
huó zì
  • movable type;letter;type font
活字 [huó zì]
  • [type] 通常用金属、木质或塑料制作的长方块,上面有凸起的字母,着墨后印出字来

活字[huó zì]
  1. 近代活字印刷在东方的传播与发展

    Spread and Development of Modern Type Printing in the East

  2. 浅论活字印刷术在中国和欧洲的不同命运

    Brief on the Different Treatment of Type Press Technology in China and Europe

  3. 再想想活字印刷、火药、三明治、内燃机、灯泡、电话、晶体管和Internet。

    Consider movable type , gunpowder , the sandwich , the internal combustion engine , the light bulb , the telephone , the transistor , and the Internet .

  4. 年JohannesGutenberg发明的活字印刷术大大简化了书本的印刷和盗版。

    The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing and piracy of books .

  5. 随着活字的发明,这一障碍得取了克服。

    This limitation was overcome with the invention of movable type .

  6. 活字印刷术的发明及其在宋元时代的发展与传播

    Typographic Printing : Its Invention , Development and Dissemination In Song-Yuan Dynasties

  7. 答:印刷和活字印刷术肯定是这类发明中的两个。

    Yates : Printing and movable type were certainly two of them .

  8. “活字”这个词,直观地体现了这个理论。

    The word ' fount ' made this principle explicit .

  9. 如配上活字印板,可达每日变换日期的要求。

    It can change the date if math with type printing board .

  10. 宋朝的人已经使用活字版印刷技术了。

    People in the Song Dynasty already used letterpress type to print .

  11. 活字大小单位略大于一全身。

    A linear unit of the size of type slightly larger than an em.

  12. 宋仁宗庆历年间,毕升发明了活字印刷。

    Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between1041and1048 .

  13. 公元11世纪中叶,北宋布衣毕异成功地对古老的雕版印刷工艺实现了重大改革,发明了活字版印刷。

    In the middle of 11 century , Bi sheng invented type printing .

  14. 揭示出促使泥活字印刷变化的原因;

    It provides a demonstration of the reasons causing changes of clay-type printing .

  15. 用活字调整原文材料的机器。

    A machine that sets textual material in type .

  16. 用棒带着活字进行打印的击打式打印机。

    An impact printer that uses a bar to carry the type slugs .

  17. 薄空铅:相等于正方五分之一的活字间隔材料。

    Thin space : A type spacing piece equal to one-fifth of an em.

  18. 金属活字为照相排版所代替。

    Metal type has been replaced by photocomposition .

  19. 微间距:放于活字字符间的薄空铅。

    Hair space : very thin letterpress spaces used between letters in a word .

  20. 后来,人们又制成了金属活字和木活字,并广泛应用。

    Later , movable type of metal and wood was made and widely used .

  21. 活字的宽度、储备、字体或字号等字符:排字时所用的任何字母、数字、标点、和符号。

    Character : Any letter , figure , punctuation mark or symbol in typesetting .

  22. 就见识到了古老的活字印刷术。

    We experience the old removable-type printing technique .

  23. 他是公认的活字典.磨损的活字印得不清楚。

    He is known as a walking dictionary . Badly worn type prints poorly .

  24. 许多书籍通过活字印刷术得以印刻。

    Many books were printed using movable type .

  25. 中国古代家谱印刷中的木活字应用

    On the Application of Wooden Type of the Genealogical Trees Printing in Ancient China

  26. 泥活字印刷的模拟实验

    Simulated tests on movable clay type printing

  27. 通过旋转的链带着活字进行打印的击打式打印机。

    An impact printer that carries the type slugs by links of a revolving chain .

  28. 毕升活字术技术研究

    The Study of Bi Sheng Type Technology

  29. 活字印刷活了起来。

    The moveable type printing became alive .

  30. 印刷结束后把活字取下,下次还可再用。

    Removed after the end of the movable type printing , the next can be reused .