
  • 网络Tianshui Normal University
  1. 论天水师范学院图书馆流通工作中的计算机管理问题

    On Circulation Problems of Computerized Library Operation of Tianshui Normal University

  2. 天水师范学院教师发展的现状、问题及对策

    The Current Situation , Problems and Strategies of Development of University Teachers in Tianshui Normal University

  3. 论师范生教育实习中存在的问题及对策&对搞好天水师范学院化学教育实习的几点建议

    Problems and their Countermeasures & Some Suggestions on Improving Teaching Practice of Chemistry Education Majors

  4. 天水师范学院教师身体健康状况与参加体育活动的调查研究

    A Survey of the Teacher 's Health Conditions and Their Participation in Physical Exercises in Tianshui Normal University

  5. 近年来,天水师范学院数理与信息科学学院数学系用它的理论和实践指导高师数学课程建设,突出了全面推进素质教育的特色。

    The Department of Mathematics of Tianshui Normal University has introduced this theory and practice into the construction of high-quality courses .

  6. 摘要立足陇右独特的地域文化资源,天水师范学院创建陇右文化学科,并被列为甘肃高校省级重点学科。

    Keeping footing on the unique local cultural resources , Tianshui Normal University initiates Longyou culture which was categorized as one of the key subject matters of Gansu from2002to2005 .