
  • 网络eda;Ada;EDDA
  1. 我的伴侣埃达(Edda)坐在沙发上,在我身边泪流满面。

    Edda , my partner , was in tears on the sofa beside me .

  2. 埃达的家在仙宫——“一个充满魔力和冒险的地方”,但小瓦尔基里人埃达却没什么事可做,所以她父亲领她飞到“地球去上学”。

    Edda 's home is in Asgard , " a land full of magic and adventure . " But Edda , the littlest Valkyrie , doesn 't have quite enough to do , until her father flies her " all the way to Earth for the first day of school . "

  3. 1991年埃达厂开始逐渐关闭。

    In 1991 the Ada plant began to wind down .

  4. 埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。

    Ada had a wrinkled , simian face .

  5. 埃达听到他的声音吓得人都僵住了。

    Ada stiffened at the sound of his voice

  6. 因此,本文将埃达克岩分为O型和C型两类:O型埃达克岩富Na,其成因与板块的消减作用有关;

    In this paper , adakite is divided into two types : one is O type adakite , which is characterized by Na enrichment and is related to subduction process ;

  7. 拜伦的女儿埃达,也就是洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(CountessofLovelace),则比她父亲更有远见。

    Byron 's daughter Ada , Countess of Lovelace , was more prescient .

  8. 我叫诺埃达,我只是

    My name is Noraida . And I 'm just --

  9. 智者是埃达精灵的中的首席领主。

    The wise are the chief lords of the eldar .

  10. 埃达惹得一个名叫加特的人恨她,于是加特把她吃了。

    Ada made a Gator hate her , so the Gator ate her .

  11. 导演让你和埃达扮演两个姊妹。

    The director has cast you and ADA in the parts of the sisters .

  12. 埃达的计划倒也订得不错,只是往往没能坚持实行到底。

    Ada makes good plans but she cannot carry through with any of them .

  13. 埃达断言那个矮个子男人就是那天晚上袭击她的人。

    Ada asserted that the short man was the one who attacked her that night .

  14. 埃达,你昨天为什么不告诉我衬衫穿反了?

    And Eda , how come you didn 't tell me I had my shirt on inside out yesterday ?

  15. 埃达:啊,可是,布莱恩,善意的小谎言和恶意的弥天大谎之间可是有区别的。

    Eda : Ah , but Brian , there 's a difference between a little white lie and a big black one .

  16. 埃达:布赖恩好象觉得自己上个月占了上风,但我在这里要再一次证明他是错的。

    Eda : And Brian seems to think that he got the upper hand last month , but I 'm here once again to prove him wrong .

  17. 埃达:好,人人都知道诚实是最好的策略,但有时候,善意地说点谎是利大于弊的。

    Eda : OK , everybody knows honesty is the best policy , but there are times when a little white lie can do more good than harm .