
  • 网络World Summit on Sustainable Development;WSSD
  1. 联合国可持续发展世界首脑会议(又称“地球峰会”)8月26日在约翰内斯堡开幕。

    The World Summit on Sustainable Development ( The Earth Summit ) opened on August 26 in Johannesburg .

  2. 筹备可持续发展世界首脑会议的政治进程涉及一项以淡水为优先事项的全面议程。

    The political process surrounding preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development involves a comprehensive agenda , for which freshwater is a priority .

  3. 联合声明将提交在约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展世界首脑会议和2003年在日本举行的世界水论坛。

    The joint statement will be submitted to the World Summit on sustainable development and to the World Water Forum to be held in Japan in2003 .

  4. 可持续发展世界首脑会议明确了今后20年的发展目标,也指明了世界各国城市建设规划者们实施可持续发展努力行动的方向。

    The World Summit on Sustainable Development has made course for the coming 20 years clear , as well as direction for planners all over the world .

  5. 特别是本月初闭幕的可持续发展世界首脑会议,制定了国际社会实现可持续发展的新的路线图。

    In particular , the World Summit on Sustainable Development that closed in early September mapped out a new plan for the international community to achieve sustainable development .

  6. 在2002年南非约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展世界首脑会议上,水被列为水、能源、健康、农业和生物多样化五大可持续发展的世界性课题之首。

    In the world summit meeting about sustainable development held in Johannesburg , South Africa in 2002 , the water has been listed as the head of five worldwide sustainable development topics which are the water , the energy , the health , the agriculture and the biological diversification .

  7. 可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划;

    Plan of implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable development ;

  8. -可持续发展问题世界首脑会议秘书长尼廷·德赛

    - Nitin Desai , Secretary-General of the World Summit on Sustainable Development