- zenith

[zenith] 在地球表面任一观测点的铅垂线向上延长,与天球相交的一点
Improved model of tropospheric zenith delay for GPS signal
Estimation of Tropospheric Zenith Delay Based on the Continuous Operation of GPS References Network
Zenith compensation term in inversion of GPS Occultation amplitude data
Analysis of remote sensing ground GPS accuracy of the zenith water vapor number of factors .
Numerical simulation is used by MATLAB , calculated the zenith of mirror reflection wave surface .
The accuracy can reach to several millimeters in the crustal movement observation and the determination of zenith delay .
The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion
A method of ascertain GPS within cone above observation station with circle equation and line equations , and adjudicate .
G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the - 15 ° - 55 ° of reflectance zenith angle .
Compared with the IWV calculated from GPS data , the IWV using zenith wet delay model is tested and analysed .
GPS / Meteorology is a new field in GPS applications , in which the precise determination of zenith delay is a key point .
The detailed error analysis is done to the ground-based GPS sensing of water vapor content , zenith wet delay is primary error source .
Detailed description of the ground water vapor PWV GPS zenith remote sensing methods .
The effects of various models and parameters in estimating the tropospheric zenith delay based on the continuous operation of GPS references network are studied .
Digital zenith camera use area array CCD to get the stars image , to locate , identify and calculate the stars .
The result shows that the effects are about several centimeters for GPS stations and several millimeters for baseline vectors and the determination of zenith delay in maximum .
Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Chinese Capital Region from Teleseismic Finite-frequency Tomography The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion
The result shows that the efficiency of polarized beam splitting is periodically varying with the azimuth or elevation of the telescope because of the phase difference between the s and p polarizing vector reflected by film on the mirrors .
Annual period changes of zenith tropospheric delay of CORS stations in Tianjin District
With the modify model of ZTD we can apply a new method for ZTD calculation of none auxiliary stations which can decrease the fee of the network and calculated time of GPS ZTD .
And except for the transpolar arcs , the appearance frequences of other three kinds of aurora are related with Kp index .
There are must calibrated the BRDF of bi-direction characteristic of Dunhuang 's site , because the zenith is close to 50 ° .
The zenith compensation term in Abel integral inversion of GPS / LEO radio occultation amplitude data is deduced in this paper . The computational procedure and its influences on reversed atmospheric profiles are qualitatively discussed .
In dealing with the upper singularity point of Abel inversion transfer , a zenith compensation term is introduced , which makes simple and stable in Abel inversion process .
In this article , we discussed the principle of ALT-ALT mount for small satellite tracker and proved this mount has no blind area near the zenith , need small tracking velocity and acceleration only .
On the ' hot spot ', the NDVI is minimum , and it will increase around the ' hot spot ' with the increase of view azimuth or solar zenith angle ;
Four years zenith tropospheric delay of 12 stations in the CORS network of Hong Kong estimated by Bernese GPS software this paper .
Focuses on remote sensing of total zenith tropospheric delay in the acquisition , the zenith wet delay means and methods of PWV obtained . 2 .
Based on the modified Kolmogorov spectrum and quadratic structure function approximation , the expressions are derived for the variance and power spectrum of the angle-of-arrival fluctuation at large zenith angles .
According to the ITU-R turbulance structure constant model , the SNR and BER varied with the altitude at different wavelengths and different zenith angles are simulated numerically with FORTRAN .