
  1. 人群的分类体系投射于物质的分类体系。

    Classification system of human is projected onto the classification system of material .

  2. 为此,重点介绍了环境激素类物质的分类、特点、危害、作用机理、污染食品情况及监测手段。

    The article intensively introduced the classification , characteristic , harm , mechanism , food polluted and its inspection of the environmental hormone .

  3. 介绍中国药典2005年版中所使用的抗生素标准物质的分类、命名原则、有效期、使用方法及保存的有关情况。

    The explanatory notes on antibiotic standard and reference substance in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 including the category , nomenclature ( s ), expiry date , method for analysis and storage condition were discussed .

  4. 利用模糊综合评判方法,可对日冕物质抛射的分类进行定量研究。

    The method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , can be applied to the quantitative research of the intensity classification of CMEs .

  5. 南岭走廊少数民族非物质文化遗产的分类及特征

    Classification and Characteristics of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Nanling National Passageway Minorities

  6. 介绍了标准物质的特点、分类及作用。

    Characteristics , category and function of certified reference materials are introduced .

  7. 重庆三峡库区非物质文化遗产的分类及特征

    Classification and Characteristics of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing Three Gorges Area

  8. 重庆土家族非物质文化遗产的分类、现状与保护

    The Classification , Actuality and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Tujia Nationality in Chongqing

  9. 标准物质的等级与分类介绍,以及如何正确使用标准物质提高化工产品分析测试结果的准确度,提高产品质量。

    How to use standard substance to improve accuracy of product determination and quality were also presented .

  10. 化学物质的俗名与分类名称的不同之处在于俗名对其结构几乎没有或根本没有提示。

    A trivial name differs from a systematic name in that ti tells little or nothing about structure .

  11. 多光谱遥感图像具有高光谱分辨率、信息丰富等特性,在地表物质的识别与分类等方面具有其它技术所不具有的优势,近来其图像融合技术研究受到了越来越多的关注。

    Multispectral remote-sensing images offer high spectral resolution and much more information , provide potential superiorities in recognition and classification of the objects in earth 's surface . Recently , the multispectral images fusion technology has attracted more and more attentions .

  12. 太阳日冕物质抛射特性的模糊分类研究

    Fuzzy Classification of Solar Coronal Mass Ejection Properties

  13. 作为非物质文化的民间美术分类

    Classification of Folk Art as Intangible Culture

  14. 论化学物质的进化和化学物质的层次分类

    Evolution of Chemical Matter and Its Level Classification

  15. 化学物质的进化和化学物质的层次分类,是一个问题的两方面,而不是两个不相关的问题。

    Evolution of chemical matter and its level classification are not two irrelevant problems but two aspects of a problem .

  16. 因而物质性财产与非物质性财产的分类方式不尽合理;

    The classification of the Tangible Property and Intangible Property on this foundation also lacks scientific character .

  17. 论坛的目的是为了避免在物质检测方面的重复,统一物质的分类和标签。

    The aim of a SIEF is to avoid duplication on the testing of substances and to agree on their classification and labelling .

  18. 本文根据耗散结构理论,研究化学物质结构的演变,找到了化学物质的进化规律,并得到了化学物质的层次分类系统。

    Grounded on the theory of dissipation structure , the paper is aimed at studying the development of structure of chemical matter and has discovered the evolution law of chemcaj matter , and established the level classification system .