
  • 网络Katsuya Okada
  1. 周六,日本外相冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)访问澳大利亚,进行双边会谈。

    Australia Threatens Japan With Court Action Over Whale Hunt Japan 's foreign minister visits Australia Saturday for bi-lateral talks .

  2. 日本是澳大利亚在贸易和安全方面的一个重要合作伙伴,陆克文的警告是在日本外相冈田克也(katsuyaokada)访澳前夕发出的。

    The warning to Japan , an important trade and security partner , was delivered on the eve of a visit by Katsuya Okada , the foreign minister .

  3. 陆克文将亲自向日本外相冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)发出最后通牒。冈田克也于周六抵达悉尼,与澳大利亚进行预期安排的贸易和军事关系会谈。

    Mr. Rudd will be able to deliver his to Japan 's foreign minister , Katsuya Okada , who arrives in Sydney Saturday for pre-arranged talks on trade and military ties .

  4. 冈田克也写道:我与丹羽相识已久,他是一个非常好的人。冈田克也是日本零售集团永旺集团(Aeon)创始人之子,永旺集团在中国有大量业务。

    I 've known Mr Niwa for a long time and he is an extremely fine person , wrote Mr Okada , who is the son of the founder of Japanese retail group Aeon , which itself has substantial operations in China .

  5. 本周早些时候,日本外务大臣冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)说,东亚共同体应该包括日本、中国、韩国、印度、澳大利亚和新西兰,以及东盟国家。

    Earlier this week , Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada said the group should include Japan , China , South Korea , India , Australia and New Zealand , as well as the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations .

  6. 冈田克也定于今天会见陆克文,他在离开日本时淡化了双方摊牌的可能。他对记者表示:我认为我们之间不存在重大分歧,因为两国仍试图就这个问题展开对话。

    Mr Okada , who is due to meet Mr Rudd today , played down the potential showdown as he left Japan , telling reporters : I do not think we have major differences since both countries were still seeking dialogue on the issue .