
  • 网络customer emotion
  1. 顾客情感逐步成为获取持续竞争优势的主导。企业只有以顾客情感为主体,满足顾客情感和谐才能保证顾客忠诚。

    Customer emotion has become dominant for a company to gain sustainable competitive advantage , and it only meets customer emotion harmonious to keep customer loyal .

  2. 本文基于顾客情感驱动因素分析,运用和谐理论与系统论对营销中顾客情感状态进行研究,构建情感营销机制,并通过建立情感营销驱动模式来促进顾客情感和谐。

    On the base of customer emotion facts , this paper uses the harmonious and system theory to analyze the emotion , and bring out the emotional marketing mechanism and establish emotional marketing driving model to promote emotion harmonious .

  3. 包装设计要素对顾客情感的作用

    The influence of package to customer 's imagination

  4. 于是,体验营销作为发掘顾客情感的利器,开始被许多企业加以运用,并且已经表现出了不俗的结果。

    Thus , experience marketing as a tool to explore customers ' emotions has begun to be used by many enterprises and shown impressive results .

  5. 顾客消费情感对顾客满意感的影响

    The Effect of Consumption Emotions on Customer Satisfaction

  6. 服务员工可靠性行为和反应性行为对顾客消极情感有负向影响。

    Reliability behavior and responsiveness behavior has a negative impact on customer negative affects .

  7. 近年来,欧美学术界越来越重视研究顾客消费情感对顾客消费心理和消费行为的影响。

    In recent years , a growing body of consumer studies researches the consumption emotions .

  8. 只有丰富的餐饮文化,才能使餐厅的形象丰满起来,唤起顾客的情感认同。

    Only colorful dining and drinking culture can well develop the image of restaurants and arouse the emotional approval of customers .

  9. 因此,激起和满足目标顾客的情感需求,创造品牌独特的情感性价值正变得越来越重要。

    Therefore , it is more and more important to motivate and satisfy target customer emotional needs so as to create brand special emotional value .

  10. 雷克萨斯当下可能更应该在自己最擅长的事情上下工夫&也就是质量、可靠性和客户服务,同时祈祷它与顾客的情感联系能够水到渠成。

    Lexus may just have to focus on what it does best quality , reliability , customer service and hope that its strong connection with its customers comes along that way .

  11. 并结合实际将基于模糊认知图的情感模型应用于花卉销售网站的导购系统中,实现与顾客的情感交互,体现了系统的智能化特点。

    This research also put the emotion model based on FCM into a shopping guide system in a flower sales website as practice , to the realize the emotional interaction with the customers .

  12. 作者在广州白云机场对我国几家大型航空公司的乘客进行了一次问卷调查,探讨补救性服务公平性和顾客消费情感对顾客与企业关系的影响。

    According to an empirical study and data collected from customers of several airlines in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport , this paper investigates the impacts of service fairness and consumption emotions on customer relationships in the context of service recovery .

  13. 结果表明,模型对数据有较好的拟合优度,证明了基于顾客消费情感的角度解释顾客满意和顾客忠诚做法的合理性和科学性。

    As a result , the model has a good fitness to the data . Therefore , we draw a conclusion that the doings to explain the customer satisfaction and the customer loyalty according to the consumer consumption emotion is rational and science .

  14. 第三,提出包括顾客消费情感、有形设施、无形服务、顾客满意、情感纽带、顾客忠诚等概念在内的顾客消费情感概念模型,在此基础上,在所有概念之间建立起理论假设。

    Thirdly , the customer consumption emotion concept model , in which consumer consumption emotion , visible facilities , invisible service , consumer satisfaction , emotion bonds and consumer loyalty are included , are put forward . The theory assumptions among all concepts are established .

  15. 在研究过程中,引入顾客信任和情感承诺等中介变量,构建了有无服务承诺对顾客购后行为意向影响的关系模型。

    In the research process , we introduced the mediator variables including customer trust and affective commitment .

  16. 品牌文化建设是针对消费者而言的。品牌发展要能满足顾客理性和情感需要的价值,形成品牌信任和忠诚。

    The culture construction of brand should be consumer-oriented , and the development of brand must satisfy rational and emotional needs of customers , and accordingly develop brand trust and brand loyalty .

  17. 商场需要不断寻找新的变式,保证沟通给企业带来直接利益的同时,还能不断增强和顾客之间的情感联系。

    The market needs to seek the new variant unceasingly . It is sure that communication bring the direct benefit to both the enterprises and or can also enhance relation between our store 's and customer 's.

  18. 促销决策重在建立可兑现的顾客心理预期,建立与顾客的情感联系。

    Promotion decision should stress the establishment of realizable customer psychological anticipation and establish the affective relationship with customers .

  19. 首先,本文通过整理相关文献得到影响移动通讯企业顾客忠诚的四个主要变量:顾客满意度、情感承诺、延续承诺与企业营销活动,并由此提出关于中国移动通讯市场顾客忠诚的一个模型。

    First , after reviewing related references , the paper chooses customer loyalty , customer satisfaction , affective commitment , continuance commitment , various marketing activities used by the operators as the main construct .

  20. 此外,顾客餐前的情绪也会影响顾客餐后的情感和顾客对自己就餐经历的评估。

    Customer pre-consumption emotion is an important antecedent of their post-consumption emotion and their evaluation on consumption experience .

  21. 顾客视角品牌资产的概念专注于顾客的认知和情感过程,强调了品牌资产的价值来源于顾客的行为和态度。

    The concept of brand equity from the perspective of customers focuses on the cognitive and emotional processes of the customers , emphasizing the value of brand equity results from the behavior and attitudes of the customers .

  22. 通过文献回顾,对顾客价值进行了细分,分为顾客功能价值、顾客情感价值和顾客社会价值三个维度。

    Based on the literature review , customer value is divided into three dimensions : customer functional value , customer emotional value and customer social value .

  23. 第三,顾客体验从严格意义上说一种个人的感受,并且更多的基于顾客的情感感知而非理性认知。

    Third , customer experience is strictly personal and involves the customer more in the emotional aspect than in the rational aspect .

  24. 超市营销已开始围绕以顾客关系为中心,顾客忠诚为目标的关系营销发展。如何建立、维持与顾客的情感关系,培养顾客满意感和忠诚感成为超市顾客关系营销的重点。

    Supermarket sales have begun to focus on customer-relationship-centered , customer loyalty development as the goal of relationship marketing .

  25. 本研究在此模型的基础上加入了顾客体验这一前因变量,首次以顾客体验为切入点展开对网站品牌忠诚的研究,并探索了顾客体验与品牌情感、品牌信任与品牌忠诚的关系。

    On the basis of this model , this study introduces customer experience as antecedent variable , using customer experience as a starting point for the first time to explore the relationship among customer experience and brand affect , brand trust and brand loyalty .