
jūn yònɡ yùn shū jī
  • military transport
  1. 1991年,一架c-130军用运输机曾在这里坠毁。飞行员对于飞行高度判断错误,飞机降落后离跑道还差19英里,从而酿成了悲剧。

    In 1991 , a C-130 aircraft crashed there when its pilot misjudged his altitude and brought his plane down 19 miles short of the runway .

  2. 一名西班牙官员周五表示,他们的军用运输机离开喀布尔时有空位。

    A Spanish official said Friday that its military transport planes are leaving Kabul partly empty .

  3. 印度跟美国公司的最大交易包括从洛克希德.马丁公司购买6架军用运输机。

    The biggest deal with a U.S. company involved the purchase of six military transport planes from Lockheed Martin .

  4. 历时三年,中国最新军用运输机在后完成首飞后服役,大大增加了中国军事力量在全球的投放力。

    China 's newest military freighter plane hasentered service just over three years after making its maiden flight , increasing the country 's ability to move its fighting forces around the world

  5. 而期待已久的空中客车A400M军用货运运输机,将比预期时间推迟上市并且要花费数十亿美元以上的预算开支。

    And the long-awaited Airbus A400M , a military cargo plane , is years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget .

  6. 澳大利亚副总理特拉斯(WarrenTruss)说,中国两架军用伊尔-76运输机将在一个搜寻区域参与搜索活动。上周六,一颗中国卫星发现该搜寻区域出现一个体积较大的物体。

    Australia 's Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said two Chinese military Ilyushin IL-76 planes would search an area where a large object was identified by a Chinese satellite Saturday .

  7. 大型飞机一般是指起飞总重超过100吨的运输类飞机,包括军用、民用大型运输机,也包括150座以上的干线客机。

    Trunk-liner generally refers to transport aircrafts whose take-off weight is above 100 tons , including both military and commercial ones and also large aircraft that are above 150 seats .