
  • 网络military satellite
  1. 战术弹道导弹在军事卫星支援下作战的Petri网描述

    The Petri Net Model of Tactic Ballistic Missile Supported by Military Satellite

  2. 对飞机和卫星的干扰,主要介绍了飞机干扰吊舱、对军事卫星的干扰、对GPS的干扰;

    In the electronic jamming to the plane and satellite , the jamming pod on the plane , military satellite and GPS are referred .

  3. 这种现象最初由美国的Vela军事卫星于1967年偶然发现。

    It was discovered for the first time by Vela satellite in 1976 by chance .

  4. 今年早些时候,SpaceX把美国空军告上了法庭,原因是后者将一系列军事卫星发射任务交给了波音(Boeing)和洛克希德-马丁(LockheedMartin)设立的合资公司UnitedLaunchAlliance(ULA)。

    Earlier this year SpaceX sued the United States Air Force over an $ 11 billion contract awarded to Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) for a block of military satellite launches .

  5. 一个俄罗斯的老的军事卫星和一个美国的通信卫星在俄罗斯西伯利亚800KM的上空相撞。

    An old Russian military satellite and a United States communications satellite crashed into each other eight hundred kilometers above Siberia in Russia .

  6. 军事卫星通信系统中很多情况下采用跳频通信,这就导致PSK的相干检测比较困难,通常使用增加参考符号来对接收信号的相位进行估计。

    Hopping-frequency communication is often used in military Satellite Communication ( SATCOM ) systems , which may lead to the difficulty in coherent detection Phase Shift Keying ( PSK ) signals unless many reference symbols are added to aid the phase estimation of the received signals .

  7. 尽管tacsat-3及其继任者仍过于庞大,无法利用上述方式,但在军事卫星发射其他创新方面,仍存在相当多机会。

    Although tacsat-3 and its successors are still too large to take advantage of this approach , there is plenty of scope for other innovations in launching military satellites .

  8. 美国军事卫星情报系统研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of American Military Satellite Intelligence System

  9. 军事卫星应用系统作战效能评估研究

    Battle Efficiency Evaluation Research of Military Satellites Application System

  10. 军事卫星同样不是为追踪迷途商用客机而设计的。

    Similarly , military satellites are not designed to track stray commercial airliners .

  11. 军事卫星透明转发器特点及抗干扰仿真系统设计

    Characteristics of Military Satellite Transparent Transponder and Design of Simulating System for Anti-jamming

  12. 军事卫星支援下海空封锁作战模型及仿真分析

    Combat model and simulation analysis of air-sea blockage with information support of military satellites

  13. 论文从四个方面论述了军事卫星通信系统的发展趋势。

    This paper discusses the trend of military satellite communication systems in four aspects .

  14. 军事卫星支援下反导系统拦截作战的影响图模型

    The Signed Digraph Model of Anti-tactic Ballistic Missile Flight Aided by Military Satellite System

  15. 军事卫星通信应用中的变频器

    Specifying Frequency Converters for Military Satcom Applications

  16. 军事卫星信息支援下飞机攻地作战效能评估的数学模型

    Mathematical Model for Air-to-Surface Target Attacking Effectiveness Evaluation of Aircraft With Information support of Military Satellite

  17. 在美伊关系紧张加剧之际,伊朗向太空发射了第一颗军事卫星。

    Iran has launched its first military satellite into space amid wider tensions with the United States .

  18. 所以,无论是在民事卫星移动通信系统中还是在军事卫星移动通信中都有重要应用价值。

    Whether in civil mobile satellite communications or military satellite mobile communication systems , it will have important significance .

  19. 但他补充称:“当然,所有的卫星无论是军事卫星还是私人卫星都带有某种军事背景。”

    But he added : " of course , all satellites , military or private , have a certain military background . "

  20. 军事卫星通信系统中,宽带跳频是一种应用广泛的抗干扰手段,有着十分重要的地位。

    In the MILitary SATellite COMmunication ( MILSATCOM ) systems , wideband Frequency-Hop ( FH ) techniques plays a more and more important role .

  21. 高速数据传输技术是应用于第二代数据中继卫星系统和其它军事卫星通信系统的关键技术之一。

    High speed data transmission technology is one of the key technologies applied in the second generation of data relaying satellite system and other military communication systems .

  22. 基于军事卫星应用系统对地面战场的作战保障,建立其作战效能评估指标体系;

    Based on military satellites application system 's battle guarantee Which is giv - en to ground war field , its battle efficiency evaluation index system is set up .

  23. 分析了军事卫星通信透明转发器的特点,设计了其用于抗干扰技术研究的计算机仿真链路模型,提出了仿真系统设计的总体方案和抗干扰性能评估方法。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of a military satellite transparent transponder , describes the computer simulation link model for study of anti-jamming technologies and proposes the overall project of the simulating system and the evaluating method of anti-jamming performance .

  24. 双臂半球面螺旋天线具有较宽的阻抗带宽和方向图带宽,工作频带内增益变化不大,该天线在军事卫星通信领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    The two-arm hemispherical helical antenna has very wide impedance and pattern bandwidth , and its gain in the whole band is larger and wave mildly , which show that it is of great application value in the field of martial satellite communications .

  25. 国外军事侦察卫星的发展状况

    A Review of Technical Development of Military Reconnaissance Satellite Abroad

  26. 由于地球低轨道更利于收集情报信息,大多被军事侦察卫星所占有。

    The low earth orbit is mostly occupied by military reconnaissance satellites for it is convenient to collect intelligence information .

  27. 毫米波多波束扫描天线在诸如国防军事、卫星导航以及现代无线通信等领域有着非常广泛的应用。

    Multi-beam scanning antenna is widely used in many mm-wave applications such as military affairs , satellite navigation and modern wireless communications .

  28. 近年来,脊型波导由于其工作频段较高,工作带宽较宽且结构相对稳定,不易变形等优点,逐渐被用于军事、卫星通信等国防和国民生产的重要领域当中。

    In recent years , due to its high frequence working band , wide · bandwidth and the steady structure etc , ridged waveguide device is gradually used for military , satellite communications , and other important fields in national defense , national production .

  29. 北大西洋公约组织表示,北约掌握了俄罗斯战斗部队参与乌克兰境内军事行动的卫星图片。

    NATO says it has satellite imagery showing Russian combat forces are now engaged in military operations inside Ukraine .

  30. 随着民用和军事行动对卫星导航系统依赖性的增强,卫星导航领域的竞争必然加剧。

    With the enhancement of civilian and military dependent on the satellite navigation , the competition in the field of satellite navigation will accelerate .