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yū sè
  • silt up;be choked with silt
淤塞 [yū sè]
  • [silt up] 沉积的泥沙使水流不畅

淤塞[yū sè]
  1. 如果没有巨额投资的话,水库肯定会淤塞。

    Without huge investment the reservoirs will silt up

  2. 港口现已淤塞。

    The harbour has now silted up .

  3. 从山上冲刷下来的泥土就要让水电大坝淤塞了。

    The soil washed from the hills is silting up the hydroelectric dams .

  4. 河道淤塞,水流迟滞。

    The river is silted up and the water flows sluggishly .

  5. 河道淤塞,水无出路。

    The riverbed is silted up , so there 's no outlet for the floodwater .

  6. 航道淤塞。

    The waterway is silted up .

  7. 泥沙正使河道淤塞。

    The river is being choked with sand .

  8. 主要问题是防止各港口被泥沙淤塞。

    The main problem is keeping the harbours free of silt .

  9. 我们邻居农场里的池塘淤塞了。

    The pond on our neighbor 's farm silted up .

  10. 运河现在废弃不用了,部分淤塞。

    The canal is now disused and partly filled in .

  11. 在储水区淤塞之前,三门峡一直都是这个国家的骄傲。

    Sanmenxia was the nation 's pride until its reservoir silted up .

  12. 那港囗因潮水冲积的泥沙而淤塞。

    The harbor has been sanded up by the tides .

  13. 这条河的河口今年又淤塞了。

    The mouth of the river has earthed up again this year .

  14. 沉积物开始淤塞河道口。

    Sediment begins to choke the channel 's opening .

  15. 这条运河如果不经常疏浚,就会淤塞。

    The canal would soon fill up with mud if not regularly dredged .

  16. 淤塞河道、水库和渠系;

    Silting up river course , reservoir and channel .

  17. 渗滤取水河床淤塞机理分析

    Analysis on Silting Mechanism of the Seepage Bed

  18. 淤泥堵塞了下水道.沉积物开始淤塞河道口。

    Mud choked the drainpipe . Sediment begins to choke the channel 's opening .

  19. 泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。

    Sand has silted up the river delta .

  20. 多孔介质中悬浮质的淤塞作用对悬浮液渗流动态的影响

    On colmatage of suspensoid and its influence upon flowing states of suspensions in porous media

  21. 泥沙把小河淤塞了。

    Mud is silting up the stream .

  22. 淤塞水库和河道水体,降低蓄水和航运效益;

    Silted up reservoirs and rivers , reducing their benefits of storing water and shipping ;

  23. 负责处理渠管爆裂及渠道淤塞;

    Handling flooding and drain sewer blockages ;

  24. 沉积物淤塞了黄河的一些河道,妨碍了它冲刷污染物的能力。

    Sediments choke some stretches of the Yellow , hindering its ability to flush out pollutants .

  25. 如果您的猫似乎是便秘,他可能会遇到一个小淤塞。

    If your cat seems to be constipated , he may be experiencing a small blockage .

  26. 古老的湖泊已经淤塞,18世纪的种植园里满是多余的灌木和悬铃木。

    The historic lake had silted up . The 18th-century plantations were thick with unwanted scrub and sycamores .

  27. 而进口的水葫芦正在淤塞长江和珠江的部分河段。

    And imported water hyacinth plants are choking some parts of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River .

  28. 这个挖泥船从不停歇,它必须整日整夜地运转来防止河口被泥沙淤塞。

    It never stops and must run around the clock to prevent the river mouth from silting up .

  29. 我有一些平板端盖焊接起来用腿和模具材料的淤塞。

    I had some flat plate end caps welded up to use as legs and mold material blockages .

  30. 不建议用于高速流体或含有可能淤塞闸板的悬浮颗粒的流体的应用。

    It is not recommended for high velocity flow or services where suspended particles can foul the wedge .