
  • The Australian;Aussie
  1. 这些坚果已经做过市场测试,结果发现它们最合澳大利亚人的口味。

    These nuts have been market tested and found to be most suited to the Australian palate

  2. 好消息是,正如澳大利亚人“套上-涂上-扣上”运动的数据所显示的,综合使用防晒霜和皮肤遮盖措施能够降低黑瘤发病率。

    The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates , as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign .

  3. 澳大利亚人把香蕉炸了,然后再淋上蜂蜜吃。

    The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey .

  4. 澳大利亚人有充分的理由为他们的野生动物感到骄傲。

    Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife .

  5. 澳大利亚人过新年时会从1月1日一直庆祝到1月6日。

    In Australia , people celebrate the New Year from January 1st to January 6th .

  6. C我们从悉尼来。我们是澳大利亚人。

    C And we 're from Sydney . We 're Australian .

  7. 每个澳大利亚人的记忆中都珍藏着着童年时观看玩转校园(PlaySchool)的美好片段,并且还能够历数出他们喜爱的主持人。

    Every Australian has fond memories of watching Play School as a child and can name reels of their favourite presenters .

  8. 烧烤聚会是澳大利亚人最喜爱的休闲社交活动,但这种活动时常因禁火令而无法举办,OneEarthDesigns希望到今年圣诞节时,能见到许多澳大利亚人改为举办太阳能烧烤聚会。

    With frequent fire bans restricting the nation 's favourite social pastime , it hopes that this Christmas will see many Australians switching to a solar barbie .

  9. 咨询公司“ChinaReadyNow”的创始人贾斯汀·斯蒂尔日前接受《新华社》采访时表示,许多澳大利亚人喜欢中国的品牌和产品,不过他们甚至不知道这是由中国制造的。

    Justin Steele , founder of consultancy firm China Ready Now , told Xinhua recently that many Australians enjoy Chinese brands and products that they don 't even know are made in China .

  10. 在仰光生活的澳大利亚人戴维·马登(DavidMadden)拥有类似的具有社会意识的点子。

    A Yangon-based Australian , David Madden , has similar socially conscious ideas .

  11. 在一则名为让澳大利亚为澳大利亚人所有(KeepAustraliaAustralian)的私人赞助电视广告中,乔伊斯告诉观众,一个外国政府正在买走澳大利亚的财富之源。

    He tells viewers in a privately-funded television advertisement entitled Keep Australia Australian that the country 's source of wealth is being bought by a foreign government .

  12. 澳大利亚人JohnAllwood在一份钟之内用头砸碎了40个西瓜。

    Australian John Allwood smashed 40 watermelons with his head in just one minute .

  13. 这位叛逆的澳大利亚人(默多克1985年加入美国籍译注)郑重宣布,计划把他年收入14亿美元的出版业务新闻集团(NewsCorp.)打造成世界上最大的通信公司。

    The Australian rebel plans , in all seriousness , to build News Corp. , his $ 1.4-billion-a-year publishing operation , into the biggest communications company in the world .

  14. 这项比赛每两年举行一次,是澳大利亚人HansTholstrup和LarryPerkins在1987年发起的。

    Started in 1987 by Australians Hans Tholstrup and Larry Perkins , the challenge is held every two years .

  15. 准确地讲,这位24岁的澳大利亚人并非默默无闻&他从2011年起就参加了F1,只是从来没有站上领奖台。

    The 24-year-old Australian isn 't exactly an unknown he 's been in F1 since 2011 but he 's never finished on the podium .

  16. 澳大利亚人安斯蒂是第一个被招进NBA的外国人,而斯洛文尼亚人马可·米利奇是打入世界最强联赛的首个欧洲代表。

    Australian Anstey was the first foreigner called into the NBA , while Slovenian Marko Milic opened the European representation in the world 's strongest league .

  17. 2003年,澳大利亚人FelixBaumgartner成为了第一个通过跳伞跨越英吉利海峡的人。

    In 2003 , Australian Felix Baumgartner became the first person to skydive across the channel .

  18. 对澳大利亚人来说,最近这段时期令人很不安。据墨尔本一家报纸报导,最近受到打击的享有国际声誉的澳洲品牌是“孤独星球”(LonelyPlanet)。

    In what 's been a rough week for Aussies , the latest internationally recognized Australian brand to get hit is Lonely Planet , according to a report in a Melbourne newspaper .

