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  • 网络geological agent;geologic agent
  1. 喀斯特洞穴是喀斯特地貌的重要组成部分,在地质营力溶蚀,侵蚀和崩塌作用下形成。

    Karst cave , an important component of karst geomorphology , is formed by geological agent corrosion , erosion and collapse .

  2. 人为物质流已成为引起地壳物质运动的一种重要地质营力,深刻地改变着地球的表层系统。

    Anthropogenic material flow has become an important geological agent , which resulted in movements of the crust material and profoundly affected the earth surface system .

  3. 地下水本身既是人类生存不可或缺的重要资源,同时也是一种地质营力、信息载体、生态环境因子和灾害因子。

    Groundwater is also a geological motive power , information carrier and factors of eco-environment and disasters .

  4. 陆相层序受自然地理景观、影响地层发育的地质营力及地层类型等因素影响,因此层序类型多种多样。

    The continental sequence deeply affected by natural geographic districts , geological forces and strata types , therefore occurred some kinds of types .

  5. 按4个层次对3种河道失稳模式进行了分析,建立了由不同地质营力引发的悬河失稳模式。

    It analyzes 3 unstable channel modes based on 4 gradations and establishes an unstable pattern for a suspended river caused by different geological agency .

  6. 在构造格局和沉积环境的基础上,成岩作用及其差异性是控制储层性质变化的主要地质营力。

    Based on the tectonics framework and sedimentary environments , the diagenesis and its differences are the essential geological agencies that control the reservoir quality .

  7. 细菌富集金的地质营力及其新陈代谢作用的环境效应,对黑色岩系矿源层的形成具有重要的生物地球化学意义。

    Bacteria , which are important geological agents for gold enrichment and exert effects on geological environments by their metabolism , are of important geochemical significance for the formation of gold-bearing black rocks .

  8. 本文从岩溶塌陷形成过程、主要条件、影响塌陷的自然及人为因素。土层崩解剥落、地质营力、作用力等方面对塌陷形成机理进行探讨。

    This paper has a discussion on the mechanism of karst collapse in respect of process , main conditions , natural and artificial factors affecting the collapse , disintigration of soil layers , geological agents and the mechanics involved .

  9. 滑坡不仅是一种自然灾害,同时也是一种严重的工程地质灾害,其发生和发展受限于地质条件和自然营力的作用,同时也受到人类工程活动的显著影响。

    The landslide is not only a natural disaster , but also a kind of serious engineering geological disaster , its occurrence and development is limited to the geological condition and natural forces , at the same time , which is also influenced by the human activity .

  10. 环境地质学与其他地质学科的最大区别是,把人类活动作为一种地质作用营力加以研究,这是前所未有的。

    The greatest difference between environmental geology and other branches of geological sciences lies in that environmental geology studies human activities as a geological agent , which has never been considered before .

  11. 在地质病害集中的山区修建高速公路时,由于山体切割改变了自然条件下的地质营力,激活了原有地质病害,从而带来了一系列的环境地质问题。

    The construction of expressways in the geological hazard area will activate the original geological disease because the deep cut slopes lead to the change of geologic agent .

  12. 城市区域的地下水是城市地质环境构成要素中最为活跃、动态变化最为剧烈的要素之一,是地质环境中重要的地质营力。

    Groundwater is one of the the most activity and exquisite elements in city geological environment inscapes , and also the most important geological construction power .