
tiān dǐng
  • zenith
天顶 [tiān dǐng]
  • [zenith] 在地球表面任一观测点的铅垂线向上延长,与天球相交的一点

天顶[tiān dǐng]
  1. GPS信号对流层天顶延迟改进模型研究

    Improved model of tropospheric zenith delay for GPS signal

  2. 连续运行GPS观测网络的对流层天顶延迟估计

    Estimation of Tropospheric Zenith Delay Based on the Continuous Operation of GPS References Network

  3. GPS掩星振幅反演中的天顶补偿项

    Zenith compensation term in inversion of GPS Occultation amplitude data

  4. 分析了地基GPS遥感天顶水汽精度的若干因素。

    Analysis of remote sensing ground GPS accuracy of the zenith water vapor number of factors .

  5. 利用MATLAB软件模拟,计算出天顶镜的反射波面。

    Numerical simulation is used by MATLAB , calculated the zenith of mirror reflection wave surface .

  6. 其中,GPS应用于地壳运动监测和天顶延迟测定均已达到毫米级的精度。

    The accuracy can reach to several millimeters in the crustal movement observation and the determination of zenith delay .

  7. 动态GPS中对流层天顶延迟解算精度分析及实时水汽反演探讨

    The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion

  8. 给出了一种利用圆方程和直线方程判断GPS卫星是否落在观测站天顶圆锥体范围内的方法和判据。

    A method of ascertain GPS within cone above observation station with circle equation and line equations , and adjudicate .

  9. G防水研磨金刚砂在反射天顶角-15°~55°范围进行了测试研究。

    G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the - 15 ° - 55 ° of reflectance zenith angle .

  10. 通过与GPS数据推算的水汽含量的比较,对天顶湿延迟模型计算的水汽含量进行验证和分析。

    Compared with the IWV calculated from GPS data , the IWV using zenith wet delay model is tested and analysed .

  11. GPS气象学是GPS应用的一个新领域,天顶延迟的精确测定是其中的一个关键。

    GPS / Meteorology is a new field in GPS applications , in which the precise determination of zenith delay is a key point .

  12. 对地基GPS遥感水汽含量进行详尽的误差分析,天顶湿延迟是主要的误差源。

    The detailed error analysis is done to the ground-based GPS sensing of water vapor content , zenith wet delay is primary error source .

  13. 本文主要研究:1.详细地阐述了地基GPS遥感天顶水汽PWV的方法。

    Detailed description of the ground water vapor PWV GPS zenith remote sensing methods .

  14. 对基于连续运行GPS观测网络的对流层天顶延迟估算模型和参数的选择,及其对估计结果的影响进行研究。

    The effects of various models and parameters in estimating the tropospheric zenith delay based on the continuous operation of GPS references network are studied .

  15. 数字天顶摄影仪使用面阵CCD芯片对星空进行成像,对拍摄的恒星进行定位、识别和解算,以获取相关的测绘信息。

    Digital zenith camera use area array CCD to get the stars image , to locate , identify and calculate the stars .

  16. 结果显示,海潮对GPS测站有厘米级的影响,而对基线向量和天顶延迟的测定的影响大约为几毫米。

    The result shows that the effects are about several centimeters for GPS stations and several millimeters for baseline vectors and the determination of zenith delay in maximum .

  17. 应用远震有限频率层析成像反演首都圈上地幔速度结构动态GPS中对流层天顶延迟解算精度分析及实时水汽反演探讨

    Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Chinese Capital Region from Teleseismic Finite-frequency Tomography The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion

  18. 结果表明,由于镜面膜层对s光和p光的相位延迟差异,系统偏振分光效率随着望远镜的方位角旋转会发生周期性的变化,同时也受望远镜天顶角变化的影响。

    The result shows that the efficiency of polarized beam splitting is periodically varying with the azimuth or elevation of the telescope because of the phase difference between the s and p polarizing vector reflected by film on the mirrors .

  19. 天津地区CORS站天顶对流层延迟年周期变化研究

    Annual period changes of zenith tropospheric delay of CORS stations in Tianjin District

  20. 该模型为无网外辅助站对流层延迟的解算提供了一种新的方法,可以减少网络维持的费用和GPS解算对流层天顶延迟的时间。

    With the modify model of ZTD we can apply a new method for ZTD calculation of none auxiliary stations which can decrease the fee of the network and calculated time of GPS ZTD .

  21. 向日极光弧则主要出现在子夜前后,子夜前比子夜后多,极向和天顶比赤道侧多。除向日极光弧外,其它形态的极光在中山站的出现情况与Kp指数相关。

    And except for the transpolar arcs , the appearance frequences of other three kinds of aurora are related with Kp index .

  22. 由于FY2B对于敦煌场区的卫星天顶角接近50°,需要进行场地的方向特性BRDF修正。

    There are must calibrated the BRDF of bi-direction characteristic of Dunhuang 's site , because the zenith is close to 50 ° .

  23. 推导了GPS无线电掩星振幅观测反演地球大气技术中Abel积分变换中的天顶补偿项,定性地说明了天顶补偿项对计算过程和反演剖面的影响。

    The zenith compensation term in Abel integral inversion of GPS / LEO radio occultation amplitude data is deduced in this paper . The computational procedure and its influences on reversed atmospheric profiles are qualitatively discussed .

  24. 在Abel积分变换的上奇点的处理中,推导了大气折射指数反演的天顶补偿项,使Abel积分变换的算法更简单而且更稳定。

    In dealing with the upper singularity point of Abel inversion transfer , a zenith compensation term is introduced , which makes simple and stable in Abel inversion process .

  25. 讨论了小型光电人卫跟踪仪的ALTALT机架原理,分析证明采用这种机架形式没有天顶盲区、跟踪速度和加速度较小。

    In this article , we discussed the principle of ALT-ALT mount for small satellite tracker and proved this mount has no blind area near the zenith , need small tracking velocity and acceleration only .

  26. NDVI在‘热点’处获得最小值,在‘热点’两侧随观测天顶角或太阳天顶角的增加而增加;

    On the ' hot spot ', the NDVI is minimum , and it will increase around the ' hot spot ' with the increase of view azimuth or solar zenith angle ;

  27. 运用Bernese软件,采用参数估计的方法计算了香港CORS网12个站4年的天顶对流层延迟。

    Four years zenith tropospheric delay of 12 stations in the CORS network of Hong Kong estimated by Bernese GPS software this paper .

  28. 重点介绍遥感天顶对流层总延迟获取、天顶湿延迟的方法及PWV获取的方法。

    Focuses on remote sensing of total zenith tropospheric delay in the acquisition , the zenith wet delay means and methods of PWV obtained . 2 .

  29. 基于修正Kolmogorov谱,运用相位结构函数的平方近似,导出了适用于大天顶角传输的到达角起伏方差及其功率谱的解析表达式。

    Based on the modified Kolmogorov spectrum and quadratic structure function approximation , the expressions are derived for the variance and power spectrum of the angle-of-arrival fluctuation at large zenith angles .

  30. 依据ITU-R公布的随高度变化的大气结构常数模型,用FORTRAN对信噪比和误码率在不同波长与不同天顶角的条件下随高度的变化情况进行了数值模拟。

    According to the ITU-R turbulance structure constant model , the SNR and BER varied with the altitude at different wavelengths and different zenith angles are simulated numerically with FORTRAN .