
  • 网络Antarctic ozone hole
  1. 采用IAP九层全球大气环流模式进行了南极臭氧洞气候效应的数值试验。

    To study the impact of Antarctic Ozone Hole on the global climate , a numerical experiment was carried out with IAP9L AGCM .

  2. 通过改进臭氧的统计反演算法,从NOAA卫星的TOVS资料中提取了1993年南极臭氧洞期间中山站上空大气臭氧含量的资料。

    Total ozone during the period of Antarctic ozone hole of1993 at Zhongzhan station in Antarctica is extracted from TOVS data of NOAA-12 by using an improved statistical regression scheme .

  3. 南极臭氧洞的研究

    A review on study of antarctic ozone hole

  4. 南极臭氧洞对全球气候影响的数值试验

    A Numerical Experiment on the Impact of Antarctic Ozone Hole on the Global Climate

  5. 南极臭氧洞的形成与南极平流层云及其非均相化学过程有很大关系。

    The formation of Antarctic ozone hole is mainly related to the polar stratospheric clouds and the processes of heterogeneous chemistry .

  6. 旧冰箱、车和灭火器必科学家原本预测更快速地正在阻止南极臭氧洞的愈合。

    Old refrigerators , cars and fire extinguishers are preventing the ozone hole over the Antarctic from closing as quickly as scientists originally estimated .

  7. 根据臭氧洞面积与平流层臭氧耗损物质和温度的变化关系推测南极臭氧洞可能在2070年左右可恢复。

    We speculated that the Antarctic ozone hole may disappear in 2070 depending on the relationship between OHS and stratosphere ozone depletion substances as well as stratosphere temperature . 4 .

  8. 通过对IAP9层全球大气环流模式试验结果的分析,讨论了1987年南极臭氧洞对平流层大气辐射加热率和温、压、风场的影响。

    Based on the results of the numerical experiment by using IAP AGCM , the influents of 1987 Ozone Hole on the radiative heating rate , air temperature , pressure and wind field in Stratosphere are discussed .

  9. 南极上空臭氧洞形成和演变的分析研究

    Analyses and studies on the formations and variations of the Antarctic ozone hole

  10. 自1985年发现南极春季臭氧洞以来,对于臭氧大幅度减少所引起的可能后果与危害引起了国际关注。

    Since the discovery of Antarctic springtime ozone hole in 1985 , there has been much international attention focused on the possible consequences of significant decreases of total ozone .

  11. 南极中山站臭氧洞期间O3廓线的观测研究

    The measurements and analyses of ozone profile during the ozone hole period over Zhongshan station , antarctica

  12. 南极上空的臭氧洞于8月至9月间天气最冷的时候形成。

    The ozone hole forms over Antarctica in August and September , when the temperatures are coldest .

  13. 南极东部由于臭氧洞的关系使得其温度下降,即使这样,整个大陆的气温还是呈上升之势。

    And even the extra cooling of eastern Antarctica by the ozone hole has not stopped the overall trend .

  14. 但是在这之前,美国航天航空局就已经拍摄到了出现在南极上空的臭氧洞。

    Before that year , however , NASA had already taken pictures of the ozone hole that appeared over the Antarctic .

  15. 由于南极气温平均较北极低,南极的臭氧洞往往较北极的大。

    Because average temperatures over Antarctica are lower than those of the Arctic , the ozone hole at the South Pole has always been larger than the one in the north .