
  • 网络eindhoven;PSV;PSV Eindhoven
  1. 后来他在埃因霍温科技大学(TechnicalUniversityofEindhoven)学习应用物理,期间依然对计算机热情不减。

    When he went to study at the Technical University of Eindhoven , he studied Applied Physics and kept up his interest in computers .

  2. 夏比阿隆索与马斯切拉诺控制了中场,这为我们周二冠军杯对阵PSV埃因霍温开了个好头。

    Xabi Alonso and Javier Mascherano controlled the midfield and it has set us up nicely for the Champions League against PSV Eindhoven on Tuesday .

  3. 拉法希望能够力压埃因霍温来确保C组第一的位置。

    Benitez hopes to guarantee top spot in Group C by beating PSV .

  4. 颇有影响力的对冲基金经理人大卫??埃因霍温(DavidEinhorn)公开呼吁微软上层改朝换代,称鲍尔温先生“固步自封”,埃因霍温先生的基金拥有微软的股份。

    David Einhorn , a prominent hedge-fund manager whose fund holds shares in Microsoft , has publicly called for a change at the top of the firm , arguing that Mr Ballmer is " stuck in the past . "

  5. 该公司还在西雅图和荷兰的埃因霍温设有办公室。

    The company also has offices in Seattle and Eindhoven in the Netherlands .

  6. 埃因霍温队连续12场不败。

    Eindhoven are on a twelve-match unbeaten run .

  7. 在埃因霍温时你所经历的里边哪件事情是你最美好?

    Question : What is your best memory on the period you experienced in Eindhoven ?

  8. 埃因霍温是支强队,而波尔多上赛季在法甲表现相当不错。

    PSV Eindhoven are a very good team , and Bordeaux had a fantastic season in France .

  9. 他在埃因霍温状态有点下滑,全队也是如此。

    He was a little toned down in Eindhoven , just like the rest of the team .

  10. 阿莱士现在正租借在埃因霍温,今年他同样吸引了尤文图斯的注意。

    Alex is currently on-loan at PSV Eindhoven and has also attracted an approach from Juventus this year .

  11. 荷甲埃因霍温想租借国奥球员孙祥六个月,但被上海申花一口回绝。

    PSV Eindhoven have an six-month loan offer midfielder Sun Xiang turned down by his club Shanghai Shenhua .

  12. 他最近一次错失良机是在上周对埃因霍温的冠军杯赛的紧要关头。

    His latest near-miss came at a vital juncture of last week 's Champions League tie with PSV Eindhoven .

  13. 我们是荷兰埃因霍温理工大学的学生,最近在做一个关于儿童智能玩具的项目。

    We are doing a project about intelligent toy for children age at3-4 years old as students study in TU / e.

  14. 前埃因霍温中场朴智星期望赢回他在球队的位置并提高他的进球率。

    Former PSV midfielder Ji-Sung Park is anxious to win back his place in the United side and improve his goals ratio .

  15. 红军在资格赛第三轮战胜了马卡比后获得机会和埃因霍温、波尔多以及加拉塔撒雷分在一组。

    The Reds were rewarded for overcoming Maccabi Haifa in the third qualifying round by being grouped with PSV Eindhoven , Bordeaux and Galatasaray .

  16. 6月22日,曼联和埃因霍温就朴智星的转会私下达成协议,转会费大概400万英镑。

    United announced an agreement with PSV for an undisclosed fee for Park , believed to be around £ 4million , on 22 June .

  17. 我们会尽力打败埃因霍温并取得小组头名,但我们也清楚当前的首要任务是在联赛。

    We will try to win against PSV and try to win the group , but now we know the Premiership is the priority .

  18. 他们可能输掉联赛杯的决赛,可能足总杯出局,也有可能被埃因霍温踢出欧洲赛场。

    They might lose the Carling Cup final , they might be out of the FA Cup and PSV might dump them out of Europe .

  19. 但是利物浦相对我们属于另一个世界,而同时埃因霍温每年都能晋级,他们有丰富的经验,就像加拉塔撒雷一样。

    But Liverpool belong to another world than us while PSV have qualified every year and have a lot of experience , just like Galatasaray .

  20. 上一场没有在埃因霍温获胜让我们有些须失望,特别是当杰拉德最后时刻的射门欠缺了点运气。

    We were slightly disappointed not to win the last match in Eindhoven , particularly when Stevie Gerrard was unlucky with his strike at the end .

  21. 这倒并非没有先例的就在前一年,这家总部设在加州的公司已将埃因霍温设计学院的学生派往巴西,与手工艺者一起合作。

    This was not without precedent ; the year before the California-based company had sent students from Design Academy Eindhoven to work with craftspeople in Brazil .

  22. 埃因霍温和沙尔克04都联系过我并表示他们将会派一名教练来观看这场比赛。

    At the game there will be one of the coaches of PSV Eindhoven and Schalke representatives have contacted me as well , he revealed to Sport .

  23. 除设在荷兰埃因霍温的公司总部和国际权限中心以外,安必昂还在欧洲和美国运作其销售和服务机构。

    In addition to the company 's headquarters and the international competence center in Eindhoven , the Netherlands , Assembl é on operates its own sales and service organisations in Europe and the USA.

  24. 马希尔是澳大利亚设计师,目前住在荷兰埃因霍温市。越来越多的人像马希尔这样,认为自己既非男性,亦非女性,而是拥有不断变化的性别身份。

    An Australian designer now living in the Dutch city Eindhoven , Maher is one of the growing number of people who regard themselves as neither male nor female , but as having a fluid gender identity .

  25. 梵高星夜自行车道(vangoghvillagenuenen.nl/het-vincentre.aspx),道路在夜晚会发光,起点是纽南的Opwettense水车,终点是埃因霍温的Collse水车。

    Van Gogh Starry Night Bike Path ( vangoghvillagenuenen . nl / het-vincentre . aspx ) , which lights up at night , begins at the Opwettense watermill in Nuenen and ends at the Collse Watermill in Eindhoven .

  26. 今晚的这个进球就像在冠军联赛中他所打入的那个一样有珍贵,那晚他带着队长的袖标,然后在对阵埃因霍温的比赛中头球建功。

    Tonight 's was another goal as valuable as the one he scored in the Champions League , on the night when he was wearing the captain 's armband and headed the ball into the back of the net against PSV .

  27. 2013年机器人世界杯足球赛当地时间6月30日在荷兰落幕。经过激烈角逐,中国队以3∶2击败卫冕冠军东道主埃因霍温队夺冠。

    China won the Robot World Cup Soccer 2013 against the Netherlands in a thrilling match that resulted in a 2-3 win for China.The Robot World Cup Soccer was held in Eindhoven , the Netherlands , which defended its Robot World Cup title of last year .