
  • 网络geo-strategic;geostrategy
  1. 西部大开发要注意通过地缘战略,凭借国际力量实现综合安全保障。

    West exploiting realizes comprehend safeguard by geostrategy and international power .

  2. 试论冷战后美国地缘战略新特点

    Expound the new characteristics of American geostrategy after the cold war

  3. 今年5月俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦的总统齐聚一堂,签约成立欧亚经济联盟(EurasianEconomicUnion)的时候,此举被誉为地缘战略的划时代时刻。

    When the presidents of Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan gathered in May to sign the Eurasian Economic Union into existence , it was hailed as an epochal moment with geostrategic implications .

  4. 过去几年,越南多数新外资来自韩国和日本,胡志明市FulbrightEconomicsTeachingProgram负责人NguyenXuanThanh表示,这既有商业原因,也有地缘战略原因。

    In the past few years , most of the new foreign investment in Vietnam came from Korea and Japan , said Nguyen Xuan Thanh , director of the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City . And that is for both business and geopolitical reasons .

  5. 美国石油地缘战略与中东地区安全

    U.S Oil Geological Strategy and Regional Security in the Middle East

  6. 双重防范:美国对俄地缘战略及其发展趋势

    Double Preventions : The US Geostrategy for Russia and Its Future

  7. 目前中美关系的地缘战略状态如何?

    What is the current geostrategic status of the US-China relationship ?

  8. 由美日觊觎台湾看台湾的地缘战略

    On Taiwan 's Geo-strategy from the Covetousness of America and Japan

  9. 亚洲油气合作与中国的国际能源地缘战略构建

    Asian Oil-Gas Cooperation and the International Strategic Energy Geopolitics in China

  10. 从地缘战略角度认识新疆地缘优势

    Realizing the Geo-advantage in Xinjiang from the Geo-strategy Point of View

  11. 中亚与东南亚:中国石油安全的地缘战略选择

    Central Asia and Southeast Asia : China 's Oil Safety

  12. 美国对华地缘战略与中国和平发展

    Geo strategy in the USA to China and china 's peaceful development

  13. 中国&东盟自由贸易区:地缘战略·中国实践

    China-ASEAN Free Trade Area : China 's Practice of Geostrategy

  14. 欧亚大陆始终是美国地缘战略的重点。

    Thus America has always considered Eurasia continents as the strategic focus .

  15. 东北经济区地缘战略研究

    A Study on the Geopolitical Strategy of Northeast Economical Zone

  16. 文章从3个方面分析了冷战后美国地缘战略新特点。

    The article analyses the characters of American geostrategy from three aspects .

  17. 9·11后美国的地缘战略调整与影响

    Adjustment and Influence of U.S. Geopolitical Strategy after 9 / 11 Event

  18. 大棋局:美国的首要地位及其必要的地缘战略

    The Grand Chessboard : American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives

  19. 中国周边安全环境与地缘战略构想

    The Security Environment around China and Relative Geopolitical Strategies

  20. 从世界体系视角思考中国地缘战略问题

    Reflecting on China 's Geostrategic Issues from the Perspective of the World System

  21. 中亚五国的地缘战略地位地缘政策是一国外交战略的有机组成。

    The territory policy is the mechanical combination for our foreign diplomatic strategy .

  22. 能源外交:印度的地缘战略认知与实践

    India 's Energy Diplomacy : Geo-Strategic Perceptions and Practice

  23. 中国周边地缘战略研究

    A Study of the Circumjacent Geo-strategy of China

  24. 虽然说地缘战略风险很小,但也不应完全置之不理。

    If the geostrategic risk is remote , it should not be ignored altogether .

  25. 美国地缘战略中的亚美尼亚美国对华战略改变了吗?

    Armenia in American Geopolitical Strategy Has the US Changed Its Strategy toward China ?

  26. 研究了当今世界地缘战略格局的发展及演变;

    Studied the development and the evolution of Today 's world geography strategy pattern ;

  27. 浅析美国的欧亚大陆地缘战略

    Superficial view of the USA 's Eurasia Geostrategy

  28. 俄罗斯与土耳其关系的地缘战略思考

    Russian - Turkish Relations ; Geopolitical Strategic Considerations

  29. 中欧地缘战略关系格局的形成经历了其历史的过程。

    The forming of Sino Europe geostrategic relationship pattern had its special historical process .

  30. 中国地缘战略的制定向来是一个重大的现实国际问题。

    Establishing the geo-strategy of China is always an important issue of the international politics .