
  • 网络active period;Active Phase
  1. 活跃期人工破膜对PGI2和TXA2的影响

    Observation on influence of amniotomy upon pgi_2 and txa_2 at active phase

  2. 既往研究普遍认为自身免疫性肝病患者体内的Treg数量及功能可能存在缺陷,在疾病活跃期更为明显。

    Previous studies have generally agreed that Treg number and function may be defective in patients with autoimmune liver , which is more obvious in the active phase of the disease .

  3. 与不施氮相比,增施显著提高了玉米子粒灌浆活跃期(P)。

    Compared to CK , applied treatments increased grain filling active period ( P ) .

  4. 针刺对分娩活跃期产妇血中P物质含量的影响

    The effect of acupuncture on the content of substance P in serum of gravida during delivery

  5. 在活跃期与其后的平静期,b值形成一个有规律的低高低周期性变化;

    In active and quiet stages , b values changed regularly from low to high and to low .

  6. CT、UU检出率与年龄有关,集中发生于性活跃期。

    Detected rates of CT and UU were related to the age .

  7. 即使诊断出HIV呈阳性,也不一定就意味着疾病会进入活跃期。

    Even a positive HIV diagnosis does not necessarily mean that the illness will move into the active stage .

  8. GCA活跃期血管炎组7~15分6例;

    The active inflammatory cell infiltration GCA group , 7 to 15 in 6 patients ;

  9. 其中,活跃期内地震复发间隔分布的离散性较大,可用Weibull分布近似描述;

    Within the active periods , recurrence interval distribution has relatively large discretion , and can be well-fitted by a Weibull distribution .

  10. 果然不出所料,NASA正在宣布前面等着我们的灾难是因为太阳正在苏醒,即将进入太阳的最大活跃期。

    Right on cue , NASA is pronouncing that disasters are ahead because the Sun is waking up , going into the solar maximum .

  11. 第一产程活跃期时间,镇痛3组均短于对照组,有显著性差异(P0.01);

    The influence on the duration of labor process : The first stage in the three analgesia groups was shorter than that in control group ( P0.01 ) .

  12. 分别取两个地震活跃期之间的时间间隔和每一活跃期内的最大地震的震级为原始数据列,用五步建模法建立灰色GM(1,1)模型。

    Take account of time interval between two activity periods and the largest earthquake magnitude in each period as origin data set , we constructed two Grey GM ( 1,1 ) modcls .

  13. 在分娩活跃期和第二产程,Ⅰ、Ⅱ组VAS明显低于Ⅲ组(P<0.05)。

    In the active and expulsive stage , the VAS sores of group ⅰ and ⅱ were lower than those of group ⅲ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 也就是所有的细胞,正处于PAX2的活跃期。

    Namely in the stage where all the cells are PAX2 positive .

  15. 胰腺流式细胞仪检测发现AP诱导后细胞增殖状态分三个时期:早期的增殖活跃期、中期的增殖抑制期和后期的高增殖状态。

    Flow cytometry showed that there were three stages of cell proliferation after AP : the active proliferation in early stage , inhibition of proliferation in middle stage and high proliferation in the late stage .

  16. 最后用Coats-Redfern积分法,在反应活跃期计算得到糠醛渣和稻壳混合物热解过程的动力学参数。

    In the end , kinetics parameters of bending biomass at active reaction period were determined by Coats-Redfern integral method .

  17. 结果:(1)自然分娩发动组潜伏期及活跃期血CRH水平均显著高于选择性剖宫产组(P<0.05),而潜伏期及活跃期CRH水平无统计学差异(P>0.05);

    Results : ( 1 ) There was no significant difference between maternal plasma CRH levels in latent labor and those in active labor ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果观察组疼痛明显低于对照组(P0.05),活跃期及总产程明显短于对照组(P0.05),难产率低于对照组(P0.05)。

    Results Pain in observation group is much less than that in control group ( P 0.05 ), and the birth process is significantly shorter ( P 0.01 ) and parodynia rate is lower than that in control group ( P 0.05 ) .

  19. GCA跳跃区域组,其内膜超微结构变化突出,与GCA活跃期血管炎组比,差异无显著性(P>005)。

    The ultrastructural changes were dominantly located in the intima of artery in skip area GCA group , and there was not a significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) in comparison with active inflammatory cell infiltration GCA group .

  20. 第二产程胎先露下降至棘下3cm时前壁和宫底部肌层较活跃期明显增厚(P<0.01)。

    There was significant thickening of the anterior and fundal myometrium during the second stage of labor after the fetal head descended to + 3 station by digital examination ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 两两比较发现,GCA跳跃区域组得分明显高于非GCA组,但低于GCA活跃期血管炎组得分。

    When the scores were compared between each group by U test , we found the score in skip area GCA group was higher than that in non-GCA group , but lower than that in active inflammatory cell infiltration GCA group .

  22. 方法:70例初产妇进入活跃期后随机分为耳针组和对照组各35例,观察分娩疼痛程度、产程进展、分娩方式、产后出血、新生儿Apgar评分情况。

    Methods Seventy primiparae after active stage were divided at random into auricular acupuncture group and control group , 35 cases each group . Delivery pain , birth process , labor type , postpartum hemorrhage volume , Apgar rating score of new born were investigated .

  23. 在雷暴初期及活跃期前期,地闪回击发生之前有持续170~300ms的云内放电过程,它发生在云下部正电荷区和主负电荷区。

    Positive and negative flashes usually follow cloud discharges which lasted 170 ~ 300 ms and occurred between lower positive charge region and main negative charge region during the developing stage and early active stage of thunderstorm .

  24. 政治动荡时期常常是文学的活跃期

    An age of political excitement is usually a stimulant to literature

  25. 活跃期持续胎心监护的临床应用

    Clinical application of continuous fetal heart rate monitoring in active stage

  26. 安定及其联合阿托品在产程活跃期的应用探讨

    Application of diazepam with atropine in the active stage of childbirth

  27. 18001920年正常活动期和19201980年活跃期(显著)。

    1800-1920 normal activity period and 1920-1980 ( significant ) activity period .

  28. 那并不是说他们的活跃期业已结束。

    That 's not to say their bull run is over yet .

  29. 中国近海新生代盆地至今仍然是油气成藏的活跃期

    Cenozoic China offshore basins keeping active hydrocarbon accumulation to present

  30. 高发年龄段为20~39岁的性活跃期青壮年;

    The high risk age was from 20 to 39 ;