
zhuǎn yùn ɡǎnɡ
  • Transshipment port;port of transshipment;entreport
  1. 此外,我们希望贵方注意合同系按FOB转运港上海的条款签订的,因此,你方有责任按时派船至装运港。

    Moreover , we wish to invite your attention to the fact that the Contract is concluded on FOB Shanghai basis ; therefore , your responsibility is to dispatch the vessel to the loading port in due course .

  2. 现在,汉堡以欧洲最快转运港闻名于世,汉堡港装卸的集装箱每三个就有一个往来于中欧之间。

    Today , Hamburg is known to be the fastest transshipment port in Europe . In fact , one out of every three containers handled in the Port of Hamburg travels between China and Europe .

  3. 货物转运在该港办理。

    The transhipment of the cargo has taken place at the port .