
  • 网络erbil;irbil;arbil
  1. 在布什总统发表讲话同时,美军部队突袭伊朗驻伊拉克埃尔比勒(arbil)地区的办事机构并逮捕了五个人。

    At about the same time as Mr Bush 's speech , American forces raided an Iranian office in Arbil , in Iraq , and arrested five men .

  2. 美国国防部部长查克·哈格尔表示,空袭帮助伊拉克军队和库尔德力量阻止了武装分子向埃尔比勒的进攻。

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the airstrikes have helped Iraqi and Kurdish forces stop the militants from advancing on Arbil .

  3. NPR新闻,莱拉·法德尔埃尔比勒报道。

    Leila Fadel , NPR news , Erbil .

  4. 据NPR新闻的莱拉·法德尔从埃尔比勒带来的报道,伊拉克民众被这一事件激怒了。

    From Erbil , NPR 's Leila Fadel reports residents of the cities and across Iraq are enraged .

  5. 她必须得在埃尔比勒找到一个男人们不会光顾的地方。

    She had to find an area in Irbil where men do not go .

  6. 但是,要在她生活的城市埃尔比勒找到一个店铺却困难重重。

    But there were problems finding a place to open her store in her city , Irbil .

  7. 其二,保护驻扎在埃尔比勒和巴格达数以百计的美国外交官和军事顾问。

    And two , protect hundreds of American diplomats and military advisers stationed in Irbil and Baghdad .

  8. 美国中央司令部表示,这轮袭击摧毁了一些武装车辆,其中包括在埃尔比勒市附近袭击库尔德军队的车辆。

    The US central command says the strike 's to destroy armed vehicles including one that was firing on Kurdish forces approaching the city of Erbil .

  9. 我们会保持警惕,一旦这些恐怖势力威胁到我方在伊拉克任何地方的人员或设施,包括我方位于埃尔比勒的领事馆和位于巴格达的大使馆,我们就会采取行动。

    We intend to stay vigilant , and take action if these terrorist forces threaten our personnel or facilities anywhere in Iraq , including our consulate in Erbil and our embassy in Baghdad .