
  • 网络surface water resource
  1. 塔里木河干流近50a地表水资源利用问题评估

    Assessment on the Utilization of Surface Water Resources in the Mainstream Watershed of the Tarim River since Recent 5 Decades

  2. 采用扣损法和改进的WAM模型分别分析计算了汉江流域地表水资源可利用量。

    The available quantity of surface water resources in the Hanjiang River Basin is computed respectively by deduction method and improved WAM .

  3. 基于Matlab的BP-NN时间序列法预测地表水资源量

    Surface Water Quantity Forecasting with Time Series Method of BP-NN Based on Matlab

  4. 主要研究内容包括:(1)利用GIS技术结合网格剖分法对研究区域内的降水特征和地表水资源量的评价研究;

    The main contents including : ( 1 ) By use of the GIS system , the characters of precipitation and quantity of surface water in the region and grid anatomy method was studied .

  5. 结果表明,由于天津地势低洼易涝,地表水资源量大于35亿m3的丰水年,粮食减产;

    The analysis shows that in the year with surface water resource more than 35 × 109m3 , the grain yield decreases , because there is a lot of water logged lowland in Tianjin ;

  6. 关中地区地表水资源可持续利用的决策支持系统VDSS初探

    Visual decision support system for sustainable development of water resources in middle region of Shaanxi Province

  7. 本文以Matlab神经网络工具箱GUI为依托,用地表水资源时间序列的年径流量资料作为训练样本的基础,生成训练样本输入数据和期望输出数据,建立时间序列神经网络预测模型。

    This paper created train sample input and expectation output data relying on Neural Networks tool boxes GUI based on Matlab with surface water resource quantity time series data as train sample basic , then make forecasts based a model of temporal serial Neural Network .

  8. 根据调查和计算,干旱地区现净用的水量仅160×108m3,只占水资源总量的18%,还处在地表水资源开发利用不充分阶段;

    The net utilized water in the arid region is only 160 × 108m3 at present according to investigation . It accounts for only 18 % of the total water resource , which shows the exploitation and utilization of water resource is in an insufficient stage .

  9. 渭河流域地表水资源未来变化趋势分析

    Surface Water Resources Variation Tendency in the Watershed of Weihe River

  10. 新疆地表水资源质量及变化趋势分析

    Analysis of Quality and Trend of Surface Water Resources in Xinjiang

  11. 最后,并给出了一种简便易行的地表水资源脆弱性评价方法。

    A quantitative assessment method is brought forward in the end .

  12. 地表水资源与天津粮食产量的宏观分析

    The Analysis for Surface Water Resource and Grain Yield in Tianjin

  13. 塔里木河流域地表水资源及径流组成

    Surface water resources and runoff composition in the Tarim River Basin

  14. 现状条件下唐山市地表水资源量探讨

    A Discussion of Surface Water Resources in Tangshan at Present Conditions

  15. 区域地表水资源可利用量问题研究

    Study on Usable Capacity of Surface Water Resources in an Area

  16. 干旱气候对青海地表水资源影响的研究

    Study of Dry Climate Impact on Surface Water Resource in Qinghai

  17. 地表水资源脆弱性:概念、内涵及定量评价

    Concepts of Vulnerability of Surface Water Resource and Its Quantitative Assessment

  18. 中国东北地区地表水资源与气候变化关系的研究

    Relationship Between Climate Variation and Surface Water Resources in Northeast China

  19. 河北省地表水资源计算方法和成果分析

    Hebei Province surface water resources calculation method and achievement analysis

  20. 青海地表水资源的变化及影响因子

    Variation of Surface Water Resource in Qinghai Province and Its Influent Factors

  21. 武威市绿洲城镇化对地表水资源量的影响

    Effects of Urbanization on Surface Water Amount in Wuwei Oasis

  22. 长江三角洲地表水资源问题与对策

    Problems and countermeasures of surface water resource in the Yangtze River Delta

  23. 我国地表水资源近期变化趋势

    Trend of short-term variation of surface water resources in China

  24. 山东省地表水资源特点及可持续开发分析

    Characteristics and Development Strategies Analysis on Surface Water Resources in Shandong Province

  25. 贵州地表水资源主要特征分析

    The main traits of surface water resources in Guizhou province

  26. 气候变化对海河流域地表水资源的影响

    Impact of Climate Changes on Surface Water Resources in Haihe River Basin

  27. 数字流域平台上人类活动对地表水资源的影响研究

    Impact of Human Activity on Surface Water Resources on Digital Basin Platform

  28. 辽宁省地表水资源特性浅析

    Brief analysis of surface water resources property in Liaoning province

  29. 地表水资源的脆弱性及其评价初探

    Concept and Quantitative Assessment of Vulnerability of Surface Water Resource

  30. 中国北方地区人类活动对地表水资源的影响研究

    Impacts of Human Activities on River Runoff in North China