
yònɡ hù mínɡ
  • user name
  1. 输入用户名system和密码manager。

    Enter system for the user name and manager for the password .

  2. 请输入该web站点的用户名。

    Please provide your user name for this web site .

  3. 屏幕将在右上角显示用户名。

    The screen will display the username in the top right-hand corner .

  4. 请键入你的用户名。

    Please enter your username .

  5. 美国海关及边境保卫局官员建议,要求中国游客提交他们在推特、脸书等社交媒体的用户名及其他身份资料。

    US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media " handles " or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook .

  6. 输入用户名、密码,重新输入密码,然后单击Next。

    Enter username , password , re-enter password and click Next .

  7. 此组只有一个用户,其用户名为system,密码为manager。

    This group has only one user , with system as username and manager as password .

  8. 如代码所示,用户名是从user对象检索出来的。

    The user name is retrieved from the user object as shown .

  9. 点击Select以将他移动到被选择的用户名列表中。

    Click Select to move him to the Selected Users list .

  10. 系统会提示输入用户名和密码,默认的用户名和密码分别为system和manager。

    You will be prompted for your username and password , which default to system and manager , respectively .

  11. 您会看到提示,要求您输入访问Web界面所用的用户名和密码。

    You will be prompted to enter a user name and password to access the web interface .

  12. 设置部署管理器主机名称和端口,设置管理用户名和密码,然后单击Next

    Set deployment manager hostname and port , set the administrative username and password , and then click Next

  13. 输入用户名、密码,并点击“OK”按钮。

    Input username , password , and click " OK " button .

  14. 教师的用户名为teacher,并且所有的密码均为ibm。

    The teacher 's user name is teacher , and all the passwords are ibm .

  15. 询问用户的Notes用户名和口令。

    Ask the user for his or her Notes user name and password .

  16. 输入登录用户名和密码,单击OK

    Enter the login user and password and click OK

  17. 另外,指定建立连接所用的用户名和密码,然后单击Next按钮。

    Also , specify the user name and password you wish to make connection with , then click on the Next button .

  18. 注释:在UserID和Password栏分别填写您的数据库用户名和密码。

    Note : Provide your database user name and password in the User IDand Password fields .

  19. 用户名和密码必须与目标主机系统上的Windows用户帐户匹配。

    The user name and password must match to a Windows user account on the target host system .

  20. 作为管理员登录(用户名和密码是admin和apple)。

    Login as an administrator ( admin / apple might do ) .

  21. 可以通过注册为IBMWeb站点的一名用户来获得IBM用户名和口令。

    You can get an IBM user name and password by registering for one on the IBM Web site .

  22. SecurityRealm向导中有一个菜单允许您输入登录用户名和密码以测试连接。

    A menu in the Security Realm wizard lets you enter a log-in username and password to test the connection .

  23. 第一个错误ID是用于系统中已经存在一个用户名的情况。

    The first error ID is for when a user name already exists in the system .

  24. u为数据库用户名。

    U is the database username .

  25. IncludeConnectioninformationandusername:该选项可以将连接字符串和用户名包括在所有生成的测试类中。

    Include Connection information and user name : This option will result in the inclusion of connection string and user name in all generated test classes .

  26. 在Stage页面,填入DB2连接信息:数据库名称、用户名和密码。

    On the " Stage " page , fill in the DB2 connection information : database name , username , and password .

  27. John可以向第一个基本节点提交作业,而不需要指定用户名或密码。

    John can submit a job for the first base node without having to specify a user name or password .

  28. 黑客使用一个固定的用户名和不同的口令不断地访问您的站点,直到获得正确口令,从而访问您的Web站点。

    A hacker determines a user name and continually hits your site with various passwords until discovering the right one , thus gaining access to your site .

  29. 选中允许系统管理员(sa)用户名复选框。

    Select the Enable system administrator ( SA ) user name check box .

  30. 这一次,可以使用ActiveDirectoryServer中定义的有效的Kerberos用户名和密码对。

    This time you can use a valid Kerberos username and password pair as defined in your Active Directory Server .