
  • 网络the gambia river;GAMBIE
  1. 由冈比亚河蜿蜒流入内地的许多支渠之一。

    One of the many tributary canals that came twisting inland from the Gambia river .

  2. 他们乘渡船再次穿过冈比亚河。

    They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry .

  3. 不久之后,她又回到坦桑尼亚继续从事研究工作并创建了冈比亚河研究中心。

    Soon thereafter , she returned to Tanzania to continue research and to establish the Gombe Stream Research Centre .

  4. 我这样做的目的是要把船驶到非洲海岸的冈比亚河或塞内加尔河;也就是说,到达佛得海角一带,希望能在那儿遇上欧洲的商船。

    I knew that all the Ships from Europe , which sail 'd either to the Coast of Guiney , or to Brasil , or to the East-Indies , made this Cape or those Islands ;