
yū dì bà
  • Warping dam;silt arrester
  1. GPS在淤地坝淤积监测中的应用

    Application of GPS in sediment monitoring of silt retention dams

  2. 基于差分GPS技术的淤地坝泥沙淤积量估算

    Estimation of sediment volume trapped by check-dam based on differential GPS technique

  3. 淤地坝CAD系统的开发应用

    Exploitation of CAD System for Design of Check Dams

  4. 3S技术在淤地坝建设工作中的应用

    The Application of 3S Techniques in the Warp Land Dam Constructions

  5. 3S技术在水土保持工作中的应用发展很快,但淤地坝系建设方面落后于其他工作。

    But its application in the warp land dam construction was lowered .

  6. 应用在淤地坝规划中的GIS模型能够解决传统淤地坝规划中的难点,提高淤地坝规划的精度和效率,将成为淤地坝规划的发展方向。

    GIS model in silt storage dams planning can settle some handcrafted difficulties and improve precision and efficiency of silt storage dams planning . It will be the developing direction of silt storage dams planning .

  7. 用BASIC语言编程的坝系规划设计通用软件已被研制。它能用于坝高小于50m的淤地坝和小型水库的坝体、放水设施和溢洪道设计。

    The universal software for a dam system planning and designing is programmed with BASIC language , it can be used to design a dam body , drainage works and spillway for silt arrester of less than 50m high and small reservoir .

  8. 用BASIC语言编制了微机设计淤地坝的通用程序,它能选择设计坝高5~50m的坝断面,计算渗透流量和坝坡安全系数。

    A universal program of designing a silt-trap dam is programmed by BASIC language for microcomputer use in the paper , which can choose a suitable section of dam and calculate the infiltration rate and the safety coefficient of dam slope for dam height at 5 & 50m .

  9. 三是在每km2的控制范围内,要有骨干坝0.3座、淤地坝1.0座,坝系的整体布局与结构要达到合理,使暴雨洪水达到均衡分配;

    There should be 0.3 main dam and 1.0 check dam within one kilo squire meter . The overall layout and structure of dam system should be rational so that storm flood could be distributed harmoniously .

  10. 为此本人针对淤地坝工作及其3S技术应用发展前景特撰此文,使3S技术在淤地坝建设及其他领域的中有所启示。进而加快水土保持工作中3S技术的普及。

    Based on this , this article deals with the prospect of application of 3S in the warp land dam , wish it will inspire the application of 3S in the warp land dam construction , and consequently accelerate the popularization of 3S in the soil and water conservation .

  11. 取得了如下主要结果:现有的陕北大、中型淤地坝的拦泥总库容为3.98×109m3。

    Results showed as follows : The intercepting sediment reservoir capacity of current big and medium check dams in northern Shaanxi is 3.98 × 109 m3 .

  12. 用石灰土或水泥土修筑淤地坝溢洪道的试验研究

    Experiments on Soil-lime and Soil-cement Lining of Spillway of Check Dam

  13. 黄土高原典型淤地坝淤积机理研究

    Study on Depositing Process of Check Dam on the Loess Plateau

  14. 黄土高原淤地坝的建设与前景分析

    Analyses on Construction and Prospects of Deposition Dams in Loess Plateau

  15. 变革淤地坝管理形式。

    And ( 3 ) reformation of warping dam management model .

  16. 陕北建设淤地坝的生态作用及发展对策

    The ecological function and countermeasures of alluvial dam in north Shaanxi

  17. 延安市水土保持淤地坝规划

    The Check-Dams Planning of Soil and Water Conservation in Yan'an City

  18. 用微型计算机设计淤地坝的溢洪道

    Design of spillways for sand - trap dams by using microcomputers

  19. 淤地坝系试点示范建设浅见

    Opinions on Demonstration and Test of Warp Land Dam System Construction

  20. 淤地坝拦泥减蚀机理和减沙效益分析

    Analysis on Erosion Reduction Mechanism and Sediment Reduction Function of check Dam

  21. 黄土地区修建淤地坝的设计洪水标准

    Designed flood standard for the construction of check dam in loess area

  22. 陕北子洲县典型淤地坝淤积过程和降雨关系的研究

    Depositing process of check dams on loess plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province

  23. 黄土高原水土保持中的淤地坝

    The Silt Dam for Water and Soil Conservation in the Loess Plateau

  24. 淤地坝相对稳定模型实验研究

    Study on Model Test of Relative Stability of Warping Dams

  25. 关于山西省淤地坝建设的思考

    Thinking on Construction of Check Dam for Building Farmland in Shanxi Province

  26. 淤地坝分期施工经济效果浅析

    A brief analysis on the economical effect of constructing silt-arresters by stages

  27. 黄土高原淤地坝工程建设监理有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Warping Dam Construction Supervision on the Loess Plateau

  28. 沟道比降对淤地坝建设影响的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on the Influence of Gully Slope to Warping Dam Building

  29. 淤地坝可持续发展管理模式初探

    Preliminary Study of Management Model for Warping Dam Sustainable Development

  30. 新时期淤地坝规划设计中的若干技术问题探讨

    Research on some technical issues in the plan and design of check-dams