- transcriptional control

MTAl ( Metastasis-associated 1 ) protein is a protein complex with histone deacetylase activity . It plays an important role in histone deacetylation , alteration of chromatin structure and transcriptional control .
Transcriptional control mediated by cleansing of short sequences from gene regulatory regions .
The longest open reading frame in the PTI gene , which contains conventional ' TATA ' and ' CCAAT ' transcription control elements , potentially encode a peptide of 213 amino acids .
Plant responses to abiotic stresses involve many genes and biochemical molecular mechanisms and stress-associated genes , proteins and metabolites form a complicated regulation network in which transcription control plays a balance-holding role .
MEF-2 and GEF may be involved in transcriptional control .
On Mechanisms Kornberg has made breakthrough progress in the molecular understanding of the transcription and its regulation in eukaryotic cells .
As a important regulatory element of 5 ' upstream regions of structure gene , promoter controls gene expression characteristic of space and time in transcriptional level .
Transcription factors ( TF ) are proteins that control the first step of gene expression , the transcription of DNA into RNA sequences , which regulate gene transcription by specific binding of the regulatory regions of DNA sequences .
HAP , a kind of important transcription factor , occurs in yeasts , mammals and plants . It can bind to the CCAAT box and regulate the expression of target genes .
Notch signal pathway is an important mechanism to control the communication of cells and cells , signal transduction in the cytoplasm and transcription in the nuclear by the interactions of cells , then to determine cell proliferation , migration , growth , differentiation , and death .
The combination control of plant gene transcription
These proteins control , as master regulatory transcription factors , pathways of cell speciation and sexual morphogenesis .
The activity of genes is controlled by proteins called transcription factors that are , themselves , the products of genes .
A number of evidences have shown that arsenic is of property to promote tumor by inducing intracellular signal transduction , activating transcription factors and changing the expression of genes that are involved in promoting cell growth , proliferation and malignant transformation .
Transcriptional targeting , which does not change the tropism of virus but restricts gene expression to target cells ;
Up to now , most immunologists have assumed the immune system was governed at the level of transcription factors , the master regulator proteins that control how genes are turned off and on .
Nuclear factor kappa B ( NF - κ B ) has been recognized as an important transcription factor related to many immune and inflammatory responses . NF - κ B activates transcription of many cytokines and controls their biosynthesis .