
  • 网络EXETER;University of Exeter;HMS EXETER;Exeter City
  1. 来自英国埃克塞特大学的合著者马修·怀特解释说,这项研究表明,生活在绿色更好的城市地区的人们表现出的抑郁或焦虑迹象较少。

    Co-author Mathew White , from the University of Exeter , UK , explained that the study showed people living in greener urban areas were displaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety .

  2. 对此,英国埃克塞特的科学家们进行了更为仔细的研究。

    And scientists in Exeter have been taking a much closer look .

  3. 她在埃克塞特大学(ExeterUniversity)进修法语和古典文学。她还曾因没有按时将图书归还给学校图书馆而缴纳了50磅的过期罚金。

    She studied French and Classics at Exeter University where she rung up a 50 pound overdue fine at the university library .

  4. 2005年,他曾为托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)委托召开的埃克塞特“避免气候变化”会议撰稿。

    In 2005 , he contributed to the Exeter Conference on " avoiding climate change " commissioned by Tony Blair .

  5. 她同样也就读于一座罩着光环的高中:菲利普斯·埃克塞特学院(PhillipsExeterAcademy)。

    She , too , was applying from a charmed school : in her case , Phillips Exeter Academy .

  6. 埃克塞特大学(UniversityofExeter)国际发展与招生办公室主任肖恩·柯蒂斯博士(ShaunCurtis)对此表示赞同。

    Dr. Shaun Curtis , director of the international development and recruitment office at the University of Exeter , agreed .

  7. 这两种算法是沿墙走(wall-following)和Pledge算法(由英国埃克塞特的JonPledge在12岁时发明)。

    They are wall-following and the Pledge algorithm ( invented by Jon Pledge of Exeter , England at age12 ) .

  8. 埃克塞特大学(Exeteruniversity)的研究人员发现,在业绩最好的企业里,男性执行董事的奖金比业绩最差企业中的男董事高出了263%。

    Researchers at Exeter University found that male executive directors in the best-performing companies were paid bonuses 263 per cent bigger than those working for the worst performers .

  9. 巧克力打印机由埃克塞特大学郝亮博士创建的ChocEdge公司生产,不过它的上市错过了复活节购物狂潮。

    But makers Choc Edge - founded by Dr Liang Hao , from the University of Exeter - have missed the Easter rush .

  10. 她生前在英格兰西南部城市埃克塞特的EDF能源公司工作,在那里结识了现在的未婚夫。他们相识的时候,是在她离开这世界的九个月前。

    She met Mr Bradford at EDF Energy in Exeter , where they both worked , only nine months before she died .

  11. 我们在世界各地的海水样本中都找到了这些塑料碎片,英国埃克塞特大学的塔玛拉•加洛威教授向BBC表示。

    We find pieces of plastic in every sample of seawater we study from round the world , professor Tamara Galloway of Exeter University told the BBC .

  12. 这名29岁的英国人来自德文郡的埃克塞特。15年前,她收到一只红色HelloKitty礼物,并从此开始收集这种可爱猫咪。

    The 29-year-old Brit from Exeter , Devon told The Sun , she started collecting the cuddly cat 15 years ago when she was given a red Hello Kitty notebook as a present .

  13. 领导这项研究的英国埃克塞特大学的NickTalbot说,这一发现可能有助于科学家开发出特效而对环境友好的化学药物以控制这种真菌。

    The discovery could help researchers develop specific , environmentally friendly chemicals to fight the fungus , says lead researcher Nick Talbot of the University of Exeter , United Kingdom .

  14. 柯蒂斯称,国际生源多元化的战略转向成本相当高昂。他所在的部门埃克塞特大学国际部(InternationalExeter)拥有31名员工,另外还有两名全职员工在印度班加罗尔协助招生。

    The shift toward a diverse international field is quite expensive , said Dr. Curtis , whose department , International Exeter , employs 31 people , with two other full-time employees assisting with recruitment in Bangalore , India .

  15. 英国埃克塞特大学(UniversityofExeter)学者米歇尔•瑞恩(MichelleRyan)表示,如果女性只会在特别危险的时刻获得最高职务这个理论需要证据支持的话,英国新任首相特里萨•梅(TheresaMay,见上图)就是这样一个例子。

    If evidence were needed to support the theory that women only get the top job in particularly precarious times , Theresa May , the new UK prime minister , is that woman , says Michelle Ryan .

  16. 罗琳于1987年大学毕业于埃克塞特大学法国和古典文学专业,她们当时的演讲是英国哲学家男爵marywarnock。

    The onetime French and classics major at the University of Exeter recalled her own 1987 college graduation , at which the main speaker was British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock .

  17. 埃克塞特大学讲授海洋生物和全球变化的一位高级讲师StephenD.Simpson博士向每日邮报指出:“这看上去像是柏氏中喙鲸中的一只有喙的雄鲸。”

    Dr Stephen D. Simpson , a senior lecturer in Marine Biology and Global Change University of Exeter , told Mail Online : ' This looks to be a male beaked whale of the species Mesoplodon densirostris .

  18. 来自埃克塞特大学的参与者克雷格·奈特(CraigKnight)教授说:心理操纵真实的工作场所和真实的工作加深了对现有的工作环境设计和管理的理解。

    Co-author Dr Craig Knight , from the University of Exeter , said : Psychologically manipulating real workplaces and real jobs adds new depth to our understanding of what is right and what is wrong with existing workspace design and management .

  19. 来自埃克塞特大学的参与者克雷格·奈特(CraigKnight)教授说:“心理操纵真实的工作场所和真实的工作加深了对现有的工作环境设计和管理的理解。

    Co-author Dr Craig Knight , from the University of Exeter , said : " Psychologically manipulating real workplaces and real jobs adds new depth to our understanding of what is right and what is wrong with existing workspace design and management .

  20. ChristopherThurber博士,一个菲利普斯埃克塞特学院的心理学家表示,回家过感恩节周围都是自己爱的人会让新生们的恋家情绪不治而愈。

    According to Dr. Christopher Thurber , a psychologist at Phillips Exeter Academy , going home for Thanksgiving – being surrounded by people they love – can actually help freshmen to get over their homesickness .

  21. ChristopherThurber博士,一个菲利普斯埃克塞特学院的心理学家表示,回家过感恩节——周围都是自己爱的人——会让新生们的恋家情绪不治而愈。

    According to Dr. Christopher Thurber , a psychologist at Phillips Exeter Academy , going home for Thanksgiving - being surrounded by people they love - can actually help freshmen to get over their homesickness .

  22. 因为这是TEDx埃克塞特,我们可以快速看一下关于埃克塞特的前几个问题。

    And so because this is TEDxExeter , I thought we would have a quick look at the quiz for the first few questions of Exeter .

  23. 这是第二次世界大战,当战争来到埃克塞特。

    It was World War Two when war came to Exeter .

  24. 埃克塞特大学的首席研究员安德鲁瓦特说道。

    Lead researcher Andrew Watts , of the University of Exeter .

  25. 他在埃克塞特大学讲殖民地经济史。

    He lectured on colonial economic history at the University of exeter .

  26. 她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。

    She got a first in maths at Exeter .

  27. 她正在埃克塞特大学攻读学位。

    She 's doing a degree at Exeter university .

  28. 这个项目由埃克塞特勋爵颁奖。

    Lord Exeter presented the medals for this event .

  29. 除了偶尔去一趟埃克塞特,他很少离开那农场。

    Apart from his occasional sorties to Exeter he hardly ever left the farm .

  30. 他住在埃克塞特的东边。

    He lives to the east of exeter .