缔结的最高阶段。

    Relationship Marketing experts pointed out that customer commitment is the deep-seated psychological motivation of customer loyalty , representing the highest stage of relationship establishment .

  2. 相对而言,营销情境下B2C的服务关系研究中,顾客承诺的构成维度、驱动因素以及对顾客的品牌忠诚有什么影响作用还缺乏系统的研究。

    Compared to that , it is still lack of systematic research about the role and the effect of customer commitment on the service relationship of B2C in marketing situation .

  3. 为了继续保持我们农民苗木的良好形象,可以坦诚向顾客承诺:为了顾客方便,可提供送货上门。

    Farmer in order to continue to maintain our good image of seedlings can be frank commitment to their customers : for customer convenience , can provide door-to-door .

  4. 参加CSA项目的顾客必须承诺在一个季度之内,每周都从某个农场订购农产品。相比之下,Farmigo的顾客可以只发出一次性订单,也可以每周选择不同的农产品,根据订单的变化随时调整付款金额。

    Unlike CSAs , in which users must commit to weekly deliveries for a season from one farm , Farmigo lets customers place a one-time order and change selections every week . You pay as you go .

  5. 这是我们对顾客的承诺。

    It is our commitment to the customer .

  6. 对顾客的承诺我们必须做到。

    For customer commitment we must do it .

  7. 我们坚信我们对顾客的承诺会防止对品牌的损害。

    We firmly believe that our commitment to our customer will prevent brand damage .

  8. 对于产品的品质重视,是我们的原则,更是我们对顾客的承诺与保证。

    Our main principle is to put emphasis on our product quality which is definitely our promise and guarantee to customers !

  9. 本旅店对新老顾客的承诺是:我们珍惜每一次见面。

    The promise our hotel makes to our customers , either old or new , is : We value each meeting with you .

  10. 不过,我仍然拿不准,对顾客的承诺与对竞争者的威胁之间的差别,是否只是在措辞上?

    Still , I am not sure that the difference between the promise to customers and the threat to competitors is anything more than rhetorical .

  11. 是这样的。这就是为什么我们希望顾客在承诺定期存款之前,应认真地选择存款期限和存款额。

    Yes , that 's right . That 's why we encourage our clients to select the terms and balances carefully before they commit themselves to Time Certificates of Deposit .

  12. 他们对顾客的承诺是:提供最佳的解决办法,你通过购买的任何产品,都能从我们这里得到你所需要的一切支持以达到最佳效果或价值,或两者兼有。

    Their proposition to the customer : we have the best solution for you , and we provide all the support you need to achieve optimum results , or value , or both , from whatever products you buy .

  13. “优质的产品、合理的价格”是致雅对顾客的一贯承诺。

    Excellent product and reasonable price ? is a persistent promise of Zhiya to customers .

  14. 高质量是我们对顾客不变的承诺;

    High quality is our unchangeable promise ;

  15. 在员工满意度、顾客满意度方面承诺型人力资源管理模式明显优于控制型人力资源管理模式,在企业绩效方面,二者无明显区别。

    Commitment model is significantly superior to controlled model on employee satisfaction , and customer satisfaction .

  16. 其专业的管理队伍、与对服务顾客的热忱承诺,乃集团成功的关键。

    Key to its success is the strength of the Dah Sing management team and the group 's commitment to serving its customers .

  17. 第二天,张永利向顾客道歉,并承诺将延长质保期。

    The next day , Cheung apologized to customers and promised to honor warranties .

  18. 在研究过程中,引入顾客信任和情感承诺等中介变量,构建了有无服务承诺对顾客购后行为意向影响的关系模型。

    In the research process , we introduced the mediator variables including customer trust and affective commitment .

  19. 等待非常关键,因为这促使顾客以公开的承诺来补上停顿。

    The wait was pivotal because it induced customers to fill the pause with a public commitment .

  20. 在关系营销研究框架基础上,加入心理契约这一变量,就心理契约与顾客信任、顾客承诺、顾客忠诚之间的关系建立了结构方程模型。

    This paper introduces the construct psychological contract into the relationship-marketing framework and develops a structural equation model involving psychological contract , customer trust , customer commitment , and customer loyalty .

  21. 采用结构方程法验证了客服人际关系不仅通过人员信任和人员承诺等个人层面的服务关系影响顾客对企业的承诺,而且也对顾客的企业承诺产生直接影响效应,但直接效应弱于间接效应。

    With the structural equation method it is verified that the interpersonal relationship not only affects the customer commitment to the enterprise through staff-trust and staff-commitment , but also affects it directly , although weaker .

  22. 并沿用前人量表,对本研究的四个变量,即顾客满意、顾客信任、顾客承诺和顾客忠诚进行量表设计,形成调查问卷。

    Then adopt previous scales to measure four variables of this paper : customer satisfaction , customer trust , customer commitment and customer loyalty .

  23. 即顾客满意、顾客信任和顾客承诺对重复购买意向有显著的正向影响,同时对转换意向有显著的负向影响。

    That is , the customer satisfaction , customer confidence , and the customer commitment have a significant positive influence on the repetitive purchasing .

  24. 关系质量包括顾客满意、顾客信任和顾客承诺三个维度;顾客购后行为倾向是包括交易型和关系型二维结构的构念。

    Relationship quality includes three dimensions : customer satisfaction , customer trust and customer commitment . BPBI is a two-dimensional structure with transaction and relational constructs .

  25. 为了追寻解决之道,世界上许多学者进行了多种途径的探索和诠释,其中包括服务质量、顾客信任、顾客满意、与承诺等单一或整合的一系列研究模式。

    To find the answer , previous researchers tried to explore and explain a variety of ways , including customer satisfaction , service quality , customer trust and commitment , such as single or series of integrated research model .

  26. 顾客视角下关系利益对顾客满意与承诺影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effects of Relational Benefit on Customer Satisfaction and Commitment from the Perspective of Customers

  27. 其次,本文分析了服务质量、顾客信任以及品牌声誉三个驱动因素对于顾客承诺的影响路径。

    But in the marketing situation , there are significant differences between the effects of the various dimensions on the customer behavior tendency . Secondly , it analyzed the impact path of the three driving forces of customer commitments , i.e. service quality , customer trust and brand reputation .

  28. 顾客的满意水平直接影响顾客信任的程度;顾客承诺意愿的高低,仅受顾客信任程度直接影响;顾客满意对顾客承诺不具有直接的影响作用,但通过顾客信任对顾客承诺产生间接影响作用。

    Customer satisfaction directly affect the degree of customer trust while indirectly affect the level of customer commitment .

  29. 首先,本文通过整理相关文献得到影响移动通讯企业顾客忠诚的四个主要变量:顾客满意度、情感承诺、延续承诺与企业营销活动,并由此提出关于中国移动通讯市场顾客忠诚的一个模型。

    First , after reviewing related references , the paper chooses customer loyalty , customer satisfaction , affective commitment , continuance commitment , various marketing activities used by the operators as the main construct .

  30. 制定和实施顾客忠诚管理策略,为顾客提供差异化的服务,履行高度的顾客承诺,是企业保持与顾客长期互动关系的重要保证。

    Formulate and implement customer loyalty management strategy , to provide customers with differentiation , and perform the height of the service customer commitment , is the enterprise keep long-term interactive relation with customers of the important guarantee .