
  • 网络Eta;etta
  1. 法国埃塔问题专家ChristianAguerre表示,这次逮捕行动表明该分裂组织越来越衰弱。

    French ETA expert Christian Aguerre says the arrests the group 's increasing weakness .

  2. 在因与分离主义组织埃塔(Eta,最近已结束其长达50年的暴力活动)存在联系而被封禁十年后,政治分离主义者在去年市选和大选中获得的席位均超过PNV。

    After a decade-long ban for links to Eta , the separatist group that recently ended its 50-year campaign of violence , political separatists won more seats than the PNV in municipal and general elections last year .

  3. 该校首席运营官亨利埃塔?罗伊尔(HenriettaRoyle)表示,卡斯商学院无法从中国赚钱。

    The school is unable to get money out of China , says Henrietta Royle , chief operating officer .

  4. 埃塔看得出来他根本没怎么在听。

    Etta could see that he wasn 't listening very much .

  5. 然而,书写埃塔讣告的为时尚早。

    Yet it is too early to write ETA 's obituary .

  6. 埃塔痛苦地皱起脸,显露出厌恶的表情。

    Etta painfully screwed her face into an expression of disgust .

  7. 不要看着我,埃塔插嘴说道。

    " Don 't look at me ," Etta broke in .

  8. 埃塔教她的女儿说她应该变得更聪明。

    Etta taught her daughter that she ought to barter smarter .

  9. 埃塔一动也不动,假装睡着了。

    Etta didn 't stir , pretending to be asleep .

  10. 我目前正在检查有这方面的埃塔。

    I am currently checking for any eta on this .

  11. 这两名“埃塔”成员是当天凌晨被警方逮捕的。

    The two suspected ETA members were arrested in the early morning .

  12. 这个新常是否还会继续追随埃塔?

    Will the new party also follow ETA 's orders ?

  13. 她眯缝起眼睛,猜疑而又挑战性地看了埃塔一眼。

    She narrowed her eyes and gave Etta a suspicious challenging look .

  14. 她知道埃塔不喜欢被别人反驳。

    She knew Etta didn 't like to be contradicted .

  15. 他两眼欣喜地望着埃塔。

    He was looking at Etta with a merry twinkle .

  16. 现在埃塔是公认的能控制这局面的女子。

    Etta was now the acknowledged mistress of the situation .

  17. 对此,埃塔发出一声大笑。

    At this Etta gave a hoot of laughter .

  18. 埃塔似乎睡着了;至少她两眼闭着。

    Etta appeared to be asleep ; at least her eyes were shut .

  19. 埃塔朝他们又严厉地瞧了一眼。

    Etta gave another pointed look in their direction .

  20. 埃塔现在采取了更为积极乐观的态度。

    Etta was now taking a more positive attitude .

  21. 他用闪烁着喜悦的目光看着埃塔。

    He looked at Etta with a merry twinkle .

  22. 当亨利埃塔接过电话,我听到她那吃力的呼吸声。

    As Henrietta held the phone , I could hear her labored breathing .

  23. 我们两个人就站在亨瑞埃塔街转角的地方聊天。

    and we stood together at the corner of Henrietta Street a-talkin ' .

  24. 埃塔后仰着头呻吟。

    Etta held her head back and groaned .

  25. 埃塔开怀大笑,他也一样。

    Etta laughed heartily and so did he .

  26. 埃塔去年要求休战,一月份又表示停火是永久性的。

    Eta called a truce last year and in January said it will be permanent .

  27. 从洛马普里埃塔地震看天然水面在开封市城市防灾中的作用

    The role of Kaifeng lakes in disaster mitigation in view of Loma Prieta earthquake lessons

  28. 何塞·穆里尼奥对于他的球队在阿诺埃塔球场1-0战胜皇家社会感到高兴。

    Jose Mourinho was happy with his side's1-0 victory against Real Sociedad at Anoeta Stadium .

  29. 埃塔是那地方的常客。

    Etta was a frequent visitor there .

  30. 埃塔逐渐失去了普通巴斯克人的支持,部分原因是他们的血腥战略。

    ETA has increasingly lost support among Basques , partly because of its bloody tactics .