
  1. 进一步提高产品质量和性能,降低顾客购买成本,并通过与上下游的合作提高顾客价值等举措可以改进益高公司的市场营销。

    We can develop the marketing of the Eagle Company through increaser the quality and capability of products , reducer customers ' cost price and make progress in cooperation with the better or the worse companies .

  2. 企业品牌的高价值,又可以为顾客节省购买成本,降低购买风险,因此,品牌增值是企业和消费者的共同愿望。

    The high value of a brand can in turn buy the cost sparingly for the customers and reduce the risk of buying . Therefore , brand appreciation is the common aspirations of enterprise and consumer .

  3. 顾客需求、购买成本、便利与沟通是中国出版产业挖掘和培养农村图书市场必须研究的四个关键性问题。

    Customer requirements , purchase cost , convenience and communication are critical problems China press industry must solve while developing and cultivating rural book markets .

  4. 品牌价值是企业和目标消费者所共同拥有,消费者对品牌的选择可以为企业创造价值,带来利润;而企业品牌的高价值则为顾客节省购买的成本和降低购买的风险。

    Brand value contact enterprise and target consumers together , create value and profits for enterprises form the choice of consumers ; Saving cost and reducing risk of purchase for Brand high value to customers .

  5. 同时,新的产品和品牌又不断丰富充实着现有市场,争夺和维持顾客连续购买的成本却越来越高,这些因素深刻地改变着顾客的消费行为和消费习惯。

    Meanwhile , new products and brands continue to enrich the existing market . Thus , the costs for attracting and maintaining customers ' purchasing are getting higher and higher . Above factors together are profoundly changing consumer behavior and shopping habits .