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  • landslide
  1. 本研究选用地化方法:同位素及水化学结合地形及地质调查建立地化特徵与台湾南投红菜坪地滑之关联。

    Coping with the geological and geomorphologic investigations , this study makes an attempt to find the relation between geochemical characteristics and landslide in Hungtsaiping area .

  2. 就在这时,巴特摇摇晃晃地滑着轮滑回来了。

    Just then , Bart returned , wobbling on his skates

  3. 他们加大油门,再切入空挡,随后没大响动地滑下山坡。

    They picked up momentum , then slipped into neutral and coasted quietly down the slope .

  4. 滑雪者飞快地滑过雪地。

    The skier skimmed across the snow .

  5. 塔里木盆地滑脱层与沉积层序的关系

    Relationship between detachment bed and depositional sequence in Tarim Basin

  6. 他们穿四轮旱冰鞋在街上滑行。她穿着旱冰鞋晃晃悠悠地滑了过去。

    They roller-skate down the street . She roller-skated across rather unsteadily .

  7. 我想地滑,空翻像他们一样自由自在。

    I wanted to glide and spin and fly like the did .

  8. fearlessly:无畏地,勇敢地他们毫无畏惧地滑来滑去。

    They 're skating around fearlessly . Come on . -

  9. 他将车子慢慢地滑到朱丽娅房子门前停了下来。

    He slid the car to a standstill outside julia 's house .

  10. 她轻盈地滑开去了。跑者安全地滑入二垒。

    She is skimming away . The runner slid safely into second base .

  11. 换句话说,“金发女孩”仍在优雅地滑过冰面。

    In other words , Goldilocks continues to slither gracefully across the ice .

  12. 它们安详地滑过去,像送葬队列走进公墓大门时那样。

    The procession passes serenely , like a cortege entering the cemetery gates .

  13. 同时像一只恶毒的大蝙蝠一样在舞台上轻快地滑过。

    gliding over like a large and malevolent bat .

  14. 我(在冰上)身不由己地滑起来了。

    I was sliding ( about ) helplessly ( on the ice ) .

  15. 游艇优美地滑入水中。

    The yacht slid gracefully into the water .

  16. 试谈城市地质灾害中的地滑现象

    About Land Slide Phenomenon of Urban Geological Disaster

  17. 有辆小汽车哼哧哼哧,好似在抗议什么,坚定地滑出车道。

    A car whined in protest , but skidded staunchly out of its driveway .

  18. 贾斯帕一反常态地滑到我身旁更近的地方。

    Uncharacteristically , Jasper slid closer to me .

  19. 他紧紧抓住绳子,开始慢慢地滑下峭壁。

    He held on tight to the rope and began inching down the cliff .

  20. 鲍勃?索亚开始技艺超群地滑了起来。

    And Bob Sawyer started skating brilliantly .

  21. 他悄无声息地滑过城堡上空,看见斯内普奔跑着进了禁林。

    Gliding silently over the castle he saw Snape enter the forest at a run .

  22. 这种黑色,黏稠的液体毫无声息地滑过地面。

    This mass of black , viscous liquid flows along the ground in utter silence .

  23. 我们摇晃地滑下泥泞的斜坡。

    We slithered down the muddy slope .

  24. 它那大镰刀似的尾巴入水中后,钓丝也飞快地滑下去。

    Its scythe-like tail into the water , the fishing line to slide down quickly also .

  25. 侍者端上第二道菜。跑者安全地滑入二垒。

    The waiter brought the next dish on . The runner slid safely into second base .

  26. 让时间从我们手指间丰满地滑过

    Time passed through our fingers

  27. 琼看见了艾米,可她背过身去。罗瑞正沿着冰的边缘专心致致地滑,没有看到这个小一点的女孩。

    Laurie was carefully skating along the edge of the ice and didnt see the younger girl .

  28. 她轻盈地滑开去了。

    She is skimming away .

  29. 欧洲好似滑坡而下并急剧地滑入战争的深渊。

    Europe looked like sliding down a slope , and with precipitation , into an abyss of war .

  30. 闽西南地区氧化锰矿体赋存的一个特殊的空间&庙前江家庙地滑体

    Special space for the occurrence of oxide manganese mineralization in southwest area of Fujian province & paleo-slumping structures