- 网络Nobel Committee;the nobel academy

And Brown notes that even among members of the president 's own Democratic Party , only 49 percent of voters say the Nobel Committee made the right choice .
For them , the Nobel committee is merely celebrating that fact .
Some suggested that the Nobel committee acted too soon .
In the interval he had written to the Nobel Committee declining the award .
But some worry that the disagreement over credit might give the Nobel committee pause .
Ann : Maybe you are right , but I think the Committee made a wise decision .
He says he is The announcement by the chairman of the Nobel Committee took the world by surprise .
But , pace the hopes of the Nobel prize committee , he has not bestowed peace on the world .
The Nobel Prize committee said the book provides one of the best descriptions of small town life ever written .
The Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to express the hope that others may be inspired by his efforts and his achievements .
The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for " his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples " .
The Nobel committee recognized the two professors for their work in showing how policy decisions can affect the health of economies .
The Nobel Committee says the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is honored for its extensive work to eliminate chemical weapons .
But the Nobel committee could have made a braver , more difficult , choice by declaring that there would be no recipient at all .
Evidently the committee has decided to redefine the award as the Nobel Prize for Making the World a Better Place in Some Unspecified Way .
The Nobel committee rejected him in 1919 , and in 1920 , and in 1921 , because no one accepted the theory of relativity .
But the Norwegian Nobel committee announcement Friday brought ample doses of befuddlement and skepticism among officials used to years of hard work to end conflict .
He said he was totally surprised by the call from the Nobel committee and that it took a while for the news to sink in .
As the Nobel Committee observes , " economic behaviour depends on expectations about the future and economists must consider how such expectations are formed " .
When the Nobel Committee chose to honour me , the road I had chosen of my own free will became a less lonely path to follow .
Although the Nobel committee has now rewarded Mr Obama with a title of peacemaker ( plus $ 1.4m or so ), he remains a war president .
The Nobel Committee decision to award the peace prize to very different activists : one a girl from Pakistan , the other a man from India .
The universe , clearly , does not give up its secrets easily & and the Nobel committee is unlikely to be granting a dark-matter prize anytime soon .
For108 years , the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world 's leading spokesman .
It seems that the Nobel committee felt that Mr Krugman 's role as a public intellectual was a stepping stone to the prize , not a stumbling block .
In his speech , Nobel Committee Chairman Ole Danbolt Mjoes expressed his appreciation of the efforts by Gore and the IPCC chairman to focus world attention on climate change .
Laureates are each invited to give an hour-long lecture ; however , the Nobel committee did not ask Nash to do so , due to concerns over his mental health .
Ironically , the market , an undesigned mechanism , is the best example of a powerful incentive-compatible mechanism . Thus , in their explanation for the prize the Nobel committee wrote .
Mr Obama has made mistakes but just as it was too soon for the Nobel committee to reward his peacemaking , it is too early to be disappointed by his presidency .
The Nobel Committee recognized this truth in awarding its first prize for peace to Henry Dunant & the founder of the Red Cross , and a driving force behind the Geneva Conventions .