
  • 网络Mediterranean Islands
  1. 我们在假日里参观的那个地中海岛屿如同人间天堂一般。

    The Mediterranean island we visited on holiday was like heaven on earth .

  2. 而这个拥有如画般风景的地中海岛屿已经阔别世界汽车拉力锦标赛两年了,期间组织者也得以对意大利站的赛道进行修复。

    It 's been two years since the picturesque Mediterranean island has graced the WRC trail and organisers have used the short break to revamp the route of Italy 's world championship counter .

  3. 最近几周,围绕地中海东部希腊岛屿附近天然气勘探的争端升级。

    The dispute over natural gas exploration off Greek islands in the Eastern Mediterranean has escalated in recent weeks .

  4. 地中海的一个岛屿;和附近的一些小岛屿组成了法国的一个区域。

    An island in the Mediterranean ; with adjacent islets it constitutes a region of France .

  5. 西西里岛坐落于意大利西南部,是地中海上的最大岛屿。

    It 's located just southwest of the Italian mainland and it 's the largest Mediterranean island .