  19. 中国游泳运动员孙杨在周日的世界游泳锦标赛中获得了金牌,同时打破了由GrantHackertt所保持的1500迷自由泳世界纪录,继这位澳大利亚人之后登上了长距游泳之王的宝座。

    China 's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world championships gold and stake his claim to succeed the Australian as king of long-distance swimming .

  20. 现代新加坡的缔造者李光耀在80年代曾预测,澳大利亚人注定是“亚洲贫困的白人渣滓”(thepoorwhitetrashofAsia),他的话似乎有根据。

    And when the founder of modern Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , forecast in the1980s that Australians were destined to become " the poor white trash of Asia ", he seemed to know what he was talking about .

  21. 演员锤弟在加州参加晚会G'DayUSAGala时谈论了两人的关系。G'DayUSAGala是用来赞扬世界各地在娱乐、体育和文化界杰出的澳大利亚人的节日。

    The actor spoke about their relationship while attending the G'Day USA Gala in California , an event honouring prominent Australian individuals from the worlds of entertainment , sports and culture .

  22. 在2013年大选之前,外商持有农业地产曾是一个热门话题。当时,澳大利亚国家电视台澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)开展的“投票指南调查”(VoteCompassSurvey)曾显示,四分之三的澳大利亚人希望加强对土地销售的限制。

    Foreign ownership of agricultural land was a hot topic prior to the 2013 election , with a Vote Compass Survey by state broadcaster ABC finding that three-quarters of people wanted more restrictions on land sales .

  23. 自1984年澳大利亚人Birch成功为洛杉矶奥运会出谋划策后,他就一直参与历年奥运会开幕式策划。

    Birch , an Australian , has been involved in all the opening ceremonies since he cemented his reputation as a creative guru at the Los Angeles Olympics in1984 .

  24. 要让参议员巴纳比乔伊斯(barnabyjoyce)叫停他“把澳大利亚留在澳大利亚人手中”的宣传活动,将需要比这点股份更多的东西。

    Senator Barnaby Joyce will need more than this thin sliver of equity to call off his " keep Australia Australian " campaign .

  25. 检验结果尚未查明澳大利亚的甲型H1N1流感病毒是从其他国家流入,或是在从来没有出过国的澳大利亚人之间传播。

    Tests have yet to reveal if the infections in Australia have been imported from other countries or whether the virus has started to spread among those who have not traveled overseas .

  26. 收到苏菲的来信后,因为没有龙,CSIRO的科学家在博客中发帖向全澳大利亚人道歉。

    After receiving Sophie 's letter , CSIRO published a blog post apologising to Australia for the lack of dragons .

  27. 澳大利亚人和新西兰人十年前在该市开了首家以意式咖啡为主的咖啡馆(例如FlatWhite和Kaffeine),从那时起,咖啡馆就不断出现。

    Aussies and Kiwis opened the city 's first espresso-focused coffee shops ( such as Flat White and Kaffeine ) a decade ago and they 've been popping up across the city ever since .

  28. 这起轰动事件源起于2013年,当时澳大利亚人马特·科比(MattCorby)在Facebook上传了一张赛百味三明治的照片,图中三明治上方有把尺子,显示三明治长度是11英寸。

    The furore started in 2013 when Australian Matt Corby , uploaded a picture of a Subway sandwich to Facebook with a ruler on top showing the sandwich at 11 inches .

  29. 虽然OECD的调查发现,澳大利亚人给其生活满意度打出了7.2的分数(满分为10分),高于6.6的平均分,但还是低于墨西哥、挪威和邻国新西兰的水平。

    While the OECD survey found that Australians rank their life-satisfaction at 7.2 out of 10 , higher than the average of 6.6 , the reading is below levels recorded in Mexico , Norway and neighboring New Zealand .

  30. 去年,罗维国际政策学院(LowyInstitute)的一项调查发现,56%的澳大利亚人认为中国对澳大利亚的投资太多了,相比之下认为这一投资规模合适的只有37%。

    A Lowy Institute poll last year found that 56 per cent of people thought there was too much Chinese investment in Australia , compared with 37 per cent who said it was the right amount .