
  • 网络Nome;Noam;NORM;Gnome
  1. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的诺姆•沃瑟曼花了十年时间,研究创始人对一家公司的影响。

    Harvard Business School professor Noam Wasserman has spent the past decade studying the impact a founder has on a company .

  2. 聊天时,他眼神坚定地注视着你,从诺姆?乔姆斯基(NoamChomsky)的理论、神经网络科学,到移民心态乃至佛教瑜伽,他一切话题都能自信地畅所欲言。

    Picture a guy who can confidently expound ( while maintaining steady eye contact ) on topics ranging from Noam Chomsky 's theories to the science of neural networks to the immigrant mind-set to the Buddhist concept of jnana .

  3. 从那里,称为“musher”的狗拉雪橇车夫将接力把它送到诺姆。

    From there , dogeled drivers — known as " mushers " — would carry it to Nome in a relay .

  4. 如果巴尔托失败了,对诺姆来说就意味着灾难。

    If Balto failed , it would mean disaster for Nome .

  5. 诺姆镇的官员提出了一个计划。

    Nome ` s town officials came up with a plan .

  6. 如果它侵袭这个小镇,诺姆的孩子们将束手无策。

    The children of Nome would be helpless if it struck the town .

  7. 不仅他会没命,诺姆那些生病的孩子也会。

    He would die , and so would the sick children of Nome .

  8. 怎么把药送给诺姆?

    How could the medicine get to Nome ?

  9. 2月2日凌晨5:30,卡森和他的狗到达诺姆。

    At 5:30 am on February 2 , Kaasen and his dog arrived in Nome .

  10. 研究过互联网公司创始人-首席执行官的哈佛教授诺姆•沃瑟曼(NoamWasserman),引用其中一位的话说:我才是拥有远见与渴望来打造一家伟大公司的人,经营公司非我莫属。

    Noam Wasserman , a Harvard professor who studied founder-CEOs of internet companies , quotes one as saying : I 'm the one with the vision and the desire to build a great company – I have to be the one to run it .

  11. 诺姆很腼腆但他妻子却很善于交际。

    Norm is very shy but his wife 's outgoing .

  12. 诺姆.奥恩斯坦是美国企业研究所内的资深政治学家。

    Norm Ornstein is a longtime political scholar at the American Enterprise Institute .

  13. 前副总统沃尔特?蒙代尔输给了来自明尼苏达州的共和党人诺姆?科尔曼。

    Former Vice President Walter Mondale lost to Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota .

  14. 艾迪塔罗德大赛将于本周在阿加斯加诺姆市结束全部赛程。

    The Iditarod is expected to conclude early this week in Nome , Alaska .

  15. 亲爱的诺姆:这个问题相当常见,并不像你想得那么特殊。

    Dear norm : this problem is a lot more common than you might think .

  16. 从传说中可以得知,当创世神创造宇宙时也创造了由克希、艾姆利多和亚克诺姆,也因此创世神被认为是他们的主人。

    According to legend , when Arceus created the universe it created Uxie , Mesprit , and Azelf , and therefore is believed to be their master .

  17. 法官驳回诉讼并指出,除非原告可以证明自己的是真品,否则巴诺姆仿造自己的赝品将是无罪的。

    The judge threw the lawsuit out stating that unless the original could be proven to be real , there was nothing wrong with Barnum producing his own fake .

  18. 她的名字开头叫诺姆扎蒙,意思是“战斗的人”,中间的名叫温妮弗雷德,最后的姓是玛蒂吉泽拉,但是大家都管她叫温妮。

    Her first name was nomzamo , meaning " one who struggles ", her middle name was winnifred and her last name madikizela , but she was known as winnie .

  19. 我不敢肯定是否有一见钟情这种事,但当我第一眼瞥见温妮诺姆扎蒙,我就想要她成为我的妻子。

    I cannot say for certain if there is such a thing as love at first sight , but I do know that the moment I first glimpsed Winnie Nomzamo I wanted her as my wife .

  20. 其次,此研究是为了揭露古王国的维西尔如何瓦解中央政府,以及半自治家族如何在上埃及诺姆兴起的过程。

    Second , this study of the Viziers in the Old Kingdom is to come to light the disintegration of the central authority and the rise of semi - autonomous families in nomes of the Upper Egypt .