
  • 网络Nobel Committee;the nobel academy
  1. Brown指出,即使在总统自己的民主党内部,也只有49%的投票者认为诺贝尔委员会作出了正确的选择。

    And Brown notes that even among members of the president 's own Democratic Party , only 49 percent of voters say the Nobel Committee made the right choice .

  2. 对他们而言,诺贝尔委员会只不过是在庆祝这一事实。

    For them , the Nobel committee is merely celebrating that fact .

  3. 一些人表示,诺贝尔委员会的决定过于仓促。

    Some suggested that the Nobel committee acted too soon .

  4. 在这期间,他曾写信给诺贝尔委员会拒受奖金。

    In the interval he had written to the Nobel Committee declining the award .

  5. 不过有人担心对功劳归属的异议也许会让诺贝尔委员会为难。

    But some worry that the disagreement over credit might give the Nobel committee pause .

  6. 也许你是对的,但是我觉得诺贝尔委员会做了一个聪明的决定。

    Ann : Maybe you are right , but I think the Committee made a wise decision .

  7. 挪威诺贝尔委员会主席的宣布出乎全世界的预料。

    He says he is The announcement by the chairman of the Nobel Committee took the world by surprise .

  8. 但他有负诺贝尔委员会的厚望,没有给世界带来和平。

    But , pace the hopes of the Nobel prize committee , he has not bestowed peace on the world .

  9. 诺贝尔委员会表示,在以小城镇生活为题材的书中,这是写得最好的其中一本。

    The Nobel Prize committee said the book provides one of the best descriptions of small town life ever written .

  10. 挪威诺贝尔委员会希望表示,希望其他人可能得到启发他的努力和取得的成就。

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to express the hope that others may be inspired by his efforts and his achievements .

  11. 挪威诺贝尔委员会表彰奥巴马在加强国际外交及各国人民之间合作上做出的非凡努力。

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for " his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples " .

  12. 这个是真实的,当债务在欧洲以及全世界其他问题已经伤害了经济增长。诺贝尔委员会意识到了两个教授的工作展现了政策决定能够影响经济健康。

    The Nobel committee recognized the two professors for their work in showing how policy decisions can affect the health of economies .

  13. 诺贝尔委员会表示,以此奖来表彰禁止化学武器组织为消除化学武器而做出的大量工作。

    The Nobel Committee says the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is honored for its extensive work to eliminate chemical weapons .

  14. 可是,诺贝尔委员会应当可以作出一个更大胆、也更困难的选择,即,宣布今年此奖项得主空缺。

    But the Nobel committee could have made a braver , more difficult , choice by declaring that there would be no recipient at all .

  15. 很显然,诺贝尔委员会已决定重新定义这个使世界更美好的和平奖,虽然它没有明说。

    Evidently the committee has decided to redefine the award as the Nobel Prize for Making the World a Better Place in Some Unspecified Way .

  16. 诺贝尔委员会在1919年,1920年及1921年拒绝了他,因为没有人接受相对论。

    The Nobel committee rejected him in 1919 , and in 1920 , and in 1921 , because no one accepted the theory of relativity .

  17. 不过,在那些经年致力于调解冲突的官员们中间,挪威诺贝尔委员会周五的这项决定也引起了大量困惑与质疑。

    But the Norwegian Nobel committee announcement Friday brought ample doses of befuddlement and skepticism among officials used to years of hard work to end conflict .

  18. 赫尔说,对于接到诺贝尔委员会的电话他感到十分震惊,他用了很长的时间使自己平复。

    He said he was totally surprised by the call from the Nobel committee and that it took a while for the news to sink in .

  19. 正如诺贝尔委员会的评论,“经济行为依赖于对未来的预期,经济学家必须考虑这种预期是如何形成的”。

    As the Nobel Committee observes , " economic behaviour depends on expectations about the future and economists must consider how such expectations are formed " .

  20. 当诺贝尔委员会选择授予我这份荣誉时,我选择的道路不在孤单。

    When the Nobel Committee chose to honour me , the road I had chosen of my own free will became a less lonely path to follow .

  21. 尽管诺贝尔委员会已经给奥巴马颁发了和平捍卫者的称号(还有大约140万美元的奖金),奥巴马仍然是一个战争总统。

    Although the Nobel committee has now rewarded Mr Obama with a title of peacemaker ( plus $ 1.4m or so ), he remains a war president .

  22. 诺贝尔委员会决定将诺贝尔和平奖颁给不同的活动人士:一名是来自巴基斯坦的女孩,另外一名是来自印度的男子。

    The Nobel Committee decision to award the peace prize to very different activists : one a girl from Pakistan , the other a man from India .

  23. 这个宇宙,很明显不想轻易暴露其秘密&那么诺贝尔委员会就不可能在短期内颁发暗物质的诺贝尔奖。

    The universe , clearly , does not give up its secrets easily & and the Nobel committee is unlikely to be granting a dark-matter prize anytime soon .

  24. 108年来,挪威诺贝尔委员会一直致力于促进的正是这种国际政策与姿态,而现在奥巴马是它在世界上的主要代表。

    For108 years , the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world 's leading spokesman .

  25. 看起来,诺贝尔委员会认为,克鲁格曼的公共知识分子角色,是通向这个奖项的踏脚石,而非障碍。

    It seems that the Nobel committee felt that Mr Krugman 's role as a public intellectual was a stepping stone to the prize , not a stumbling block .

  26. 诺贝尔委员会主席梅杰斯在讲话中表示,他感谢格尔和联合国气候专家小组主席让全世界人民关注气候变化。

    In his speech , Nobel Committee Chairman Ole Danbolt Mjoes expressed his appreciation of the efforts by Gore and the IPCC chairman to focus world attention on climate change .

  27. 获奖者获邀发表时长1小时的演说。然而诺贝尔委员会考虑到纳什的精神状况,并没有要求他这样做。

    Laureates are each invited to give an hour-long lecture ; however , the Nobel committee did not ask Nash to do so , due to concerns over his mental health .

  28. 讽刺的是,市场,一个非计划的机制,却是有力的激励兼容机制的最好例子。因此,在诺贝尔委员会对该奖的解释中写道。

    Ironically , the market , an undesigned mechanism , is the best example of a powerful incentive-compatible mechanism . Thus , in their explanation for the prize the Nobel committee wrote .

  29. 奥巴马的确犯了错误,但就像诺贝尔委员会授予他和平奖为时过早一样,对他的总统任期表示失望也言之尚早。

    Mr Obama has made mistakes but just as it was too soon for the Nobel committee to reward his peacemaking , it is too early to be disappointed by his presidency .

  30. 诺贝尔委员会在向亨利·杜南颁发第一个和平奖时认识到这一点。亨利·杜南是红十字会创始人、《日内瓦公约》的幕后推动力量。

    The Nobel Committee recognized this truth in awarding its first prize for peace to Henry Dunant & the founder of the Red Cross , and a driving force behind the Geneva Conventions .