
  • 网络Yukiya Amano
  1. 国际原子能机构总干事、日本资深外交官天野之弥(YukiyaAmano)表示,该机构正与东京方面讨论细节。

    Yukiya Amano , a veteran Japanese diplomat who heads the IAEA , said the agency was discussing details with Tokyo .

  2. 此外,国际原子能机构(IAEA)总干事天野之弥(YukiyaAmano)与菅直人和其他领导人会晤,表示国际社会希望从日本得到更多、更快、更准确的信息。

    Meanwhile , Yukiya Amano , director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency , met Mr Kan and other leaders and said the international community wanted more and more accurate information , more quickly from Japan .

  3. 尽管天野之弥坚称自己不受任何人左右,但一些iaea成员国仍认为他是美国阵营的人。

    Although Mr Amano insists he is independent-minded , some IAEA Member States believe he is a creature of the US .

  4. 伊朗对这份报告十分恼火,称报告显示出iaea和天野之弥是华盛顿方面的同谋。

    Iran is already reacting angrily to the report , arguing that it suggests the IAEA and Mr Amano are in cahoots with Washington .

  5. 天野之弥对伊朗的核活动也表示关切。

    Amano also voiced concerns about Iran 's nuclear activities .

  6. 萨利希补充说,伊朗希望天野之弥能他的。

    Salehi added that Iran hopes that Amano will change his approach .

  7. 天野之弥在国际原子能组织的紧急会议上这样表示。

    Yukiya Amano was speaking at an emergency meeting at the IAEA .

  8. 国际原子能委员会的主席天野之弥对此伤透了脑筋:

    IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano is frustrated :

  9. 天野之弥说,国际原子能机构将在10月间,和叙利亚官员就这项问题举行会晤。

    Amano said IAEA staff will meet with Syrian officials on the matter in October .

  10. 天野之弥星期一在国际原子能机构由35个成员国组成的理事会会议上致开幕辞时做出上述表示。

    Amano made his comments in his opening address to a meeting of the IAEA's35-member board of governors Monday .

  11. 原子能机构总干事天野之弥星期一在会议开始时,就福岛核灾难一事,提出了最新的进展报告。

    IAEA chief Yukio Amano gave an update on the Fukushima disaster as he opened the meeting on Monday .

  12. 但天野之弥赞同那些淡化灾难性事件风险的核专家。

    But Mr Amano added his voice to those nuclear experts playing down the risk of a catastrophic event .

  13. 天野之弥指出,德黑兰在国际原子能机构最近一次视察他们的核设施时,对他们的核活动资料已经比较公开。

    Amano did say Tehran had been more open about some of its activities during a recent IAEA visit of its facilities .

  14. 这个协议是日本外交官天野之弥星期二访问北京时签署的。天野之弥去年12月成为国际原子能机构总干事。

    The deal was signed Tuesday during a visit to Beijing by Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano , who became head of the IAEA in December .

  15. 他要求天野之弥调查美国的核计划和数千枚核弹,而不是发表针对伊朗的“失实”报告。

    He challenged Mr Amano to look into the US nuclear programme and its thousands of atomic bombs instead of releasing " untrue " reports on Iran .

  16. 国际原子能机构负责人天野之弥称伊朗有理由回应对核研究的质疑,但却坚持声称其活动是和平无害的。

    The head of the IAEA , Yukiya Amano , says Iran has a case to answer about its nuclear work , but Iran insists its activities are peaceful .

  17. 这项行动计划是由原子能机构总干事天野之弥草拟,由正在维也纳联合国中心举行的联合国监管机构第55届大会。新华社周五报道。

    The action plan was drawn up by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano and endorsed by the ongoing55th General Conference of the UN watchdog in Vienna 's UN center , Xinhua reported Friday .

  18. 国际原子能机构的总干事天野之弥说,伊朗“没有提供必要的合作”,而叙利亚还没有对该机构2008年中就提出的一些疑问做出答复。

    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency , Yukiya Amano , says Iran is " not providing the necessary cooperation " and that Syria has not responded to agency queries since mid-2008 .

  19. 与此同时,刚巧国际原子能机构在维也纳召开董事会议。这次会议从星期一开始,天野之弥在会上指责德黑兰“没有给国际原子能机构提供必要的配合”,他“不能确定伊朗所有的核材料会被用于和平活动。”

    The remarks coincide with a meeting of the IAEA board in Vienna , which began Monday , in which Amano complained that Tehran " has not provided the agency with the necessary cooperation , " and that he could " not confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is [ being used ] in peaceful activities . "