
  • 网络Reversible conversion;reversible transformation
  1. 人血管平滑肌细胞表型可逆转换模型的建立及转换过程中PAI-1的变化

    Establishment of Human Cell Model That adult Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypes Can Convert Reversibly and Changes of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 During This Conversion

  2. 本文介绍了在UNIX系统环境下,利用M4宏处理技术和sed非交互式正文编辑,实现Pascal语言与C语言问可逆转换的方法,给出了类Pascal语言和类C语言的构造思想和实现技术。

    This paper introduces a kind of language transforming method between C language and Pascal language , it uses M_4 macro-processing and sed non-interactive tent edit technology under UNIX system environment . It also shows the implement of similar Pascal language and similar C language .

  3. 来自大肠杆菌的galE基因,编码UDP-galactose-4-epimerase(EC5.1.3.2),该酶在正常的代谢途径中催化由UDP-葡萄糖向UDP-半乳糖的可逆转换。

    GalE gene , coming from Escherichia coli , encodes UDP-galactose-4-epimerase ( EC ), which catalyzes the reversible conversation of UDP-Glc to UDP-Gal in regular metabolic pathways .

  4. 加密是使用密钥对数据进行可逆转换的加密算法。

    Ciphers are cryptographic algorithms that can reversibly transform data using a key .

  5. 其最大特点是具有很高的抗疲劳性,可逆转换甚至可以发生500次而没有损伤材料;

    On Reverse Passing of The reverse cycle can be repeated even 500 times without lose of material .

  6. 以XML为公共模型,通过关系数据库与XML的可逆双向转换,建立异构关系数据源的统一转换工具。

    With XML as the common model , the uniform conversion instrument of isomerous database is set up through the reversible bidirectional conversion between relational database and XML .

  7. 所以本文研究以XML为公共模型,通过关系数据库与XML的可逆双向转换,建立异构关系数据源的统一转换工具。转换过程保留关系数据库的完整性约束。

    This paper takes XML as a public model and studies the conversion technology among heterogeneous relational database systems by means of reversible conversion between relational and XML , and this process keep on entity integrity constraints of source database .

  8. 而良好的吸能装置要求碰撞动能应尽可能不可逆地转换为变形能。

    A good energy absorption device can transform as much kinetic energy as possible into the structural strain energy in an irreversible pattern during crashing .

  9. 同时,实际应用中对完全可逆和高转换速率的需求也是十分重要的。

    Complete reversibility and high switching speed are also highly desirable for practical applications .

  10. 幸运的是,有一个简单的方案可以把不可逆的经典运算转换成量子运算。

    Fortunately , there 's a straightforward formula for converting irreversible classical operations into quantum operations .