
  • 网络Noruz
  1. 诺鲁孜节还与拜火教有渊源。

    Nowruz has some of its history in the Zoroastrianism religion .

  2. 2010年联合国将诺鲁孜节定为国际节日,

    The United Nations in 2010 recognized the International Day of Nowruz ,

  3. 对我来说,诺鲁孜节为一切带来了改变。

    For me , Nowruz brings about change in everything .

  4. 诺鲁孜节起源于一个叫作“大波斯”的地方。

    Nowruz originated in a geographical area that was called Greater Persia .

  5. 诺鲁孜节被认为来源于古代波斯的琐罗亚斯德宗教。

    Nowruz is believed to have its roots in the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Persia .

  6. 诺鲁孜节的意思是再生和重生,

    Nowruz means renewal and rebirth ,

  7. 诺鲁孜节是一种民俗节日,而且受到不同民族和宗教背景的人欢迎。

    Nowruz is a secular holiday , embraced by people from diverse ethnic communities and religious backgrounds .

  8. 诺鲁孜节是伊朗新年,该节日也被叫作“波斯新年”。

    Nowruz is the name of the Iranian New Year and is also called the Persian New Year .

  9. 伊朗人正为即将到来的诺鲁孜节或波斯新年采购传统食品,添置其他物品。

    Iranians are shopping for traditional food and other items ahead of the Nowruz holiday , or Persian New Year .

  10. 该节日庆祝的是春天的第一天。通常,诺鲁孜节都会在3月21日举行,或之前一天或之后一天。

    It marks the first day of spring . Nowruz is usually celebrated on March 21 , or the previous or following day .

  11. 公元2世纪,“诺鲁孜”一词首先出现在了书面文字上。2010年,联合国公认了诺鲁孜节。

    The term Nowruz first appeared in writing in the 2nd century AD. In 2010 , the United Nations recognized the International Day of Nowruz .