
  • 网络Haruhiko Kuroda;Kikuo Iwata
  1. 对日本央行行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)来说,2013年是个好年头。

    Bank of Japan & For BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda , 2013 was a good year .

  2. 亚行行长黑田东彦(haruhikokuroda)计划于明天会见美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner),就增加资本金计划进行游说。

    Haruhiko Kuroda , ADB President , plans to meet Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , tomorrow to lobby for the capital increase .

  3. 日本央行(BoJ)行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)曾承诺,在2013年4月后的约两年内让通胀率达到2%。

    Haruhiko Kuroda , the central bank governor , promised to hit 2 per cent inflation within about two years of April 2013 .

  4. 新行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)领导的日本央行(BoJ)被要求设定2%的通胀目标。

    The Bank of Japan , under a new governor , Haruhiko Kuroda , was ordered to pursue a goal of 2 per cent inflation .

  5. 黑田东彦表示,东亚各国领导人理解有必要增加区域内贸易和国内消费。这是解决全球经济失衡的过程的一部分,美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)最近形容这一过程异常紧急。

    Mr Kuroda said Asian leaders understood the need to increase intra-regional trade and domestic consumption part of a process of unwinding global economic imbalances recently described as extraordinarily urgent by Ben Bernanke , chairman of the US Federal Reserve .

  6. 2013年4月,安倍亲自挑选的央行行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)大幅扩大日本央行的债券购买计划。

    Abe 's handpicked central bank governor , Haruhiko Kuroda , greatly expanded a bond-buying program at the central bank in April 2013 .

  7. 黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)称,汇率波动威胁着亚洲国家之间的贸易增长。人们普遍认为,这种贸易增长是亚洲减少对美欧出口依赖的关键。

    Haruhiko Kuroda said currency movements threatened the growth of trade between Asian countries , widely regarded as a key way of reducing the region 's reliance on exports to the US and Europe .

  8. 在那段时期,日本央行走的是谨慎渐进路线,与这个月黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)搞出的大动静有天壤之别——黑田承诺,要在两年之内让货币基础翻番。

    In that period , the bank took a cautiously incremental approach , a far cry from Haruhiko Kuroda 's big bang this month , with his pledge to double the monetary base in two years .

  9. 该战略中至关重要的一步,是任命安倍晋三亲自挑选的央行行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)。黑田东彦承诺将不遗余力地让日本的通货膨胀水平涨至2%。

    A crucial part of that strategy was the appointment of Mr. Abe 's handpicked central bank governor , Haruhiko Kuroda , who promised to do whatever it took to get inflation up to 2 percent in Japan .

  10. 安倍晋三首相背叛了黑田东彦和日本银行,选择了胜利而非大义,周三,著名政治评论家和记者田原总一朗(SoichiroTahara)在发表于《朝日周刊》(AsahiWeekly)网站上的一篇文章中说。

    Prime Minister Abe has betrayed Kuroda and the Bank of Japan and chosen victory over scruples , Soichiro Tahara , a prominent political commentator and journalist , wrote on Wednesday in a piece posted on the website of the Asahi Weekly magazine .

  11. 东京&过去两年,日本中央银行行长黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)做到了他的一连串更为谨慎的前任未能做到的事:逆转了日本商品和服务价格那颇具破坏性的长期下滑。

    TOKYO & Over the last two years , the Japanese central bank governor , Haruhiko Kuroda , has accomplished what a string of more cautious predecessors had failed to do : reverse a prolonged and damaging slide in the price of goods and services in Japan .

  12. 问题是这些都需要时间,黑田东彦说。

    The point is that it will take time , he said .

  13. 但黑田东彦表示,日本将摆脱经济困境。

    However , Mr Kuroda said his country would emerge from its economic difficulties .

  14. 所有这些都是黑田东彦增加、而非减少行动的理由。

    All of these are arguments for Mr Kuroda to do more , not less .

  15. 2013年3月,黑田东彦接任日本央行行长。

    Haruhiko Kuroda took over as governor of the Bank of Japan in March 2013 .

  16. 亚洲开发银行行长黑田东彦在会议开幕式上指出,亚洲需要调整自身的增长模式。

    ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda told the opening session Asia needs to restructure its growth model .

  17. 黑田东彦及其支持者称,通缩思维是日本许多经济问题背后的原因。

    Kuroda and his supporters argue that a deflationary mindset is behind many of Japan 's economic woes .

  18. 黑田东彦设定的在今年中期通胀率达到2%的目标似乎已经无法实现。

    Kuroda 's goal of achieving 2 percent inflation by the middle of this year is looking impossible .

  19. 但黑田东彦驳斥了这些批评,称将继续保证评估部门的独立性。

    But Mr Kuroda rejected the criticism , saying the independence of the evaluations department would continue to be guaranteed .

  20. 就连日本央行行长黑田东彦也在推动如期增税。

    Even Mr. Kuroda , the Bank of Japan governor , is pushing for the tax rise to go ahead .

  21. 安倍晋三周二宣布,他将推迟实施一项增税计划,而黑田东彦一直对该计划表示支持。

    Mr. Abe announced on Tuesday that he would postpone a planned tax increase that Mr. Kuroda had long supported .

  22. 很多经济学家称该计划不现实,但黑田东彦在周三表示,试一试很重要。

    Many economists say that is unrealistic , but Mr. Kuroda said on Wednesday that it was crucial to try .

  23. 黑田东彦称,新的货币政策足以在大约2015年中期之前,将通货膨胀水平提升至2%。

    Kuroda has maintained that the new monetary settings would be enough to lift inflation to 2 percent by about mid-2015 .

  24. 亚行行长黑田东彦在会议开幕式上说,亚洲需要对自己的经济增长模式进行结构性调整。

    The bank says asian economies are too dependent on foreign demand and need to move away from their reliance on exports .

  25. 假如黑田东彦淡化其通胀目标,那就会表明,他可能被犹豫不决的市场信心击败了。

    Had Mr Kuroda played down his inflation target , it would have demonstrated that he could be beaten by wavering market confidence .

  26. 黑田东彦发表上述评论之前,日本银行进行了官方评估,称消费者价格极有可能暂时停止增长。

    His comment followed an official assessment by the Bank of Japan that consumer prices would most likely stop rising for the time being .

  27. 黑田东彦在接受采访时表示,在除日本以外的整个亚洲地区,“明年7%左右的增长率仍然可期”。

    Mr Kuroda said in an interview that " we can still expect around 7 per cent growth next year " across Asia excluding Japan .

  28. 黑田东彦表示,亚洲银行依然“资本充足”,不良贷款占资产比率不到5%。

    Mr Kuroda said Asian banks remained " well capitalised " , with a ratio of non-performing loans to assets of less than 5 per cent .

  29. 在财务省内部,黑田东彦以倡导积极的刺激举措而著称,与较为谨慎的同事不同。

    Within the ministry , Mr. Kuroda was known as an advocate of aggressive stimulus measures , something that set him apart from more cautious colleagues .

  30. 黑田东彦已经誓言要维持温和的通胀水平,但几十年来累积的低迷情绪绝不会在几个月里消散。

    Mr Kuroda has vowed to sustain a moderate level of inflation . Subdued sentiment built up over decades was never going to be dispelled in months .